Last 5 Pages Viewed: Intel 520 Series 240GB (SSDSC2CW240A3)


Intel 520 Series 240GB (SSDSC2CW240A3)

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Intel 520 Series 240GB  (SSDSC2CW240A3)

(Est.) release date: February 2012

Amazon image

B006VCP9G6 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Form factor: 2.5"
Form factor flags: 7mm, 9.5mm
Interface: SATA III

Controller: SandForce SF-2281

Flash: 256 GiB (Intel JS29F16B08CCME2 x 16) (MLC)
Flash flags: 25nm, synchronous
Vendor stated capacity: 240 GB223.427 GiB <br />0.218 TiB <br />228,789.323 MiB <br />240,000 MB <br />239,902,993,326.98 B <br />
Usable capacity: ? GiB

Review on

The controller used is a SandForce SF-2281VB1-SDC.
The device uses 16 x Intel JS29F16B08CCME2 (29F16B08CCME2, 113017) 128Gb Flash chips (25nm process).
Green PCB, ("CHERRYVILLE" and "SILK_BOTTOM" is silkscreened on the controller side. "SILK_TOP", "CHERRYVILLE", and "FAB 3" is silkscreened on the other side of the board.)

Review on

7mm thickness without plastic spacer, 9.5mm with it
