Mitac LBU02

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Mitac LBU02

FCC approval date: 23 January 2002

Interface: USB

USB 1.1
Connector: Female A
Form factor tags: corded (modular) adapter


WI1 chip1: Atmel AT76C503A

WI1 chip2: RFMD RF3000

WI1 chip3: RFMD RF2948B

Additional chips
CMOS SRAM (1 Mbit);Ultron;UT61L1024LC-12;UT61L1024LC-12, 2UTW15074.1D72G, 0135;1;

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: none


OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Atmel chipsets with specifications, see Atmel.

For a list of all currently documented RFMD (Qorvo) chipsets with specifications, see RFMD.

802.11b WLAN USB Dongle

"ASSY 411142000001 ARTEMIS_RFMD_USB" and "PCB: 316142000001 _R03" is silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos.