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2Wire 802.11G USB Wireless LAN Card v2

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2Wire 802.11G USB Wireless LAN Card v2

Manuf (OEM/ODM): USI US-G-AT-02

FCC approval date: 31 July 2007
Country of manuf.: China

Interface: USB

USB 2.0
Connector: Female Mini-B
Form factor tags: corded (modular) adapter

ID: 0ace:1215 (21 addl. devices)
Windows: USB\VID_0ACE&PID_1215

IC ID: 4110A-USGAT02

WI1 chip1: ZyDAS ZD1211B

WI1 chip2: Airoha AL2230S

Antenna connector: U.FL


For a list of all currently documented ZyDAS chipsets with specifications, see ZyDAS.

For a list of all currently documented Airoha (EcoNet) chipsets with specifications, see Airoha.

This adapter has a U.FL connector inside (the antenna is connected to it).

2Wire part # 1000-100075-000

[ 9169.718248] zd1211rw 1-3:1.0: zd1211b chip 0ace:1215 v4810 high 00-21-86 AL2230S_RF pa0 g--N-
[ 9262.611613] zd1211rw 1-3:1.0: zd1211b chip 0ace:1215 v4810 high 00-1e-37 AL2230S_RF pa0 g--N-