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Netgear R6800

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Netgear R6800 v1
Availability: Europe

Manuf (OEM/ODM): SerComm

FCC approval date: 12 January 2017
(Est.) release date: July 2017
Country of manuf.: China
Series: AC1900

Amazon image

B06Y48QYCH (Flag of Germany.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
B06Y3T4CR5 (Flag of the United Kingdom (1-2).svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Type: wireless router

FCC ID: PY316200344

Power: 12 VDC, 2.5 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: MediaTek MT7621AT (880 MHz, 2 cores)
FLA1: 128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX30UF1G18AC-TI)
RAM1: 256 MiB268,435,456 B <br />2,097,152 Kib <br />262,144 KiB <br />2,048 Mib <br />0.25 GiB <br /> (Nanya NT5CC128M16IP-DI)

Expansion IFs: USB 3.0, USB 2.0
USB ports: 2
Serial: yes, 4-pin header, JP1

WI1 chip1: MediaTek MT7615N
WI1 802dot11 protocols: an+ac
WI1 MIMO config: 4x4:3
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA
WI2 chip1: MediaTek MT7615N
WI2 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI2 MIMO config: 4x4:3
WI2 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA

ETH chip1: MediaTek MT7621AT
Switch: MediaTek MT7621AT
LAN speed: 1GbE
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 1GbE
WAN ports: 1


Additional chips
5GHz RF Front End Module;Qorvo;QPF4519;Q, QPF4519, 58CW;4;

Stock bootloader: U-Boot 1.1.3 Ralink UBoot Version:

Stock FW OS: Linux 2.6.36

TPFirmware supported: OpenWrt • (List | Dev | DLs)

Flags: 256QAM, DFS (master)

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1309 additional devices
of which 106 are Netgear devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: password
admin:password credentials used by 423 additional devices
of which 304 are Netgear devices

802dot11 OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented MediaTek chipsets with specifications, see MediaTek.

1300 Mbps - 3-stream 802.11ac device (80MHz wide 5GHz channel),
600 Mbps - 3-stream 802.11n device (40MHz wide channel) = 1900 Mbps class

AC1900 Dual Band Gigabit WiFi Router

 • Support page

"BZV00C-1.6MM" and "1706" is silkscreened on the board.

OEM: SerComm

DFS support was added in a C2PC request to the FCC on 10/30/2017.

Forum threads

Boot log

 • Boot log • >>

                MT7621   stage1 code Mar 12 2015 14:42:52 (ASIC)
                CPU=50000000 HZ BUS=16666666 HZ
Change MPLL source from XTAL to CR...
do MEMPLL setting..
MEMPLL Config : 0x11100000
3PLL mode + External loopback
=== XTAL-40Mhz === DDR-1200Mhz ===
PLL3 FB_DL: 0x8, 1/0 = 585/439 21000000
PLL2 FB_DL: 0x14, 1/0 = 550/474 51000000
PLL4 FB_DL: 0x18, 1/0 = 572/452 61000000
do DDR setting..[00320381]
Apply DDR3 Setting...(use customer AC)
          0    8   16   24   32   40   48   56   64   72   80   88   96  104  112  120
0000:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0001:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0002:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0003:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0004:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0005:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0006:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0007:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0008:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0009:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000A:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000C:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000D:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000E:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    1
000F:|    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    0
0010:|    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0
0011:|    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0012:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0013:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0014:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0015:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0016:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0017:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0018:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0019:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001A:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001C:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001D:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001E:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001F:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
rank 0 coarse = 16
rank 0 fine = 40
B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0
opt_dle value:9
                RX      DQS perbit delay software calibration
1.0-15 bit dq delay value
bit|     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0 |    10 2 11 6 11 3 11 2 0 8
10 |    2 11 7 9 3 9

2.dqs window
x=pass dqs delay value (min~max)center
y=0-7bit DQ of every group
input delay:DQS0 =31 DQS1 = 30
bit     DQS0     bit      DQS1
0  (1~58)29  8  (3~54)28
1  (1~53)27  9  (1~56)28
2  (1~59)30  10  (1~56)28
3  (1~56)28  11  (1~58)29
4  (1~61)31  12  (1~60)30
5  (1~53)27  13  (1~54)27
6  (1~60)30  14  (1~59)30
7  (1~58)29  15  (1~58)29
3.dq delay value last
bit|    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9
0 |    12 6 12 9 11 7 12 4 2 10
10 |    4 12 7 12 3 10
     TX  perbyte calibration
DQS loop = 15, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[0]=15,  finish count=1
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[1]=15,  finish count=2
DQ loop=15, cmp_err_1 = ffff01aa
DQ loop=14, cmp_err_1 = ffff01a8
DQ loop=13, cmp_err_1 = ffff01a0
DQ loop=12, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[0]=12,  finish count=1
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[1]=12,  finish count=2
byte:0, (DQS,DQ)=(9,8)
byte:1, (DQS,DQ)=(9,8)
[EMI] DRAMC calibration passed

                MT7621   stage1 code done
                CPU=50000000 HZ BUS=16666666 HZ

U-Boot 1.1.3 (Jul 26 2016 - 00:50:05)

Board: Ralink APSoC DRAM:  256 MB
relocate_code Pointer at: 8ff34000

Config XHCI 40M PLL
Allocate 16 byte aligned buffer: 8ff7cd70
Enable NFI Clock
NAND ID [C2 F1 80 95 02]
Device not found, ID: c2f1
Not Support this Device!
Support this Device in MTK table! c2f1
[NAND]select ecc bit:4, sparesize :64 spare_per_sector=16
Signature matched and data read!
load_fact_bbt success 1023
load fact bbt success
[mtk_nand] probe successfully!
mtd->writesize=2048 mtd->oobsize=64, mtd->erasesize=131072  devinfo.iowidth=8
.*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

Ralink UBoot Version:
ASIC MT7621A DualCore (MAC to MT7530 Mode)
DRAM_CONF_FROM: Auto-Detection
DRAM bus: 16 bit
Xtal Mode=3 OCP Ratio=1/3
Flash component: NAND Flash
Date:Jul 26 2016  Time:00:50:05
icache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32768
dcache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32768

 ##### The CPU freq = 880 MHZ ####
 estimate memory size =256 Mbytes

reset PHY

SC_DEBUG: Nand Partition Table Magic Found at 100000.
Please choose the operation:
   1: Load system code to SDRAM via TFTP.
   2: Load system code then write to Flash via TFTP.
   3: Boot system code via Flash (default).
   4: Entr boot command line interface.
   9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP.                                                                                                                               0

    Sercomm Boot Version

Enter NMRP_main
Trying Eth0 (10/100-M)

 Waitting for RX_DMA_BUSY status Start... done

NMRP_FLASH_SIZE_buffer --> 03000000.
### No NMRP Server found ###
check upgrade flag
read flag 05400000
## Booting image at bc200000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux Kernel Image
   Image Type:   MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed)
   Data Size:    3351447 Bytes =  3.2 MB
   Load Address: 81001000
   Entry Point:  8100d1d0
....................................................   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
No initrd
## Transferring control to Linux (at address 8100d1d0) ...
## Giving linux memsize in MB, 256

Starting kernel ...
LINUX started...


