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Netgear DG834GBv5

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Netgear DG834GB v5

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Foxconn U12L157

(Est.) release date: December 2009

Type: wireless router, dsl modem

Power: 12 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Conexant CX94610
FLA1: 4 MiB 4,194,304 B <br />32,768 Kib <br />4,096 KiB <br />32 Mib <br />0.00391 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX29LV320DBTI-70G)
RAM1: 16 MiB 16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (ISSI IC42S16400D-7TL × 2)

Expansion IFs: none specified

WI1 chip1: Conexant CX94610
WI1 chip2: Conexant Model?
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL

ETH chip1: Conexant CX94610
Switch: Marvell 88E6060
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4


Flags: ADSL2+

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 797 additional devices
of which 77 are Netgear devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: password
admin:password credentials used by 423 additional devices
of which 304 are Netgear devices

802dot11 OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Conexant chipsets with specifications, see Conexant.

54 Mbps Wireless ADSL Firewall Router

weaker's thread on the OpenWrt forums w/ images of the device (mirrored below)

"U12L157" and "REV.0 GP" is silkscreened on the board.

This device would appear to be quite similar to the Netgear DG834Gv5.


weaker's photos from the OpenWrt forums