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IBoss Home Wireless G

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iBoss Home Wireless G

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Edimax BR-6204Wg v2

FCC approval date: 16 August 2005
(Est.) release date: November 2007
(Est.) initial retail price (in USD): $129.95
Country of manuf.: China

Type: wireless router

FCC ID: NDD9562040507

Power: 12 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Realtek RTL8186
FLA1: 4 MiB4,194,304 B <br />32,768 Kib <br />4,096 KiB <br />32 Mib <br />0.00391 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX29LV320CBTC-70G)
RAM1: 16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (Mezza Z2V64S40DTP-G75 × 2)

Expansion IFs: none specified

WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8186
WI1 chip2: Realtek RTL8225
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: RP-SMA

ETH chip1: Realtek RTL8186
Switch: Realtek RTL8305SC
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 100M
WAN ports: 1


Default SSID: iboss-XXXXXX
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1310 additional devices
of which 0 are iBoss devices

802dot11 OUI: 00:0E:2E (3 E, 13 W)
Ethernet OUI: 00:0E:2E (3 E, 13 W)

For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

iBoss Home Parental Control - Advanced Internet Content Filter and Wireless-G Router
Product page (via

"1244-00000445-01Z Rev.A" is silkscreened on the board (or at least one board).

Per the manual, to reset the device to factory defaults...

  • power off the unit
  • reconnect the power
  • upon connecting the power, wait for the power LED to start blinking, then wait for the power LED to go solid
  • hold the reset button for 15 seconds
  • release power button
  • wait for up to 3 min

The FCC ID on the device label is NDD9562040507.. but it would seem that it should instead be NDD9562040608 (the FCC ID of the v2, which shares the same silkscreened text on the board).

The phantom-334455 SSID would seem to be relevant to this device..