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Microsoft Surface Studio

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Microsoft Surface Studio
Availability: now

FCC approval date: 26 October 2016
(Est.) release date: 15 December 2016
Country of manuf.: China

Amazon image

B01M8PBGUW (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

FCC ID: C3K1707
IC ID: 3048A-1707

Power: ? VDC, ? A

CPU1: Brand? Model?
FLA1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
RAM1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)

802dot11 WI1 chip 1: Marvell 88W8897

802dot11 WI1 chip 2: MediaTek MT7600UAN

abgn+ac, 2x2:2

Categorized as: all-in-one desktop

Stock OS/FW: Windows 10

Flags: bluetooth 4.0

OUI: none specified

Product page

This is a fairly generic page for now just to capture the wireless capabilities of this device series.

The Surface Studio comes with varying CPUs, SSDs, and RAM but otherwise should be similar among models.

The MediaTek MT7600UAN allows connections with Xbox One Controllers.

Teardown on iFixit