Last 5 Pages Viewed: COMFAST CF-917AC



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Availability: now

FCC approval date: 17 November 2017
Country of manuf.: China

Amazon image

B01B75MHR0 (Flag of the United Kingdom (1-2).svg, On Amazon, On CCCmultiple uses)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution

Interface: USB

USB 3.0
Connector: Male A
Form factor tags: dongle

WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8814AU

Additional chips
5GHz Front End Module;Skyworks;SKY85717-11;SKY11, 85717, 41357;4;

Probable Linux driver
See this ew-7833uac driver on Edimax
See also aircrack-ng rtl8812au repo on GitHub

(see also passys)

Windows driver
see Realtek's website

Antenna connector: none

abgn+ac, 4x4:3

OUI: none specified


For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

1750Mbps 11ac Dual-Frequency Gigabit Wireless Network Card

Product page

FCC ID OYRCF-917AC appeared later and it claims to cover model numbers:

CF-913AC, CF-915AC, CF-916AC, CF-917AC, CF-918AC,
CF-923AC, CF-925AC, CF-926AC, CF-927AC, CF-928AC,
CF-930AC, CF-933AC, CF-935AC, CF-936AC, CF-7500AC,
CF-WU710N, CF-WU757F, CF-WU772AC, CF-WU910A, CF-WU925A

FCC ID OYRCF-917AC1 appeared on 6/28/2019 as a Change in ID Request (from unnamed existing ID)

and it claims to cover the following brands and model numbers: COMFAST, VTech, SNOM
CF-758F, CF-759BF, CF-783AC, CF-785AC, CF-786AC,
CF-917AC, CF-927AC, CF-928AC, VU-020, VU-A21

DoC Letter on the FCC suggests that FCC ID OYR-CFWU810N applies to this adapter

but that FCC entry covers a nano USB 2.0 dongle with a RTL8188EUS chipset.