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Intel PRO/1000 VT Quad Port Server Adapter (EXPI9404VT)

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Intel PRO/1000 VT Quad Port Server Adapter (EXPI9404VT)

Country of manuf.: Malaysia

Amazon image

B002JLKNIW (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Interface: PCIe

PCIe 1.1
Form factor tags: quad-lane

Chip 1: Intel 82575GB

Chip 2: Intel 82575GB

Ethernet ports: 4
Ethernet connector: 8P8C
Ethernet speed capability: 1G
has Auto-MDIX capability

OUI: 00:1B:21 (3 E, -)

Dell model 0YT674 / YT674

there would seem to be an IDT PCIe packet switch onboard..