Intel WiFi/BT IoT Module (WT-3003)
Intel WT-3003
FCC approval date: 08 April 2019
Country of manuf.: USA
Type: IoT, module
Power: ? VDC, ? A
CPU1: Espressif ESP32
FLA1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
RAM1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
Expansion IFs: none specified
WI1 module: Espressif ESP-WROOM-32
WI1 chip1: Espressif ESP32
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 1x1:1
WI1 antenna connector: none
Flags: Bluetooth 4.2 LE
802dot11 OUI: none specified
For a list of all currently documented Espressif chipsets with specifications, see Espressif.
WiFi and Bluetooth Internet of Things Module
- FCC ID: 2AK6W-WT-3003 is a change in ID request from 2AC7Z-ESPWROOM32
- Intel describes the changes as follows,
"There is no change in the design, circuitry, or construction, and the original test results continue to be
- representative of and applicable to the equipment.
The only differences are its placement inside a plastic enclosure and change in model name to WT-3003.
- The additional testing for EMI and RF exposure has been completed and a Class II Permissive Change
- will be completed."