SDK 5.0.S.0
Linux version 2.6.36 (eason@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.6.3 
 (Buildroot 2012.11.1) ) #2 SMP Fri Jul 5 10:53:47 CST 2019

 The CPU feqenuce set to 880 MHz
GCMP present
CPU revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
Software DMA cache coherency
Determined physical RAM map:
 memory: 0f900000 @ 00000000 (usable)
 memory: 00008000 @ 0f900000 (reserved)
 memory: 006f8000 @ 0f908000 (usable)
Zone PFN ranges:
  DMA      0x00000000 -> 0x00001000
  Normal   0x00001000 -> 0x00010000
Movable zone start PFN for each node
early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
    0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00010000
Detected 3 available secondary CPU(s)
PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @81af3000 s6528 r8192 d13952 u65536
pcpu-alloc: s6528 r8192 d13952 u65536 alloc=16*4096
pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 65024
Kernel command line: console=ttyS1,57600n8 root=/dev/mtdblock3 console=ttyS0
PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, , 4-waylinesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Writing ErrCtl register=00000e60
Readback ErrCtl register=00000e60
Memory: 250592k/262112k available (5390k kernel code, 11520k reserved, 2653k data, 212k init, 0k highmem)
Hierarchical RCU implementation.
        Verbose stalled-CPUs detection is disabled.
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ24
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ25
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ22
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ9
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ10
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ11
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ12
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ13
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ14
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ16
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ17
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ18
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ19
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ20
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ21
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ23
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ26
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ27
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ28
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ15
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ8
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ29
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ30
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ31
console [ttyS1] enabled
Calibrating delay loop... 575.48 BogoMIPS (lpj=1150976)
pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
launch: starting cpu1
launch: cpu1 gone!
CPU revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, , 4-waylinesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
launch: starting cpu2
launch: cpu2 gone!
CPU revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, , 4-waylinesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
launch: starting cpu3
launch: cpu3 gone!
CPU revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, , 4-waylinesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Brought up 4 CPUs
Synchronize counters across 4 CPUs: done.
NET: Registered protocol family 16
release PCIe RST: RALINK_RSTCTRL = 7000000
PCIE PHY initialize
***** Xtal 40MHz *****
start MT7621 PCIe register access
RALINK_CLKCFG1 = 77ffeff8

*************** MT7621 PCIe RC mode *************
PCIE2 no card, disable it(RST&CLK)
pcie_link status = 0x3
*** Configure Device number setting of Virtual PCI-PCI bridge ***
RALINK_PCI_PCICFG_ADDR = 21007f2 -> 21007f2
PCIE0 enabled
PCIE1 enabled
interrupt enable status: 300000
Port 1 N_FTS = 1b105000
Port 0 N_FTS = 1b105000
config reg done
init_rt2880pci done
bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
vgaarb: loaded
SCSI subsystem initialized
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: can't assign mem (size 0x80000000)
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 0: can't assign mem (size 0x80000000)
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x6020ffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 1: set to [mem 0x60200000-0x6020ffff] (PCI address [0x60200000-0x6020ffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60210000-0x6021ffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 1: set to [mem 0x60210000-0x6021ffff] (PCI address [0x60210000-0x6021ffff]
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff 64bit]
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: set to [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff 64bit] (PCI address [0x60000000-0x600fffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [io  disabled]
pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem pref disabled]
pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff 64bit]
pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: set to [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff 64bit] (PCI address [0x60100000-0x601fffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  disabled]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem pref disabled]
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:00.0 (0004 -> 0006)
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:01.0 (0004 -> 0006)
BAR0 at slot 0 = 0
bus=0x0, slot = 0x0
res[0]->start = 0
res[0]->end = 0
res[1]->start = 60200000
res[1]->end = 6020ffff
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
BAR0 at slot 1 = 0
bus=0x0, slot = 0x1
res[0]->start = 0
res[0]->end = 0
res[1]->start = 60210000
res[1]->end = 6021ffff
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
bus=0x1, slot = 0x0, irq=0x4
res[0]->start = 60000000
res[0]->end = 600fffff
res[1]->start = 0
res[1]->end = 0
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
bus=0x2, slot = 0x1, irq=0x18
res[0]->start = 60100000
res[0]->end = 601fffff
res[1]->start = 0
res[1]->end = 0
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
Switching to clocksource Ralink Systick timer
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
TCP reno registered
UDP hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
UDP-Lite hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
NET: Registered protocol family 1
4 CPUs re-calibrate udelay(lpj = 1167360)
squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
fuse init (API version 7.15)
msgmni has been set to 489
Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 254)
io scheduler noop registered (default)
Ralink gpio driver initialized
spidrv_major = 217
spdif_mod_init: start SPDIF module
Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1e000d00 (irq = 27) is a 16550A
serial8250: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x1e000c00 (irq = 26) is a 16550A
brd: module loaded
MediaTek Nand driver init, version v2.1 Fix AHB virt2phys error
Allocate 16 byte aligned buffer: 818449e0
Enable NFI Clock
NAND ID [C2 F1 80 95 02, 00809502]
Device not found, ID: c2f1
Not Support this Device!
Support this Device in MTK table! c2f1
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xc2, Chip ID: 0xf1 (Unknown NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit)
[NAND]select ecc bit:4, sparesize :64 spare_per_sector=16
Scanning device for bad blocks
Signature matched and data read!
load_fact_bbt success 1023
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Go to read Magic at 100000
page: 200
SC_DEBUG: NAND Partition Table Magic Fount at 100000.
page: 201
part 0,real_offset 00000000, real_length 00100000
page: 201
part 1,real_offset 00100000, real_length 00100000
page: 201
part 2,real_offset 00200000, real_length 00400000
page: 201
part 3,real_offset 00600000, real_length 02800000
page: 201
part 4,real_offset 02e00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 5,real_offset 03000000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 6,real_offset 03200000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 7,real_offset 03400000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 8,real_offset 03600000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 9,real_offset 03800000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 10,real_offset 03a00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 11,real_offset 03c00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 12,real_offset 03e00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 13,real_offset 04000000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 14,real_offset 04200000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 15,real_offset 04400000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 16,real_offset 04600000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 17,real_offset 04800000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 18,real_offset 04a00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 19,real_offset 04c00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 20,real_offset 04e00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 21,real_offset 05000000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 22,real_offset 05200000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 23,real_offset 05400000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 24,real_offset 05600000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 25,real_offset 05800000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 26,real_offset 05a00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 27,real_offset 05c00000, real_length 00200000
page: 201
part 28,real_offset 05e00000, real_length 02180000
Creating 29 MTD partitions on "MT7621-NAND":
0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "Bootloader"
0x000000100000-0x000000200000 : "SC_PART_MAP"
0x000000200000-0x000000600000 : "Kernel"
0x000000600000-0x000002e00000 : "Rootfs"
0x000002e00000-0x000003000000 : "English UI"
0x000003000000-0x000003200000 : "ML1"
0x000003200000-0x000003400000 : "ML2"
0x000003400000-0x000003600000 : "ML3"
0x000003600000-0x000003800000 : "ML4"
0x000003800000-0x000003a00000 : "ML5"
0x000003a00000-0x000003c00000 : "ML6"
0x000003c00000-0x000003e00000 : "ML7"
0x000003e00000-0x000004000000 : "ML8"
0x000004000000-0x000004200000 : "ML9"
0x000004200000-0x000004400000 : "ML10"
0x000004400000-0x000004600000 : "ML11"
0x000004600000-0x000004800000 : "Factory"
0x000004800000-0x000004a00000 : "SC Private Data"
0x000004a00000-0x000004c00000 : "POT"
0x000004c00000-0x000004e00000 : "Traffic Meter"
0x000004e00000-0x000005000000 : "SC PID"
0x000005000000-0x000005200000 : "SC Nvram"
0x000005200000-0x000005400000 : "Ralink Nvram"
0x000005400000-0x000005600000 : "Reserved Block1"
0x000005600000-0x000005800000 : "Reserved Block2"
0x000005800000-0x000005a00000 : "Reserved Block3"
0x000005a00000-0x000005c00000 : "Reserved Block4"
0x000005c00000-0x000005e00000 : "Reserved Block5"
0x000005e00000-0x000007f80000 : "Reserved Block6"
[mtk_nand] probe successfully!
rdm_major = 253
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x43288039
Ralink APSoC Ethernet Driver Initilization. v3.1  1024 rx/tx descriptors allocated, mtu = 1500!
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x432880e5
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
PPP MPPE Compression module registered
NET: Registered protocol family 24
PPTP driver version 0.8.5
IMQ driver loaded successfully.
        Hooking IMQ before NAT on PREROUTING.
        Hooking IMQ after NAT on POSTROUTING.
register mt_drv

=== pAd = c0182000, size = 3653048 ===

<-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
pAd->PciHif.CSRBaseAddress =0xc0080000, csr_addr=0xc0080000!
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
DriverOwn()::Try to Clear FW Own...
DriverOwn()::Success to clear FW Own
mt_pci_chip_cfg(): HWVer=0x8a10, FWVer=0x8a10, pAd->ChipID=0x7615
mt_pci_chip_cfg(): HIF_SYS_REV=0x76150001
RtmpChipOpsHook(493): Not support for HIF_MT yet! MACVersion=0x0
Use 1st iPAiLNA default bin.
Use 0st /etc_ro/wlan/MT7615E_EEPROM1.bin default bin.
cut_through_token_list_init(): TokenList inited done!id_head/tail=0/4096
cut_through_token_list_init(): 8f34df88,8f34df88
cut_through_token_list_init(): TokenList inited done!id_head/tail=0/4096
cut_through_token_list_init(): 8f34df98,8f34df98
<-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
pci probe count=1

