Libre Computer La Frite (1GB)

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Libre Computer AML-S805X-AC La Frite (1GB) V1.0A

(Est.) release date: June 2019
(Est.) initial retail price (in USD): $25
Country of manuf.: China

Type: single-board computer

Power: 5 VDC, 2 A
Connector type: USB (Micro-B) Female

CPU1: Amlogic S805X (1.2 GHz, 4 cores)
FLA1: 16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (GigaDevice GD25LQ128DWIG)
RAM1: 1 GiB 1,024 MiB <br />1,073,741,824 B <br />8,388,608 Kib <br />1,048,576 KiB <br />8,192 Mib <br /> (Samsung K4A8G165WB-BCRC)

Expansion IFs: USB 2.0
USB ports: 2
Serial: yes, via GPIO header, 3.3V TTL, (115200 8N1)

ETH chip1: Amlogic S805X
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 1

Additional chips
Capless 2V to 3V Line Driver w/ Adjustable Gain;SG Micro;SGM8905;;1;

Stock bootloader: U-Boot 2019.04

Stock FW OS: Linux 4.19.56

TPFirmware supported: Debian (GNU), Linux 9 (stretch)

Flags: HDMI 1.4a, eMMC module socket, CVBS header, ADC header, IR receiver, SPI, UART, GPIO, I2C

Default IP address: acquired via DHCP
the IP acquired via DHCP is used by 212 additional devices
of which 3 are Libre Computer devices
Default login user: libre
Default login password: computer

Ethernet OUI: 18:66:C7 (1 E, -)

For a list of all currently documented Amlogic chipsets with specifications, see Amlogic.

Single-board Computer

Product page

"Libre Computer AML-S805X-AC V1.0A" is silkscreened

on the board (near the 40-pin RPi compatible header).


Hardware specification

  • CPU: Amlogic S805X @1.2GHz Quad-core ARM (Cortex-A53)
  • GPU: ARM Mali-450; Memory: 1GB (DDR4-2400) RAM
  • Storage: 16MB (SPI NOR), eMMC module socket


Libre ComputerList of SBCs