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Belkin F5D6020 v2

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Belkin F5D6020 v2

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Accton WN3302A-1

FCC approval date: 17 October 2002
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Interface: PCMCIA (16-bit)

ID: 01bf:3302

WI1 chip1: Atmel AT76C502A

WI1 chip2: RFMD RF3000

WI1 chip3: RFMD RF2948B

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: none


OUI: 00:30:BD (6 E, 13 W)

Accton WN3302A-1HEDACCWN3302A-1

For a list of all currently documented Atmel chipsets with specifications, see Atmel.

For a list of all currently documented RFMD (Qorvo) chipsets with specifications, see RFMD.

OEM Accton WN3302A-1

On djb's PRISM models page (archived here)

This card identifies in Windows as a...

  • PCMCIA\Belkin-11Mbps-Wireless-Notebook-Network-Adapter-D476
  • PCMCIA\Belkin-11Mbps-Wireless-Notebook-Network-Adapter-01BF-3302


Belkin F5D6020 v2 top.jpg Belkin F5D6020 v2 bot.jpg