Last 5 Pages Viewed: AzureWave AW-NM230NF


AzureWave AW-NM230NF

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AzureWave AW-NM230NF

FCC approval date: 10 August 2015

Interface: NGFF

Connector: M.2
Form factor tags: 1216

IC ID: 6100A-NM230NF

WI1 chip1: Broadcom BCM43438

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: MHF4

bgn, 1x1:1

Flags: Bluetooth 4.1 LE

OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.

IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wireless LAN and Bluetooth combo M.2 1216 module

"2230V3" is etched on the board in the FCC photos.

According to the Test Report for BT LE on the FCC,

  • AW-NM230NF: 1.8Vdc with LDO
  • AW-NM230NF-H: 3.3Vdc w/o LDO