=== pAd = c0602000, size = 3653048 ===

<-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
pAd->PciHif.CSRBaseAddress =0xc0500000, csr_addr=0xc0500000!
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
DriverOwn()::Try to Clear FW Own...
DriverOwn()::Success to clear FW Own
mt_pci_chip_cfg(): HWVer=0x8a10, FWVer=0x8a10, pAd->ChipID=0x7615
mt_pci_chip_cfg(): HIF_SYS_REV=0x76150001
RtmpChipOpsHook(493): Not support for HIF_MT yet! MACVersion=0x0
Use 2nd ePAeLNA default bin.
Use 1st /etc_ro/wlan/MT7615E_EEPROM2.bin default bin.
cut_through_token_list_init(): TokenList inited done!id_head/tail=0/4096
cut_through_token_list_init(): 8f34d208,8f34d208
cut_through_token_list_init(): TokenList inited done!id_head/tail=0/4096
cut_through_token_list_init(): 8f34d218,8f34d218
<-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
pci probe count=2
Ralink APSoC Hardware Watchdog Timer
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30 with ipset netlink.patch.
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (3915 buckets, 15660 max)
nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
IPVS: Registered protocols ()
IPVS: Connection hash table configured (size=4096, memory=32Kbytes)
IPVS: ipvs loaded.
GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
gre: can't add protocol
nf_nat_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team, Type=Restricted Cone
TCP cubic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 10
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
NET: Registered protocol family 17
L2TP core driver, V2.0
PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
L2TP IP encapsulation support (L2TPv3)
L2TP netlink interface
L2TP ethernet pseudowire support (L2TPv3)
802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <>
All bugs added by David S. Miller <>
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:3.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 212k freed
Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
init started: BusyBox v1.12.1 (2019-07-05 11:16:38 CST)
starting pid 1, tty '': '/usr/etc/rcS'
mount: mounting none on /dev/pts failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting none on /proc/bus/usb failed: No such file or directory
mknod: /dev/fuse: File exists
Welcome to
    _______  _______  ___     __  ____   _  _   ___
    |  ___  \|   __  ||   |   |__||    \ | || | /  /
    | |___| ||  |__| ||   |__  __ |     \| || |/  /
    |   _   /|   _   ||      ||  || |\     ||     \
    |__| \__\|__| |__||______||__||_| \____||_|\___\

                     =System Architecture Department=

[board_init/board_init.c::configure_mt7621_register():32] set from jtag to gpio mode
[SYSTEM]/sbin/reg s 0
switch register base addr to system register 0xbe000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/reg r 0x60a85a8
[SYSTEM]/sbin/reg w 0x60 0xwrite offset 0x60, value 0xa05a8
^[[2;1;1;112;112;1;0x[SYSTEM]/sbin/reg r 0x60a05a8
^[[2;1;1;112;112[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sNOTIFY
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo ==============insmod start > /dev/console
==============insmod start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/i2c_drv.ko
i2cdrv_major = 218
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/led_pb_api.ko
led_pb_api: module license 'Sercomm' taints kernel.
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/led_hw.koinit led gpio 17

Register LED ID <45>
init led gpio 5
Register LED ID <44>
init button gpio 12
Register LED ID <90>
init button gpio 18
Register LED ID <91>
init button gpio 14
Register LED ID <92>
init led gpio 178
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <71>
init led gpio 179
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <70>
init led gpio 180
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <30>
init led gpio 181
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <20>
init led gpio 182
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <41>
init led gpio 183
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <42>
init led gpio 184
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <61>
init led gpio 185
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <60>
init led gpio 170
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <13>
init led gpio 171
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <12>
init led gpio 172
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <15>
init led gpio 173
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <14>
init led gpio 174
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <17>
init led gpio 175
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <16>
init led gpio 176
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <19>
init led gpio 177
this is i2c exp
Register LED ID <18>
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/ dnshj choose interested dns queries module loaded !
xt4.ko': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/ipt_condition.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/ipt_http_string.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/ipt_dnshj.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/ipt_DLOG.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/ipt_macblock_dnshj.ko
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/ipt_macblock_dnshj.ko': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/xt_ct_dir.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/cnapt_core.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/cnapt.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/cpt.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/cpm.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/calg.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/cdmz.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/cudp.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/hairpin.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/natlimit.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/jnl.ko
jnl: driver (UFSD_HEAD lke_9.4.4_b3, LBD=ON) loaded at c0ab5000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/ufsd.ko
ufsd: driver (UFSD_HEAD lke_9.4.4_b3, paragon, ioctl, sd2(5), tr, car) loaded at c0b7f000
NTFSJ support included
ufsd Kernel .config hash: original 0x1086fa24, current can't check.
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/arp_protect_enable.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /libinit common module successful
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/firewall_block.ko
insert firewall block module success
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/fake_sourfake source dos protect modules is inserted
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/psd_and_special_udp_dos.ko
netfilter PSD and TCP/UDP Echo/Chargen Attack loaded
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/tcp_syn_dnetfilter tcp syn flood module loaded
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/clamp_total_session_for_onetfilter clamp total session for one src ip module loaded
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/mnetfilter other dos module loaded
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/mt_wifi_ap/mt_wifi.ko
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/mt_wifi_ap/mt_wifi.ko': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/fs/mbcache.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/fs/jbd2/jbd2.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/fs/ext4/ext4.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/fs/hfsplus_journal/hfsplus.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/core/usbcore.ko
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/host/xhci-hcd.ko
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: xHCI Host Controller
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: irq 22, io mem 0x1e1c0000
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: xHCI Host Controller
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial_filter.ko
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial_filter.ko': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo ==============insmod finish > /dev/console
)SYRaeth v3.1 (STEM]/sbin/ifconTaskletfig eth2 up

set CLK_CFG_0 = 0x40a00020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
phy_free_head is 0xca0000!!!
phy_free_tail_phy is 0xca1ff0!!!
txd_pool=a0ca8000 phy_txd_pool=00CA8000
ei_local->skb_free start address is 0x8ff1a69c.
free_txd: 00ca8010, ei_local->cpu_ptr: 00CA8000
     0xa0ca8000 0x00CA8000 0x00CA8000

phy_qrx_ring = 0x00ca2000, qrx_ring = 0xa0ca2000

phy_rx_ring0 = 0x00ca4000, rx_ring0 = 0xa0ca4000
MT7530 Reset Completed!!
change HW-TRAP to 0x17c8f
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x432880e5
GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x432880ac
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
MT7621 GE2 link rate to 1G
CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20710000
GDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20710000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig lo 1NOTIFY
[SYSTEM]/sbin/route add -net netmask lo
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /tmp/lan_uptime
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2.1 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
 eth2.2 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 down
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_close
Free TX/RX Ring Memory!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/vconfig rem eth2.1
vconfig: ioctl error for rem: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/vconfig rem ethNOTIFY
: ioctl error foRaeth v3.1 (r rem: No such dTaskletevice
TEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
set CLK_CFG_0 = 0x40a00020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
phy_free_head is 0xca0000!!!
phy_free_tail_phy is 0xca1ff0!!!
txd_pool=a0ca8000 phy_txd_pool=00CA8000
ei_local->skb_free start address is 0x8ff1a69c.
free_txd: 00ca8010, ei_local->cpu_ptr: 00CA8000
     0xa0ca8000 0x00CA8000 0x00CA8000

phy_qrx_ring = 0x00ca2000, qrx_ring = 0xa0ca2000

phy_rx_ring0 = 0x00ca4000, rx_ring0 = 0xa0ca4000
MT7530 Reset Completed!!
change HW-TRAP to 0x17c8f
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x432880e5
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
MT7621 GE2 link rate to 1G
CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20710000
GDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20710000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2NOTIFY
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_close
Free TX/RX Ring Memory!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2NOTIFY
 hw ether B0:39:56:52:21:FC
h2 up
Raeth v3.1 (Tasklet)
set CLK_CFG_0 = 0x40a00020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
phy_free_head is 0xca0000!!!
phy_free_tail_phy is 0xca1ff0!!!
txd_pool=a0ca8000 phy_txd_pool=00CA8000
ei_local->skb_free start address is 0x8ff1a69c.
free_txd: 00ca8010, ei_local->cpu_ptr: 00CA8000
     0xa0ca8000 0x00CA8000 0x00CA8000

