D-Link DSS-8+ rev H3
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Switch class: unmanaged
Auto-MDIX capability unspecified
D-Link DSS-8+ H3
(Est.) release date: August 2005
Country of manuf.: China
Amazon image
B00004SYO3 (, On Amazon, On CCC, multiple uses)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution
Power: 7.5 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel
Switch chip1: D-Link DL1008C
ETH ports: 8
ETH conn. type: 8P8C
Switch class: unmanaged
Auto-MDIX capability unspecified
Additional chips
DC/DC Switching Regulator;unknown;AP34063;AP34063, 05285L;1;
10/100 Fast Ethernet Switch
This revision uses the old style D-Link product look (grey + silver + blue tones on the [plastic] case).. so it pretty much looks exactly like the sample Amazon product shot.
The D-Link logo, "DES-1008D/DSS-8+", and a date code of 4005 is silkscreened on the top of one unit's board.
- DL1008C may be a rebranded IP178C.