D-Link DWL-AG700AP
D-Link DWL-AG700AP
Manuf (OEM/ODM): Alpha Networks WAP-D26
Type: access point
Power: 5 VDC, 2 A
Connector type: barrel
CPU1: Atheros Model?
FLA1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
RAM1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
Expansion IFs: none specified
WI1 chip1: Atheros Model?
WI1 chip2: Atheros AR5112
WI1 802dot11 protocols: a
WI1 antenna connector: RP-SMA
WI2 chip1: Atheros Model?
WI2 chip2: Atheros AR2112
WI2 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI2 antenna connector: RP-SMA
ETH chip1: Atheros Model?
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 1
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 63 additional devices
of which 63 are D-Link devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: blank
admin:blank credentials used by 353 additional devices
of which 180 are D-Link devices
802dot11 OUI: none specified
For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.
Wireless AG Access Point