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Gemtek WL-201

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Gemtek WL-201

FCC approval date: 05 August 1998
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Interface: PCMCIA (16-bit)


WI1 chip1: AMD Am79C930

WI1 chip2: Harris HSP3824

WI1 chip3: Harris HFA3724

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: none

legacy (DSSS)

OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented AMD chipsets with specifications, see AMD.

For a list of all currently documented Harris chipsets with specifications, see Harris.

This device was also sold by Farallon as the SkyLINE Wireless Card.

A small shot of the Farallon branded unit is visible here.

This device would seem to use Harris HFA3824A and HFA3724.