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Airlink101 ASW208

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Airlink101 ASW208

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Netcore

(Est.) release date: March 2008
UPC: 658729082113 (UPC DB, On eBay)

Amazon image

B002M4MZFU (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Power: 9 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel

Switch chip1: Realtek RTL8309SC

ETH ports: 8
ETH conn. type: 8P8C

ETH speed: 100M

Switch class: unmanaged
Auto-MDIX capability unspecified

"PB-863-M02G-30", "MAR 10 2008", and a date code of 0811 is silkscreened on one ASW208's board.

Capacitors used on this board are Fcon branded.