Last 5 Pages Viewed: Dell Samsung Thin 128G μSATA MLC


Dell Samsung Thin 128G μSATA MLC

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Manuf (OEM/ODM): Samsung MMCRE28GTMXP-MVB 0

(Est.) release date: 2009-07-28
Country of manuf.: Korea

Form factor: Thin μSATA
Interface: SATA II

Controller: Samsung S3C29RBB01-YK40

Flash: 128 GiB (Samsung K9HCGZ8U5M-SCK0 x 16) (MLC)
Vendor stated capacity: ? GB
Usable capacity: ? GiB

Dell part : M158R
Dell description : 'SSDR, 128, S2, THM, PM800, SAMSUNG'
stock firmware : VBM19D1Q
label strings : 'Thin 128GB uSATA MLC' 'SEC-B-28GTHINUSSD(B)
rated power : 3.3V 0.31A
cache : Samsung K4X1G323PD-8GC6
other way to call its series : 'PB22-J' 'PM800'