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Gemtek WL-375

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Gemtek WL-375
Availability: EoL

FCC approval date: 07 December 2001
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Interface: PCMCIA (16-bit) (non-standard connector)

FCC ID: MXF-C901114

Chipset: Intersil PRISM 2.5

WI1 chip1: Intersil ISL3873B

WI1 chip2: Intersil ISL3685

Probable Linux driver
hostap or orinoco (in backports)
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: unknown


OUI: none specified

Gemtek P380AMXF-R910625
Linksys BEFW11S4 v2 (WL-375)MXF-C901114
SparkLAN WX-5801MXF-AD920429
 Chip1 brandChip2 brand
Gemtek WL-375IntersilIntersil
Gemtek WL-375PIntersilIntersil

For a list of all currently documented Intersil chipsets with specifications, see Intersil.

11Mbps Wireless LAN Module

See also FCC ID: MXF-C901114 (Gemtek WL-375, PRISM 2.5)

and MXF-C910308 (Gemtek WL-375P, PRISM 3).