phy_qrx_ring = 0x00ca2000, qrx_ring = 0xa0ca2000

phy_rx_ring0 = 0x00ca4000, rx_ring0 = 0xa0ca4000
MT7530 Reset Completed!!
change HW-TRAP to 0x17c8f
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000b039
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x565221fc
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
MT7621 GE2 link rate to 1G
CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20710000
GDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20710000
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ 3 0
restore GSW to dump switch mode
switch reg write offset=2004, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2104, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2204, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2304, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2404, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2504, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2604, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2704, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2010, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2110, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2210, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2310, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2410, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2510, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2610, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2710, value=810000c0
REG_ESW_WT_MAC_ATC is 0x7ff0002
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/echo '##### config Switch vlan partition (LLLLW) #####'
##### config Switch vlan partition (LLLLW) #####
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch vlan  set 1 1 11110011
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch vlan  set 2 2 00001100
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch pvid 4 2
Set port 4 pvid 2.
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch pvid 5 2
Set port 5 pvid 2.
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch reg w 2004 ff0003
switch reg write offset=2004, value=ff0003
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch reg w 2104 ff0003
switch reg write offset=2104, value=ff0003
M]/usr/sbin/switeth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
ch reg w 2204 ffNOTIFY
switch reg write offset=2204, value=ff0003
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch reg w 2304 ff0003
switch reg write offset=2304, value=ff0003
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/switch reg w 2404 ff0003
switch reg write offset=2404, value=ff0003
[SYget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
STEM]/usr/sbin/sget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
witch reg w 2504get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
swiget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
tch reg write ofget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
fset=2504, valueget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
[Sget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
YSTEM]/usr/sbin/get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
switch reg w 260get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
4 ff0003
swget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
itch reg write offset=2604, value=ff0003
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/led_switch &
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mknod /dev/apsoc_nvram c 251 0
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():123] 0x30 0x36, 0x3036.
find index 0 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[flash.c::sc_get_region():632] Original Region Data: 00, 02
[init/init_cfg.c::rc_init():706] region valid
nvram commit!
RC: wifi_init()
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall access_logd
killall: access_logd: no process killed
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
usb printer event
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc access_log start
ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link UP
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_access_log start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_access_log start
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rcget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
 access_dev starget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
rcd: enQ=get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
/usr/sbin/rc_appget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
/rc_access_dev sget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
[modelinfget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
o_product_id.c::get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
modelinfo_map_inget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
dex():123] 0x30 get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
0x36, 0x3036.
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
find index 0 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_set_autoupg_fileinfo():263] autoupg_fileinfo_in_nv is fileinfo.txt
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/insmod /lib/modules/ufsd.ko
killall: access_logd: no process killed
insmod: cannot insert '/lib/modules/ufsd.ko': File exists
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_set_autoupg_fileinfo():263] autoupg_fileinfo_in_nv is fileinfo.txt
[init/init_cfg.c::rc_init():8get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
98] tm sync doneget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)

[init/init_cfg.c::rc_init():939] not enable tc from old since this not from old fw
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc rwfs start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_rwfs start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc led_ctrl start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_led_ctrl start
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo ===============rc start > /dev/console
===============rc start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/lan_monitor &
/bin/sh: /sbin/lan_monitor: not found
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc syslogd start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_syslogd start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc wlan start
[flash.c::sc_check_remotescfgmgrmagic():1357] buf:ff, ff, ff, ff
[flash.c::sc_check_remotescfgmgrmagic():1359] magic:31, 3e, c5, 8d
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wlan start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc lan init
scfgmgr for local
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lan init
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc firewall init
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_firewall init
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc vlan start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_vlan start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc funjsq start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_funjsq start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc lan start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lan start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc lan reset_switch
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lan reset_switch
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc wifi_isolation start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wifi_isolation start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc timezone start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_timezone start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc sip_alg start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_sip_alg start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc mediaserver start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_mediaserver start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc dnrd start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_dnrd start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc debug_mode start&
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc httpd start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_debug_mode start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_httpd start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc httpd remote start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_httpd remote start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc printk start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_printk start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc ntp start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ntp start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc ddns init
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ddns init
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc wan init
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wan init
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc route start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_route start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc ripd start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ripd start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc potcounter start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_potcounter start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc lltd start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lltd start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc upnp start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_upnp start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc schedule start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_schedule start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc usb_service init
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_usb_service init
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc vlan start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_vlan start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc dbus start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_dbus start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc xCloud start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_xCloud start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc access_dev start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_access_dev start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc accessctl_block restart
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_accessctl_block restart
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc openvpn prepare
rcd:watchdog (557): /proc/557/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/557/oom_score_adj instead.
 enQ=/usr/sbin/rStarted WatchDog Timer.
c_app/rc_openvpn prepare
[SYSTEM]/etc/ad_arpd &
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/crond &
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/multi_pb_app 90 91 92 0 50&
/bin/sInit kernel  monitor...
h: /usr/sbin/wlevt: not found
mknod: /dev/zero: File exists
mknod: /dev/ttyUSB0: File exists
mknod: /dev/ttyUSB1: File exists
mknod: /dev/ttyUSB2: File exists
mknod: /dev/ttyUSB3: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory '/var': File exists
preapre_sys_for_3g done
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc usb_printer start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_usb_printer start
[SYSTEM]/bin/rc wan apcli_rc_ready
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wan apcli_rc_ready
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_check_conn start
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/pot_daemon &
[SYSTEM]/sbin/scm_watchdog &
[SYSTEM]/sbin/kwilt_daemon &
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ln -sf /usr/sbin/curl /tmp/curl_for_kwilt
[kwilt_daemon.c::start_check_kwilt():672] check if kwilt ready for check
[watchdog.c::main():113] Watchdog: monitoring process '/usr/sbin/mini_httpd'
[watchdog.c::main():113] Watchdog: monitoring process '/bin/mini_httpd'
[watchdog.c::main():113] Watchdog: monitoring process 'nmbd'
[watchdog.c::main():113] Watchdog: monitoring process 'smbd'
[watchdog.c::main():113] Watchdog: monitoring process 'syslogd'
[watchdog.c::main():129] Watchdog: process '/usr/sbin/mini_httpd' should exist, but it does not exist, score: 5!
wd set oom_adj /proc/557/oom_adj -17
wd set schedprio 99 ok SCHED_FIFO
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/hal_wd.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc RAE start
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_RAE start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rc start finished
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_start finished
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo ===============rc finish > /dev/console
===============rc finish
    1 root      1556 S    init
    2 root         0 SW   [kthreadd]
    3 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/0]
    4 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:0]
    5 root         0 SW   [kworker/u:0]
    6 root         0 SW   [migration/0]
    7 root         0 SW   [migration/1]
    8 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:0]
    9 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/1]
   10 root         0 SW   [migration/2]
   11 root         0 SW   [kworker/2:0]
   12 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/2]
   13 root         0 SW   [migration/3]
   14 root         0 SW   [kworker/3:0]
   15 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/3]
   16 root         0 SW<  [khelper]
   17 root         0 SW   [kworker/3:1]
   18 root         0 SW   [kworker/2:1]
   19 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:1]
   20 root         0 SW   [sync_supers]
   21 root         0 SW   [bdi-default]
   22 root         0 SW<  [kblockd]
   23 root         0 SW   [kswapd0]
   24 root         0 SW   [fsnotify_mark]
   25 root         0 SW<  [crypto]
   34 root         0 SW   [mtdblock0]
   35 root         0 SW   [mtdblock1]
   36 root         0 SW   [mtdblock2]
   37 root         0 SW   [mtdblock3]
   38 root         0 SW   [mtdblock4]
   39 root         0 SW   [mtdblock5]
   40 root         0 SW   [mtdblock6]
   41 root         0 SW   [mtdblock7]
   42 root         0 SW   [mtdblock8]
   43 root         0 SW   [mtdblock9]
   44 root         0 SW   [mtdblock10]
   45 root         0 SW   [mtdblock11]
   46 root         0 SW   [mtdblock12]
   47 root         0 SW   [mtdblock13]
   48 root         0 SW   [mtdblock14]
   49 root         0 SW   [mtdblock15]
   50 root         0 SW   [mtdblock16]
   51 root         0 SW   [mtdblock17]
   52 root         0 SW   [mtdblock18]
   53 root         0 SW   [mtdblock19]
   54 root         0 SW   [mtdblock20]
   55 root         0 SW   [mtdblock21]
   56 root         0 SW   [mtdblock22]
   57 root         0 SW   [mtdblock23]
   58 root         0 SW   [mtdblock24]
   59 root         0 SW   [mtdblock25]
   60 root         0 SW   [mtdblock26]
   61 root         0 SW   [mtdblock27]
   62 root         0 SW   [mtdblock28]
   63 root         0 SW   [kworker/u:1]
   70 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:1]
   72 root      1556 S    /bin/sh /usr/etc/rcS
  135 root         0 DW   [i2c_drv_thread]
  206 root         0 SW   [khubd]
  301 root      1704 S    /usr/sbin/led_switch
  331 root      1552 S    /bin/sh -c /bin/sleep 10 && /bin/rc usb_service led_u
  332 root      1548 S    /bin/sleep 10
  336 root      1208 S    /usr/sbin/rcd
  337 root         0   []
  346 root      3872 S    /usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_start
  364 root      1192 S    /sbin/klogd
  371 root      1192 S    /usr/sbin/cmd_agent_ap
  377 root      1196 S    /usr/sbin/cmd_agent
  388 root      1692 S    /usr/sbin/scfgmgr
  451 root      1552 S    /bin/sh /etc/ad_arpd
  454 root      1216 S    /usr/sbin/crond
  456 root      1736 S    /usr/sbin/multi_pb_app 90 91 92 0 50
  466 root      1548 S    sleep 30
  532 root      1388 S    /usr/sbin/pot_daemon
  534 root      1376 S    /sbin/scm_watchdog
  536 root      1724 S    /sbin/kwilt_daemon
  557 root      1204 S    /usr/sbin/watchdog
Access Control log start.
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_access_dev start
  562 root      1192 S    /usr/sbin/cmd_agent_ap_RAE
  569 root      1552 S    /bin/sh -c /bin/ps
Access Control socket create
  570 root      1556 R    /bin/ps
run smp wifi
killall: access_devinfo: no process killed wifi
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/apcli0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/apclii0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wds0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wds1/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wds2/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wds3/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wdsi0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wdsi1/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wdsi2/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
/etc/mtk/ line 179: cannot create /sys/class/net/wdsi3/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus: nonexistent directory
eth2/eth3 RPS: CPU0/2
run smp wifi done
=============proc init
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/group1/forwarding: nonexistent directory
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0/forwarding: nonexistent directory
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0-va0/forwarding: nonexistent directory
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/rp_filter: nonexistent directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
=============proc finish
starting pid 1, tty '/dev/ttyS1': '/bin/sh'
# 1;1;112;112;1;0x1;1;112;112;1;0xget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
Access Control socket create
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_rwfs start
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mknod /dev/mtd28 c 90 56
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mknod /dev/mtdblock28 b 31 28
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/umount /tmp/RWFS/
umount: can't umount /tmp/RWFS/: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ubidetach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 28
ubidetach: error!: cannot detach mtd28
           error 19 (No such device)
[rwfs/rw_fs_setup.c::rwfs_mtd_has_correct_fs_magic():62] block 0 header:55 42 49 23 1
[rwfs/rw_fs_setup.c::rwfs_mtd_has_correct_fs_magic():66] skipped 0 blockUBI: attaching mtd28 to ubi0
 and find a ubi UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)
[SYSUBI: logical eraseblock size:    126976 bytes
TEM]/usr/sbin/rmUBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048
 -rf /dev/ubi_ctUBI: VID header offset:          2048 (aligned 2048)
[SYUBI: data offset:                4096
STEM]/usr/sbin/mknod /dev/ubi_ctrl c 10 61

