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GVC NIC-1010 T1/Z1

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GVC NIC-1010 T1/Z1

Country of manuf.: China

Amazon image

B0053PXBQW (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Interface: PCI

ID: 10ec:8139 (7 addl. devices) SS: 13e0:0001
Windows: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8139&SUBSYS_000113E0

Chip 1: Realtek RTL8139C

Linux driver

Ethernet ports: 1
Ethernet connector: 8P8C
Ethernet speed capability: 100M
Auto-MDIX capability unspecified

Power LED color / function tag
Media connection/activity LED color / function tag
yellow (activity)
Media speed LED color / function tag
orange (100M), green (10M), shared
Media duplex LED color / function tag

OUI: 00:C0:A8 (-, 5 W)

This card would appear to have a Dell P/N of 03K021.

"NIC-1010T1/Z1", "KB9101 01/07", and "MADE IN CHINA" is silkscreened on the top of the board.

All of the radial capacitors are ELCON branded.

It would appear this card was manufactured before GVC's (G-Com Computer) merger (or whatever) with Lite-On.