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Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (AX200NGW)

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Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (AX200NGW)
Cyclone Peak 2

FCC approval date: 05 March 2019
(Est.) release date: 03 April 2019
Country of manuf.: China
S/N prefix: Cyclone Peak 2
Series: AX3000

Amazon image

B082X6Z2M7 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
B07V9N9XVJ (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution

Interface: NGFF

PCIe / USB 2.0
Connector: M.2
Form factor tags: 2230 (Key A/E)

ID: 8086:2723 (2 addl. devices)
Windows: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2723

FCC ID: PD9AX200NG, MSQAX200NG, RWO-RZ090301, RWO-RZ090287
IC ID: 1000M‐AX200NG, 3568A-AX200NG, 8092D-RZ090301

WI1 chip1: Intel WCSAX200

Probable Linux driver
Full support it is available in 5.5.0-rc kernel
(see also passys)

Windows driver
Win10 (64-bit only)

Antenna connector: MHF4

abgn+ac+ax, 2x2:2

Flags: Wi-Fi 6, 1024QAM, HE160, VHT160, DFS (slave), Bluetooth 5.0

OUI: 9C:FC:E8 (-, 1 W)

For a list of all currently documented Intel chipsets with specifications, see Intel.

574 Mbps - 2SS 2.4GHz 802.11ax (40MHz chan.)
2402 Mbps - 2SS 5GHz 802.11ax (160MHz chan., 1024-QAM) = AX3000 class

2x2 WLAN/BT PCIe M.2 2230 Combo Adapter Card

Cyclone Peak 2, NGFF M.2 2230 (Key A/E)
Intel Ark Specsiwlwifi

The Test Report JBP document says that the card was tested in an Extender Main and Card board

called "CRF CNVIO DB M2" which is "Used to have a functional EUT outside a PC or laptop."

This suggests that the AX201 uses CNVio, like the AX211 is expected to, and may mean

that the card can only be used in systems with certain Intel CPUs.


Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX seriesIntel
Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (Gig +) Wireless LAN Adapter (AX211NGW) • EEC
Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (Gig +) Wireless LAN Adapter (AX211D2W) • EEC
Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (Gig +) Wireless LAN Adapter (AX211D2WL) • EEC