[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 28
UBI: max. sequence number:       27
UBI: attached mtd28 to ubi0
UBI: MTD device name:            "Reserved Block6"
UBI: MTD device size:            33 MiB
UBI: number of good PEBs:        268
UBI: number of bad PEBs:         0
UBI: max. allowed volumes:       128
UBI: wear-leveling threshold:    4096
UBI: number of internal volumes: 1
UBI: number of user volumes:     1
UBI: available PEBs:             14
UBI: total number of reserved PEBs: 254
UBI: number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 2
UBI: max/mean erase counter: 2/1
UBI: image sequence number:  856848203
UBI: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 694
UBI device number 0, total 268 LEBs (34029568 bytes, 32.5 MiB), available 14 LEBs (1777664 bytes, 1.7 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB)
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rm -rf /dev/ubi0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mknod /dev/ubi0 c 250 0
UBI error: ubi_create_volume: cannot create volume 1, error -17
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -N vol_name -s 30MiB
ubimkvol: error!: cannot UBI create volume
          error 17 (File exists)
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mkdir /tmp/RWFS/
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mount -t ubifs ubi0:vol_name /tmp/RWFS/
UBIFS: recovery needed
UBIFS: recovery completed
UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "vol_name"
UBIFS: file system size:   30347264 bytes (29636 KiB, 28 MiB, 239 LEBs)
UBIFS: journal size:       1523712 bytes (1488 KiB, 1 MiB, 12 LEBs)
UBIFS: media format:       w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0)
UBIFS: default compressor: lzo
UBIFS: reserved for root:  1433376 bytes (1399 KiB)
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/touch /tmp/RWFS//ready
[rwfs/rw_fs_setup.c::start_rwfs():220] rwfs mounted ok
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_led_ctrl start
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app ctrl blink_data
sc_do_led_ctrl_ioctl:171 set ctrl to 0
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_syslogd start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/syslogd -f /etc/syslog.conf
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wlan start
[wlan/wifi.c::sync_wireless_nvram():2361] wifi_super_wifi_enable:0, wifi_powerpercent:100, wifi_super_wifi_enable1:0, wifi_powerpercent1:100
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT2860
[ create_ralink_driver_conf - 773 ] : dfs:1
[wlan/wifi.c::create_ralink_driver_conf():917] no need PERCENTAGEenable for 2G value 100
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():123] 0x30 0x36, 0x3036.
find index 0 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/iNIC
[ create_ralink_driver_conf - 773 ] : dfs:1
[wlan/wifi.c::create_ralink_driver_conf():917] no need PERCENTAGEenable for 5G value 100
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /tmp/apcli_wifi_if_inited
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /tmp/apcli_wifi_if_inited1
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2521] Check WiFi Config.
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2530] Check 11AC support.
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2532] SC 5G support level: 11ac
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2534] Check guest_led REPLACE usb_led.
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app setval guest_led_replace 0

[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2539] guest_led REPLACE usb_led: OFF
[wlan/wifi.c::prepare_single_sku_simple():2012] check if location has singlesku.dat
[wlan/wifi.c::prepare_single_sku_simple():2035] done
[wlan/wifi.c::prepare_single_sku_simple():2039] try find region:Europe
[wlan/wifi.c::prepare_single_sku_simple():2045] find region:Europe, use:CE
[SYSTEM]/bin/mkdir -p /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP/
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm -rf /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP//7615_SingleSKU.dat
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm -rf /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP//7615_SingleSKU_BF.dat
[wlan/wifi.c::prepare_single_sku_simple():2095] not Canada/India/Korea region
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /etc/mtk/singlesku_r6950//CE/7615_SingleSKU.dat /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP//
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /etc/mtk/singlesku_r6950//CE/7615_SingleSKU_BF.dat /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP//
[wlan/wifi.c::prepare_single_sku_simple():2156] not generate power table md5
[libscm_wl.c::set_ralink_wifi_mac():1702] CHIP: 7615 - current MAC: B0:39:56:52:21:FC
[libscm_wl.c::set_ralink_wifi_mac():1703] Assign MAC: B0:39:56:52:21:FC
[libscm_wl.c::set_ralink_wifi_mac():1706] no update!
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
[libscm_wl.c::set_ralink_wifi_mac():1702] CHIP: 7615 - current MAC: B0:39:56:52:21:FD
[libscm_wl.c::set_ralink_wifi_mac():1703] Assign MAC: B0:39:56:52:21:fd
[libscm_wl.c::set_ralink_wifi_mac():1706] no update!
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /tmp/wifi_mac_set
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig ra0 NOTIFY
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
DriverOwn()::Return since already in Driver Own...
Current DevInfo Num: 0
Current BssInfo Num: 0
Current StaRec Num: 0
RtmpOSFileOpen(): Error 2 opening /etc/Wireless/RT2860/RT2860_5G.dat
Open file "/etc/Wireless/RT2860/RT2860_5G.dat" failed!
SSID[0]=NETGEAR66, EdcaIdx=0
SSID[1]=NETGEAR_Guest, EdcaIdx=0
RTMPSetProfileParameters(): DBDC Mode=0
wmode_band_equal(): Band Equal!
[TxPower] BAND0: 100
[SKUenable] BAND0: 1
default ApCliAPSDCapable[0]=0
default ApCliAPSDCapable[1]=0
[RTMPSetProfileParameters]Disable DFS/Zero wait=0/0
[PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPC=0
[PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPR=0
[PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired PMFSHA256=0
rtmp_read_wds_from_file(): WDS Profile
WDS-Enable mode=0
AndesSendCmdMsg: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD
HT: Ext Channel = BELOW
HT: greenap_cap = 0
IcapMode = 0
WtcSetMaxStaNum: MaxStaNum:86, BssidNum:2, WdsNum:4, ApcliNum:2, MaxNumChipRept:32, MinMcastWcid:124
Top Init Done!
Use dev_alloc_skb
RX[0] DESC a0c0a000 size = 8192
RX[1] DESC a0c0c000 size = 8192
Hif Init Done!
ctl->txq = c04fa968
ctl->rxq = c04fa974
ctl->ackq = c04fa980
ctl->kickq = c04fa98c
ctl->tx_doneq = c04fa998
ctl->rx_doneq = c04fa9a4
mt7615_fw_prepare():FW(8a10), HW(8a10), CHIPID(7615))
mt7615_fw_prepare(2725): MT7615_E3, USE E3 patch and ram code binary image
AndesMTLoadRomMethodFwDlRing(1043), cap->rom_patch_len(11150)
AndesRestartCheck: Current TOP_MISC2(0x1)
AndesRestartCheck: (TOP_MISC2 = 1), ready to continue...RET(0)

