Arris DG3450
Arris DG3450 A
FCC approval date: 02 August 2017
Country of manuf.: China
Series: AC2200
Type: wireless router, cable modem
IC ID: 6670A-DG3450
Power: 12 VDC, 3 A
Connector type: barrel
CPU1: Intel Puma FHCE2752M (2.5 GHz, 2 cores)
FLA1: 512 MiB536,870,912 B <br />4,194,304 Kib <br />524,288 KiB <br />4,096 Mib <br />0.5 GiB <br /> (Spansion S34ML04G200TFI00)
RAM1: 1 GiB 1,024 MiB <br />1,073,741,824 B <br />8,388,608 Kib <br />1,048,576 KiB <br />8,192 Mib <br /> (SK hynix H5TC2G63GFR-RDA × 4)
Expansion IFs: USB 3.1 (Gen1)
USB ports: 1
WI1 chip1: Celeno CL2440
WI1 802dot11 protocols: an+ac
WI1 MIMO config: 4x4:4
WI1 antenna connector: none
WI2 chip1: Celeno CL2432
WI2 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI2 MIMO config: 3x3:3
WI2 antenna connector: none
ETH chip1: Intel Puma FHCE2752M
Switch: Intel PEB7085M
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 4
Additional chips
2.4GHz RF Front End Module;Qorvo (RFMD);RFFM4252;Q, 4252, QPK2;3;
5GHz RF Front End Module;Skyworks;SKY85720-11;SKY, 720, 20001;4;
DOCSIS 3.1 Cable Receiver (Tuner);MaxLinear;MxL236;;1;
Flags: DOCSIS 3.1, MoCA 2.0, TR-069, battery backup
Default SSID: ARRIS - XXXX (2 addl. devices)
, ARRIS - XXXX-5G (2 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 797 additional devices
of which 8 are Arris devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: password
admin:password credentials used by 423 additional devices
of which 12 are Arris devices
802dot11 OUI: none specified
For a list of all currently documented Celeno (Ralink) chipsets with specifications, see Celeno.
For a list of all currently documented Intel Puma SoC's with specifications, see Intel Puma.
Touchstone DG3450 Data Gateway
DOCSIS 3.1 Gateway with 802.11ac Wi-Fi & MoCA 2.0
"DG3450A" and "ARCT04719 REV C" are silkscreened on the board.
2x192 MHz OFDM in the downstream and 2x96MHz OFDMA
- in the upstream along with 32x8 channel bonding.
"Multi Processor Technology with ARM and ATOM based Application Processor"
- CPU: Intel Puma 7 - FHCE2752M (SR31B) @2.5GHz Dual Core
- WLAN: Celeno CL2440 (4T4R AC) + Celeno CL2432 (3T3R N)