Last 5 Pages Viewed: ALFA Network AWUS050NH v2


ALFA Network AWUS050NH v2

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ALFA Network AWUS050NH v2

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Accton

(Est.) release date: 2009
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Interface: USB

USB 2.0
Connector: Female Mini-B
Form factor tags: corded (modular) adapter

ID: 148f:2770 (6 addl. devices)
Windows: USB\VID_148F&PID_2770

FCC ID: none available

WI1 chip1: Ralink RT2770

WI1 chip2: Ralink RT2750

Additional chips
5GHz Power Amplifier IC;SiGe;SE2537L;SiGe, 2537L, 7326Q;1;
2.4GHz Power Amplifier IC;Richwave;RTC6691;692, 6691, A911;1;

Windows driver
see MediaTek's website
Older Ralink drivers have been removed.
See the Wayback Machine
for some older driver sets (filter by EXE/ZIP)

Antenna connector: RP-SMA

abgn, 1x2:2

Flags: high power

OUI: 00:C0:CA (7 E, 27 W)

For a list of all currently documented Ralink chipsets with specifications, see Ralink.

OEM Accton ("P/N: 142000000013A REV: 02", revision and part number may vary between units)

Green PCB. Supposed to have greater Rx sensitivity than the ALFA Network AWUS050NH v1.

The internals appear very similar to the ALFA Network AWUS051NH (and early AWUS051NH models may be identical).
