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Intel EtherExpress PRO/100+ Dual Port Adapter (751110-001)

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Intel EtherExpress PRO/100+ (751110-001)
Availability: EoL

FCC approval date: 09 July 1998

Amazon image

B002UQZAX4 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution

Interface: PCI

ID: 8086:1229 (5 addl. devices) SS: 8086:10f0
Windows: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10F08086


Chip 1: Intel 82558B (SB82558B)

Chip 2: Intel 82558B (SB82558B)

Linux driver

Ethernet ports: 2
Ethernet connector: 8P8C
Ethernet speed capability: 100M
Auto-MDIX capability unspecified

OUI: 00:90:27 (2 E, -)

The "751110-001" model is found on the sticker affixed to the top of the card used to populate this entry.

A PB code (703875-004) and a MP code (710065-004) is etched onto the bottom of the card.

This device is using an (Intel branded) Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) 21152-AB PCI bridge.

The device presents itself to the host system as...

  • One [1011:0024] device (DEC chip 21152)
  • Two [8086:1229] (8086:10f0) devices