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Availability: EoL

(Est.) release date: August 2006
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Type: analog phone gateway, VoIP phone adapter

Power: 12 VDC, 1.25 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Analog Devices AD6846KB (200 MHz)
FLA1: 8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br /> (Spansion S29JL064H70TF100)
RAM1: 64 MiB67,108,864 B <br />524,288 Kib <br />65,536 KiB <br />512 Mib <br />0.0625 GiB <br /> (ISSI IS42S16160B-7TL × 2)

Expansion IFs: USB 2.0, Mini PCI
USB ports: 2
Serial: yes, console, RJ-45

ETH chip1: Analog Devices AD6846KB
ETH chip2: Realtek RTL8201CP
Switch: Realtek RTL8305SC
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 100M
WAN ports: 2

Additional chips
4-ports USB 2.0 Host Controller;VIA;VT6212L;;1;

Stock FW OS: Linux 2.4.18

Flags: VoIP, SIP, RTC w/ battery

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1310 additional devices
of which 168 are ASUS devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: admin
admin:admin credentials used by 1331 additional devices
of which 200 are ASUS devices

Ethernet OUI: 00:15:F2 (2 E, -)

For a list of all currently documented Analog Devices (Ikanos) SoC's with specifications, see Analog Devices.

VoIP Gateway

Support page

"RX3042H" and "REV:1.01A" is silkscreened on the board.

CPU: Analog Devices AD6846KB @200MHz (Fusiv-NP)
Flash: Spansion S29JL064H70TF100 16MB (2x 8MB)
RAM: ISSI IS42S16160B-7TL 64MB (2x 32MB)
WAN: Realtek RTL8201CP (10/100 FE Eth PHY)
LAN: Realtek RTL8305SC (5x FE, 16x VLAN)
USB: VIA VT6212L (4x USB 2.0 Host Controller)
CPU: Analog Devices AD6846KB @200MHz (Fusiv-NP)