platform =
hw/sw version =
patch version =
Patch SEM Status=2
MtCmdPatchSemGet:(ret = 0)

Patch is not ready && get semaphore success, SemStatus(2)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
Send checksum req..
Patch SEM Status=3
MtCmdPatchSemGet:(ret = 0)

Release patch semaphore, SemStatus(3)
WfMcuHwInit: Before NICLoadFirmware, check IcapMode=0
AndesMTLoadFwMethodFwDlRing(810), cap->fw_len(459768)
Build Date:_201708100317
Build Date:_201708100317
AndesRestartCheck: Current TOP_MISC2(0x1)
AndesRestartCheck: (TOP_MISC2 = 1), ready to continue...RET(0)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
MtCmdFwStartReq: override = 1, address = 540672
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
Build Date:_201707261512
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
MtCmdFwStartReq: override = 4, address = 0
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
WfMcuHwInit: NICLoadFirmware OK, Check IcapMode=0
MCU Init Done!
efuse_probe: efuse = 10000212
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook::e2p_type=2, inf_Type=5
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook: E2P type(2), E2pAccessMode = 2, E2P default = 1
NVM is FLASH mode. dev_idx [0] FLASH OFFSET [0x0]
NICReadEEPROMParameters():Calling eeinit
NICReadEEPROMParameters: EEPROM 0x52 b302
NICReadEEPROMParameters: EEPROM 0x52 b302
Country Region from e2p = 101
mt7615_antenna_default_reset(): TxPath = 4, RxPath = 4
mt7615_antenna_default_reset(): DBDC 2G TxPath = 2, 2G RxPath = 2
mt7615_antenna_default_reset(): DBDC 5G TxPath = 2, 2G RxPath = 2
rtmp_read_txpwr_from_eeprom(243): Don't Support this now!
RTMPReadTxPwrPerRate(1382): Don't Support this now!
RcRadioInit(): DbdcMode=0, ConcurrentBand=1
RcRadioInit(): pRadioCtrl=8fc87450,Band=0,rfcap=3,channel=1,PhyMode=2
MtCmdSetDbdcCtrl:(ret = 0)
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_usb_service led_update
Band Rf: 1, Phy Mode: 2
AntCfgInit(2779): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
MtSingleSkuLoadParam: RF_LOCKDOWN Feature OFF !!!
MtBfBackOffLoadTable: RF_LOCKDOWN Feature OFF !!!
EEPROM Init Done!
mt_mac_pse_init(2787): Don't Support this now!
mt7615_init_mac_cr(): TMAC_TRCR0=0x82783c8c
mt7615_init_mac_cr(): TMAC_TRCR1=0x82783c8c
MtAsicSetMacMaxLen(1313): Not finish Yet!
CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0
CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0
CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0
MAC Init Done!
MT7615BBPInit():BBP Initialization.....
        Band 0: valid=1, isDBDC=0, Band=2, CBW=1, CentCh/PrimCh=1/1, prim_ch_idx=0, txStream=2
        Band 1: valid=0, isDBDC=0, Band=0, CBW=0, CentCh/PrimCh=0/0, prim_ch_idx=0, txStream=0
MT7615BBPInit() todo
PHY Init Done!
MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0)
CountryCode(2.4G/5G)=1/1, RFIC=25, PHY mode(2.4G/5G)=14/14, support 13 channels
WifiSysOpen(), wdev idx = 0
wdev_attr_update(): wdevId0 = b0:39:56:52:21:fc
MtCmdSetDbdcCtrl:(ret = 0)
ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup = 0, AutoChannelFlag = 0
MtAsicSetChBusyStat(865): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
[PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=0, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
[PMF]WPAMakeRsnIeCap: RSNIE Capability MFPC=0, MFPR=0
HcUpdatePhyMode(): Update PhyMode for all wdev for this band PhyMode:14,Channel=12
CountryCode(2.4G/5G)=1/1, RFIC=25, PHY mode(2.4G/5G)=14/14, support 13 channels
Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=1)
MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [5] BW [0] from cetral freq [2432]  offset [2300]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 5,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 5 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [6] BW [0] from cetral freq [2432]  offset [2300]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 6,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 6 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [7] BW [0] from cetral freq [2447]  offset [2400]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 7,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 7 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
:MtCmdPktBudgetCtrl: bssid(255),wcid(65535),type(0)
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [8] BW [0] from cetral freq [2447]  offset [2400]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 8,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 8 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [9] BW [0] from cetral freq [2447]  offset [2400]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 9,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 9 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [10] BW [0] from cetral freq [2467]  offset [2500]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 10,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 10 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [11] BW [0] from cetral freq [2467]  offset [2500]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 11,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 11 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [12] BW [0] from cetral freq [2467]  offset [2500]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 12,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 12 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [13] BW [0] from cetral freq [2467]  offset [2500]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 13,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 13 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(1)
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:127 for WDEV_TYPE:1
 LinkToOmacIdx = 0, LinkToWdevType = 1
bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO),                 CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 0,                 CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 0
[RadarStateCheck]Set into RD_NORMAL_MODE
MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: fgTxPowerSKUEn: 1, BandIdx: 0
MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 0, BandIdx: 0
MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 0
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 1
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 2
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 3
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 4
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 5
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 6
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
mt7615_bbp_adjust():rf_bw=0, ext_ch=0, PrimCh=12, HT-CentCh=12, VHT-CentCh=0
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [12] BW [0] from cetral freq [2467]  offset [2500]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 12,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 12 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 0,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(0)
ap_phy_rrm_init_byRf(): AP Set CentralFreq at 12(Prim=12, HT-CentCh=12, VHT-CentCh=0, BBP_BW=0)
LeadTimeForBcn, OmacIdx = 0, WDEV_WITH_BCN_ABILITY
MtAsicSetRalinkBurstMode(2618): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
MtAsicSetPiggyBack(802): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
MtAsicSetTxPreamble(2597): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
RTMPSetLEDStatus: before AndesLedEnhanceOP , status=1, LED_CMD=2!
AndesLedEnhanceOP: Success!
BndStrg_SetInfFlags(): BSS (b0:39:56:52:21:fc) set 2G Inf ra0 ready.
Main bssid = b0:39:56:52:21:fc
AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn
MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0)
MCS Set = ff ff ff ff 01
<==== mt_wifi_init, Status=0
MtCmdEDCCACtrl: BandIdx: 0, EDCCACtrl: 1
MtCmdEDCCACtrl: BandIdx: 1, EDCCACtrl: 1
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
wlan_operate_set_vht_bw(): new vht_bw:1 > cap_vht_bw: 0, correct to cap_vht_bw
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
wlan_operate_set_vht_bw(): new vht_bw:1 > cap_vht_bw: 0, correct to cap_vht_bw
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
wlan_operate_set_vht_bw(): new vht_bw:1 > cap_vht_bw: 0, correct to cap_vht_bw
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
wlan_operate_set_vht_bw(): new vht_bw:1 > cap_vht_bw: 0, correct to cap_vht_bw
Total allocated 4 WDS interfaces!
wlan_operate_set_vht_bw(): new vht_bw:1 > cap_vht_bw: 0, correct to cap_vht_bw
WtcSetMaxStaNum: MaxStaNum:86, BssidNum:2, WdsNum:4, ApcliNum:2, MaxNumChipRept:32, MinMcastWcid:124
red_is_enabled: set CR4/N9 RED Enable to 1.
cp_support_is_enabled: set CR4 CP_SUPPORT to Mode 2.
Correct apidx from 0 to 0 for WscUUIDInit
Generate UUID for apidx(0)
UUID: c01b4580, len = 16
0x0000 : bc 32 9e 00 1d d8 11 b2 86 01 b0 39 56 52 21 fc

