Last 5 Pages Viewed: ALFA Network AWUS036EAC



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(Est.) release date: 2015
EAN: 4718050302215 (UPC DB, On eBay)

Amazon image

B00WC4C3X4 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Interface: USB

USB 3.0
Connector: Male A
Form factor tags: dongle

FCC ID: none available

WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8812AU

Probable Linux driver
Realtek vendor driver (8812au)
Driver version 5.3.4 available on Edimax site
(select EW-7811UAC on Edimax download page)

See also aircrack-ng rtl8812au repo on GitHub
(see also passys)

Windows driver
see Realtek's website

Antenna connector: none

abgn+ac, 2x2:2

OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

Product page (via

ALFA's Linux driver for this device is an RTL8812AU driver set from Realtek, it's presumed to use 8812au

The first appearance of this device's product page on ALFA's website is ~2015-03. It's assumed to have been released in 2015, but it could have possibly been released earlier.