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Gemtek WSDP-604GN

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Gemtek WSDP-604GN

FCC approval date: 21 October 2011

Interface: SD Card

IC ID: 3069B-WSDP604GN

WI1 chip1: Redpine Signals Model?

WI1 chip2: Airoha Model?

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: none

bgn, 1x1:1

OUI: none specified

d-broad SD-Link11nMXF-WSDP604GN

For a list of all currently documented Redpine Signals (Silicon Labs) chipsets with specifications, see Redpine Signals.

For a list of all currently documented Airoha (EcoNet) chipsets with specifications, see Airoha.

"WSDP-604GN_V03" is silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos.

There is also a MAC label with a 00:22:F4 OUI affixed to the board.