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NanoPi R1S-H3

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FriendlyARM NanoPi R1 S-H3

(Est.) release date: November 2019
(Est.) initial retail price (in USD): $20
Country of manuf.: China

Amazon image

B082PNPDV3 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution

Type: single-board computer

Power: 5 VDC, 2 A
Connector type: USB Female Micro-B

CPU1: Allwinner H3 (1.0 GHz, 4 cores)
FLA1: 0 MiB0 B <br />0 Kib <br />0 KiB <br />0 Mib <br />0 GiB <br /> (Brand? Model?)
RAM1: 512 MiB536,870,912 B <br />4,194,304 Kib <br />524,288 KiB <br />4,096 Mib <br />0.5 GiB <br /> (Samsung K4B4G1646E-BCMA)

Expansion IFs: USB 2.0
USB ports: 1

WI1 module: unknown
WI1 module IF: SDIO
WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8189ETV
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 1x1:1
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL

ETH chip1: Allwinner H3
ETH chip2: Realtek RTL8211E
ETH chip3: Realtek RTL8153B
LAN speed: 1GbE
LAN ports: 2


Additional chips
2K I2C EEPROM;Microchip; 24AA025E48T-I/OT;;1;
300mA CMOS LDO Regulator;Richtek;RT9193;;1;
4 Channel ESD Suppressor Diode;TI;TPD4E05U06;;4;
5.5V, 2A Low Loss Power Distribution Switch;Silergy;SY6280;;1;
2A, 1MHz Synchronous Step-Down Regulator; Silergy;SY8089;;1;
1A, 1.5MHz PWM Step-Down DC/DC Converter;Richtek;RT8059;;2;
3A, 1.2MHz Synchronous Step-Down Switcher;MPS;MP2143;;1;
3-pin Microprocessor Reset Circuit;On Semi;NCP803;;1;

Stock bootloader: U-Boot 2017.11

Stock FW OS: Linux 4.14.111 FriendlyWrt 19.07

Flags: MicroSD Card slot

Default SSID: FriendlyWrt-XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (1 addl. devices)
Default IP address: acquired via DHCP
the IP acquired via DHCP is used by 214 additional devices
of which 13 are FriendlyARM devices
Default login user: root
Default login password: blank
root:blank credentials used by 66 additional devices
of which 4 are FriendlyARM devices

802dot11 OUI: 8C:18:D9 (-, 1 W)
Ethernet OUI: 80:1F:12 (2 E, -)

 CPU1 brandWI1 chip1 brandWI1 chip2 brand
NanoPi R1AllwinnerBroadcom
NanoPi R1S-H3AllwinnerRealtek
NanoPi R1S-H5AllwinnerRealtek

For a list of all currently documented Allwinner SoC's with specifications, see Allwinner.
For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

Single-board Computer

Product page


Hardware specification

Quad-core ARM (Cortex-A7)
  • Memory: 512MB (DDR3) SDRAM
  • WLAN: 802.11b/g/n (1T1R) Wi-Fi
  • Ports: 2x 1GbE LAN, 1x USB 2.0 ports


NanoPi seriesAmlogicAllwinnerRockchipSamsung
 • NanoPi • >>

CPU: 2x ARM (Cortex-A72) @2.0GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A53) @1.5GHz
CPU: 4x ARM (Cortex-A55) @2.0GHz; GPU: Mali-G52 MP2 EE
CPU: 4x ARM (Cortex-A55) @2.0GHz; GPU: Mali-G52 MP2 EE
CPU: 4x ARM (Cortex-A76) @2.4GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A55) @1.8GHz
CPU: 4x ARM (Cortex-A76) @2.4GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A55) @1.8GHz

CPU: 2x ARM (Cortex-A72) @2.0GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A53) @1.5GHz
NanoPi M4 (2GB)NanoPi M4 (4GB)NanoPi M4V2NanoPi M4B
CPU: 4x ARM (Cortex-A76) @2.4GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A55) @1.8GHz

NanoPi NEO2NanoPi NEO2 (512MB)NanoPi NEO2 (1GB)
CPU: 2x ARM (Cortex-A72) @2.0GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A53) @1.5GHz)

CPU: 2x ARM (Cortex-A72) @2.0GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A53) @1.5GHz
CPU: 4x ARM (Cortex-A76) @2.4GHz + 4x ARM (Cortex-A55) @1.8GHz