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D-Link DNS-120 rev A2

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D-Link DNS-120 A2
Availability: common

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Cellvision

(Est.) release date: April 2005
UPC: 790069270666 (UPC DB, On eBay)
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Amazon image

B0002Z45J0 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Type: NAS

Power: 5 VDC, 2.5 A
Connector type: barrel
Conn. measurements: 5.5 mm (OD), 2.1 mm (ID), 9.5 mm (LEN)

CPU1: ADMtek ADM5120
FLA1: 4 MiB4,194,304 B <br />32,768 Kib <br />4,096 KiB <br />32 Mib <br />0.00391 GiB <br /> (Spansion S29GL032M90TAIR4)
RAM1: 32 MiB33,554,432 B <br />262,144 Kib <br />32,768 KiB <br />256 Mib <br />0.0313 GiB <br /> (ESMT M12L128168A-7T × 2)

Expansion IFs: USB 2.0
USB ports: 2
JTAG: yes, 14-pin header, unpopulated
Serial: yes, 4-pin header, internal, unpopulated, 3.3V TTL, (115200,8,N,1)

ETH chip1: ADMtek ADM5120
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 1

Additional chips
USB 2.0 Controller;NEC;µPD720101;NEC, JAPAN, D720101GJ, 0509PPA51;1;
5A Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator;AME;AME1084;;1;
1.5A CMOS LDO;AME;AME8815;;1;

Stock bootloader: ADMBoot

Stock FW OS: Linux 2.4.18 5120-05

TPFirmware supported: OpenWrt • (List | Dev | DLs)

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 3 additional devices
of which 0 are D-Link devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: blank
admin:blank credentials used by 6 additional devices
of which 2 are D-Link devices

Ethernet OUI: 00:11:95 (11 E, 23 W), 00:15:E9 (13 E, 16 W)

For a list of all currently documented ADMtek chipsets with specifications, see ADMtek.

Network Storage Adapter

 • Support page

"EPFS202UA020" and "FS202WU-1B0" is silkscreened on the board.

A date code of 0517 (April 2005) is also on the board.

This device would seem to be a Cellvision FS-202U

(the FS-202WU [wireless capable] probably shared the same board).

This device is listed on the linux-mips ADM5120 device list.

In the absense of a DHCP server, the device will assume the IP of



  °     °     °     °
(3.3) (TxD) (RxD) (GND) JP2

<--- LED ---> Screw + Board RSide edge

Recovery via ADM Boot

Hit the spacebar three times quickly after power-on - you can then transfer

a desired file to flash via XMODEM (Tera Term will work fine if you're
in [or have] a Windows environment to work with). [1] [2] [3]

A successful recovery should look something like the following..

ADM Bootloader (v0.04.01 20040216)
(a) Download vmlinuz to flash ...
(b) Download vmlinuz to sdram (for debug) ...
(c) Update bootloader ...
(e) Exit

Please enter your key : a

Eraseing flash.......PASS

Programming flash....PASS
