B-LINK AP03 (KY669A)
Type: access point
Power: 5 VDC, 0.5 A
Connector type: USB Female Mini-B
CPU1: Brand? Model?
FLA1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
RAM1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
Expansion IFs: none specified
WI1 module: B-LINK AP03 Wireless Module
WI1 module IF: USB (non-standard connector)
WI1 chip1: Ralink RT2070
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: none
ETH chip1: Supereal SR3211UB
LAN speed: 10M
LAN ports: 1
Flags: portable
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1 additional devices
of which 0 are B-LINK devices
Default login user: blank
Default login password: 111111111111
For a list of all currently documented Ralink chipsets with specifications, see Ralink.
The only significant chip on board is the Supereal SR3211UB (101301AF).
The manufacturer of this device appears to be B-LINK.
The unit is near identical to this pocket AP (Syba I/O Crest SY-ADA24007, on DX) minus the RT2571W based module.
The device has two modes - AP mode and USB passthrough mode (where it acts as a plain old RT2070 based [ID 148f:2070] USB adapter).
111111111111 (13 1s) is the default WEP and HTTP administration key. The HTTP administration (single) page is accessible from the wireless side only with the WEP/admin key required to change unit settings.
The ability to change settings is extremely limited...
- the SSID will always have the KY669A prefix
- the channel can be set to 3, 6, 9, or 11 only
- the WEP/admin key can be changed
- the device IP can be changed