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E-Tech WLUS03

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E-Tech WLUS03

Interface: USB

USB 1.1

ID: 03eb:7614 (1 addl. devices)
Windows: USB\VID_03EB&PID_7614

FCC ID: none available

WI1 chip1: Atmel AT76C505A

WI1 chip2: RFMD RF2958

Antenna connector: none


OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Atmel chipsets with specifications, see Atmel.

For a list of all currently documented RFMD (Qorvo) chipsets with specifications, see RFMD.

This device is listed on the Atmel AT76C502/3/5A device matrix
 • (via, berliOS is dead as of 2014-04-30)
See also: Atmel AT76C50x based wireless devices