get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
[SYSTEM]/sbget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
in/brctl addif gget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
roup1 ra0
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
interface ra0 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 40
Can't find DB for id==40
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 41
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2601] no need fix f2 f3 value sinNOTIFY
ce this is 54M tget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
arget power and get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
NTGR need other get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
[SYSget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
TEM]/sbin/ifconfget_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
ig rai0 up
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
DriverOwn()::Return since already in Driver Own...
Current DevInfo Num: 0
Current BssInfo Num: 0
Current StaRec Num: 0
get_wdev_by_idx: invalid idx(0)
RtmpOSFileOpen(): Error 2 opening /etc/Wireless/iNIC/iNIC_ap_5G.dat
Open file "/etc/Wireless/iNIC/iNIC_ap_5G.dat" failed!
SSID[0]=NETGEAR66, EdcaIdx=0
SSID[1]=NETGEAR-5G_Guest, EdcaIdx=0
RTMPSetProfileParameters(): DBDC Mode=0
wmode_band_equal(): Band Equal!
[TxPower] BAND0: 100
[SKUenable] BAND0: 1
default ApCliAPSDCapable[0]=0
default ApCliAPSDCapable[1]=0
[PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPC=0
[PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPR=0
[PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired PMFSHA256=0
rtmp_read_wds_from_file(): WDS Profile
WDS-Enable mode=0
AndesSendCmdMsg: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD
HT: Ext Channel = BELOW
HT: greenap_cap = 0
IcapMode = 0
WtcSetMaxStaNum: MaxStaNum:86, BssidNum:2, WdsNum:4, ApcliNum:2, MaxNumChipRept:32, MinMcastWcid:124
Top Init Done!
Use dev_alloc_skb
RX[0] DESC a0c18000 size = 8192
RX[1] DESC a0c1a000 size = 8192
Hif Init Done!
ctl->txq = c097a968
ctl->rxq = c097a974
ctl->ackq = c097a980
ctl->kickq = c097a98c
ctl->tx_doneq = c097a998
ctl->rx_doneq = c097a9a4
mt7615_fw_prepare():FW(8a10), HW(8a10), CHIPID(7615))
mt7615_fw_prepare(2725): MT7615_E3, USE E3 patch and ram code binary image
AndesMTLoadRomMethodFwDlRing(1043), cap->rom_patch_len(11150)
AndesRestartCheck: Current TOP_MISC2(0x1)
AndesRestartCheck: (TOP_MISC2 = 1), ready to continue...RET(0)

platform =
hw/sw version =
patch version =
Patch SEM Status=2
MtCmdPatchSemGet:(ret = 0)

Patch is not ready && get semaphore success, SemStatus(2)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
Send checksum req..
Patch SEM Status=3
MtCmdPatchSemGet:(ret = 0)

Release patch semaphore, SemStatus(3)
WfMcuHwInit: Before NICLoadFirmware, check IcapMode=0
AndesMTLoadFwMethodFwDlRing(810), cap->fw_len(459768)
Build Date:_201708100317
Build Date:_201708100317
AndesRestartCheck: Current TOP_MISC2(0x1)
AndesRestartCheck: (TOP_MISC2 = 1), ready to continue...RET(0)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
MtCmdFwStartReq: override = 1, address = 540672
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
Build Date:_201707261512
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
MtCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
MtCmdFwStartReq: override = 4, address = 0
EventGenericEventHandler: CMD Success
WfMcuHwInit: NICLoadFirmware OK, Check IcapMode=0
MCU Init Done!
efuse_probe: efuse = 10000212
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook::e2p_type=2, inf_Type=5
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook: E2P type(2), E2pAccessMode = 2, E2P default = 1
NVM is FLASH mode. dev_idx [1] FLASH OFFSET [0x8000]
NICReadEEPROMParameters():Calling eeinit
NICReadEEPROMParameters: EEPROM 0x52 b302
NICReadEEPROMParameters: EEPROM 0x52 b302
Country Region from e2p = 101
mt7615_antenna_default_reset(): TxPath = 4, RxPath = 4
mt7615_antenna_default_reset(): DBDC 2G TxPath = 2, 2G RxPath = 2
mt7615_antenna_default_reset(): DBDC 5G TxPath = 2, 2G RxPath = 2
rtmp_read_txpwr_from_eeprom(243): Don't Support this now!
RTMPReadTxPwrPerRate(1382): Don't Support this now!
RcRadioInit(): DbdcMode=0, ConcurrentBand=1
RcRadioInit(): pRadioCtrl=8e8a9450,Band=0,rfcap=3,channel=1,PhyMode=2
MtCmdSetDbdcCtrl:(ret = 0)
Band Rf: 1, Phy Mode: 2
AntCfgInit(2779): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
MtSingleSkuLoadParam: RF_LOCKDOWN Feature OFF !!!
MtBfBackOffLoadTable: RF_LOCKDOWN Feature OFF !!!
EEPROM Init Done!
mt_mac_pse_init(2787): Don't Support this now!
mt7615_init_mac_cr(): TMAC_TRCR0=0x82783c8c
mt7615_init_mac_cr(): TMAC_TRCR1=0x82783c8c
MtAsicSetMacMaxLen(1313): Not finish Yet!
CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0
CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0
CmdRxHdrTransBLUpdateRsp::EventExtCmdResult.u4Status = 0x0
MAC Init Done!
MT7615BBPInit():BBP Initialization.....
        Band 0: valid=1, isDBDC=0, Band=2, CBW=1, CentCh/PrimCh=1/1, prim_ch_idx=0, txStream=2
        Band 1: valid=0, isDBDC=0, Band=0, CBW=0, CentCh/PrimCh=0/0, prim_ch_idx=0, txStream=0
MT7615BBPInit() todo
PHY Init Done!
MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0)
CountryCode(2.4G/5G)=1/1, RFIC=25, PHY mode(2.4G/5G)=49/49, support 19 channels
WifiSysOpen(), wdev idx = 0
wdev_attr_update(): wdevId0 = b0:39:56:52:21:fd
MtCmdSetDbdcCtrl:(ret = 0)
ApAutoChannelAtBootUp: AutoChannelBootup = 0, AutoChannelFlag = 0
MtAsicSetChBusyStat(865): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
[PMF]APPMFInit:: apidx=0, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
[PMF]WPAMakeRsnIeCap: RSNIE Capability MFPC=0, MFPR=0
HcUpdatePhyMode(): Update PhyMode for all wdev for this band PhyMode:49,Channel=44
CountryCode(2.4G/5G)=1/1, RFIC=25, PHY mode(2.4G/5G)=49/49, support 19 channels
wtc_acquire_groupkey_wcid: Found a non-occupied wtbl_idx:127 for WDEV_TYPE:1
 LinkToOmacIdx = 0, LinkToWdevType = 1
bssUpdateBmcMngRate (BSS_INFO_BROADCAST_INFO),                 CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2BcTransmit= 8192,                 CmdBssInfoBmcRate.u2McTransmit = 8196
[RadarStateCheck]Set into RD_NORMAL_MODE
MtCmdTxPowerSKUCtrl: fgTxPowerSKUEn: 1, BandIdx: 0
MtCmdTxPowerPercentCtrl: fgTxPowerPercentEn: 0, BandIdx: 0
MtCmdTxBfBackoffCtrl: fgTxBFBackoffEn: 0, BandIdx: 0
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 0
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 1
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 2
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 3
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 4
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 5
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: ucBandIdx: 0, cPwrUpCat: 6
MtCmdTxPwrUpCtrl: cPwrUpValue: (0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)-(0)
mt7615_bbp_adjust():rf_bw=2, ext_ch=1, PrimCh=44, HT-CentCh=46, VHT-CentCh=42
mt7615_apply_dcoc() : reload Central CH [42] BW [2] from cetral freq [5210]  offset [1900]
MtCmdGetRXDCOCCalResult:(ret = 0)
mt7615_apply_cal_data() : eeprom 0x52 bit 0 is 0, do runtime cal , skip TX reload
MtCmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 44,control_ch2=0, central_chl = 42 DBDCIdx= 0, Band= 0
BW = 2,TXStream = 4, RXStream = 4, scan(0)
:MtCmdPktBudgetCtrl: bssid(255),wcid(65535),type(0)
ap_phy_rrm_init_byRf(): AP Set CentralFreq at 42(Prim=44, HT-CentCh=46, VHT-CentCh=42, BBP_BW=2)
[WrapDfsRadarDetectStart]: Band0Ch is 44[WrapDfsRadarDetectStart]: Band1Ch is 0LeadTimeForBcn, OmacIdx = 0, WDEV_WITH_BCN_ABILITY
MtAsicSetRalinkBurstMode(2618): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
MtAsicSetPiggyBack(802): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
MtAsicSetTxPreamble(2597): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
RTMPSetLEDStatus: before AndesLedEnhanceOP , status=1, LED_CMD=2!
AndesLedEnhanceOP: Success!
BndStrg_SetInfFlags(): BSS (b0:39:56:52:21:fd) set 5G Inf rai0 ready.
Main bssid = b0:39:56:52:21:fd
AsicRadioOnOffCtrl(): DbdcIdx=0 RadioOn
MtCmdSetMacTxRx:(ret = 0)
[kwilt_daemon.c::start_check_kwilt():680] kwilt MCS Set = ff ff ff ff 01
wait for wan/usb<==== mt_wifi_init, Status=0
MtCmdEDCCACtrl: BandIdx: 0, EDCCACtrl: 1
MtCmdEDCCACtrl: BandIdx: 1, EDCCACtrl: 1
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
The new WDS interface MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  MacTabMatchWCID = 0
Total allocated 4 WDS interfaces!
WtcSetMaxStaNum: MaxStaNum:86, BssidNum:2, WdsNum:4, ApcliNum:2, MaxNumChipRept:32, MinMcastWcid:124
red_is_enabled: set CR4/N9 RED Enable to 1.
cp_support_is_enabled: set CR4 CP_SUPPORT to Mode 2.
Correct apidx from 0 to 0 for WscUUIDInit
Generate UUID for apidx(0)
UUID: c0634580, len = 16
0x0000 : bc 32 9e 00 1d d8 11 b2 86 01 b0 39 56 52 21 fd

