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Compaq WL400

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Compaq WL400
Availability: uncommon

Manuf (OEM/ODM): No Wires Needed Parrot 1100

FCC approval date: 05 November 1999
Country of manuf.: Netherlands

Amazon image

B009SHPKJM (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Type: access point

Power: 9 VDC, 1.67 A
Connector type: barrel
Conn. measurements: 5 mm (OD), 2.2 mm (ID), 9.5 mm (LEN)

CPU1: VLSI VPS10101-1
FLA1: 0.5 MiB524,288 B <br />4,096 Kib <br />512 KiB <br />4 Mib <br />4.882812e-4 GiB <br /> (AMD AM29F040B-120PC)
RAM1: 2 MiB2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br /> (Alliance AS7C4096-15JC × 4)

Expansion IFs: none specified

WI1 chip1: VLSI VPS10101-1
WI1 chip2: Harris HFA3860
WI1 chip3: Harris HFA3624
WI1 802dot11 protocols: b
WI1 antenna connector: SMA

ETH chip1: AMD AM79C961A
LAN speed: 10M
LAN ports: 1


Flags: parts list

Default IP address:

802dot11 OUI: 00:50:8B (2 E, 2 W)
Ethernet OUI: 00:50:8B (2 E, 2 W)

For a list of all currently documented VLSI chipsets with specifications, see VLSI.

"Parrot 11Mbps" and "MAC V3.2" is silkscreened on the board.

This access point is a No Wires Needed Parrot 1100, like the BreezeCOM AP-DS.11.

This device is using a VLSI VPS10101-1 (Ruby II General-Purpose PCMCIA controller w/ 32-bit ARM6 core, press release on the chip from 1995) and an AMD Am79C961AKC ISA Ethernet controller.

The VLSI CPU is presumably handling the MAC + AP functions of this board.

Per the FCC parts list..

  • the VLSI VPS10101-1 is marked as the CPU
  • an Xilinx Spartan XCS10 (XCS10-3VQ100C) FPGA, not visible on the below board scan - presumably under the RF shield
  • an additional 128k x 8 SRAM (UMC UM611024BSW-15), which is not visible on the below board scan.
  • the RFIC collection is a motley collection Harris's PRISM (the original) ICs
    • HFA3860 (IV) - BBP (BaseBand Processor)
    • HFA3724 (IN) - QAM (Modulator/Demodulator)
    • HFA3624 (IA) - RFIC (Prescalar + IF/RF)
    • HFA3524 (IA) - DS (Digital Synthesizer)
    • HFA3424 (IB) - LNA (Low Noise Amp)
    • HFA3925 (IA96) - PA (Power Amp)

The power adapter included with the device is a Sunpower MA15-090 (9V, 1.67A). ID/OD/Len measurements are approximate.

Wi-Fi Certified : W000592 (as of 04/10/2000)


  • The device supports 40-bit WEP encryption.
  • There is no HTTP interface on these devices.
  • Configuration is meant to be done through SNMP using NWN's configuration software.


  • 158603-001, North America
  • 158603-B31, Europe
  • 158603-011, Australia
  • 158603-031, United Kingdom
  • 158603-061, Italy
  • 158603-081, Denmark
  • 158603-111, Switzerland
  • 158603-AR1, South Africa


External links