[SYSTEM]/sbin/brctl addif group1 rai0
interface rai0 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 40
Can't find DB for id==40
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 42
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2625] no need fix f2 f3 value since this is 54M target power and NTGR need other value
GUI ASCII string: 38833092-3092-1883-b892-b039565221fc
GUI HEX string: 3883309230921883b892b039565221fc
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[ has_8021x - 288 ] : 8021x none for band WIFI_BAND_2G
[ has_8021x - 288 ] : 8021x none for band WIFI_BAND_5G
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall miniupnpd_wsc
killall: miniupnpd_wsc: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/chmod +x /var/
[SYSTEM]/bin/sh -x /var/
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscConfMode=0
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscConfMode=0
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscSetupLock=0
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscSetupLock=0
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscMaxPinAttack=3
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscMaxPinAttack=3
+ route add -host dev group1
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscConfModRTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=8, pointer(8c8d5000)=82072218!
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscConfMode=7
+ miniupnpd_wsc -m 1 -I raRTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=17, pointer(8c881000)=82072218=E8AFC240!
0 -P /var/run/miniupnpd.ra0 -i eth3 -a -n 7777 -u 38RTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=8, pointer(8c905000)=82072218!
Unknown option: -I
Unknown RTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=8, pointer(8c8d5000)=82072218!
option: ra0
+ sleep 10
+ sleep 10
+ + sleepsleep 10 7

+ slRTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=17, pointer(8c881000)=82072218=E8AFC3A0!
eep 10
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /tmp/wRTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=8, pointer(8c905000)=82072218!
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 44
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/led_app on 45
[wlan/wifi.c::need_disable_edcca():2371] wifiregion_in_gui:Europe
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2753] ENABLE on EDCCA for 2G and 5G
ss():2794] adjusNOTIFY
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv raNOTIFY
i0 mac 82072218OTIFY
rai0      mac:[0x12218]:e8afc3a0
iwpriv rai0 mac NOTIFY
rai0      mac:[0x12218]:e8afc240
n/iwpriv rai0 mac 82072218
rai0      mac:[0x12218]:e8afc240
[wlan/wifi.c::start_wireless():2799] need 2G edcca default threshold for region need RED ADAPTIVITY
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv ra0 mac 82072218
ra0       mac:[0x12218]:e8afc3a0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv ra0 mac 82072218=E8AFC3A0
ra0       mac:[0x12218]:e8afc3a0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv ra0 mac 82072218
ra0       mac:[0x12218]:e8afc3a0
[SYSTEM]/sbin/killall bndstrg
killall: bndstrg: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/bndstrg &
[ start_wifi_service - 2870 ] : rc not ready, not enqueue the apcli_start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lan init
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addbr group1
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group1 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addbr group2
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group2 up
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_firewall init
[00:00:45] [main]DebugLevel 2
[00:00:45] [main]Initialize bndstrg
[00:00:45] [driver_wext_init]Initialize ralink wext interface
[ firewall_main - 133 ] : before fw_exe
[ firewall_main - 136 ] : end fw_exe
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[00:00:46] [bndstrg_event_handle][bndstrg_event_handle][INF_STATUS_RSP_2G:ra0]0,1
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[00:00:46] [bndstrg_event_handle][bndstrg_event_handle][INF_STATUS_RSP_5G:rai0]0,1
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[00:00:47] [BndSSend DISASSOC Broadcast frame(3) with ra0
trg_status_polliBndStrg_Enable(): Band steering start running.
ng]BndStrg_statuD_SetCndChkFlag(): CndChkFlag = 0x10f
s_polling(): tabD_SetAgeTime(): AgeTime = 0
le->dbdc_mode=0,D_SetHoldTime(): HoldTime = 50
[D_SetRssiLow(): RssiLow = -70
00:00:47] [BndStD_SetCheckTime(): CheckTime_2G = 30
rg_status_pollinSend DISASSOC Broadcast frame(3) with ra0
g]BndStrg_statusBndStrg_Enable(): Band steering start running.
_polling(): bndsD_SetCndChkFlag(): CndChkFlag = 0x10f
trg->table.b2GInD_SetAgeTime(): AgeTime = 0
fDiable_by_drv=0D_SetHoldTime(): HoldTime = 50

[00:00:47] [BnD_SetRssiLow(): RssiLow = -70
dStrg_status_polD_SetCheckTime(): CheckTime_5G = 30
ling]BndStrg_status_polling(): bndstrg->table.b5GInfDiable_by_drv=0
[00:00:47] [driver_wext_bndstrg_onoff]driver_wext_bndstrg_onoff
[00:00:47] [driver_wext_bndstrg_onoff]driver_wext_bndstrg_onoff
[00:00:48]onoff = 1,band = 2
[00:00:48] [bndstrg_event_on_off]bndstrg_event_on_off(): onoff = 1,band = 2
[00:00:48]onoff = 1,band = 1
[00:00:48] [bndstrg_event_on_off]bndstrg_event_on_off(): onoff = 1,band = 1
[libiptc/libiptc.c::iptc_commit():2608] out_free_newcounters
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[libiptc/libiptc.c::iptc_commit():2608] out_free_newcounters
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[libiptc/libiptc.c::iptc_commit():2608] out_free_newcounters
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[libiptc/libiptc.c::iptc_commit():2608] out_free_newcounters
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_vlan start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_funjsq start
[ start_funjsq - 31 ] : not start funjsq in non-PR region or under ap mode/ bridge mode
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lan start
[../include/scvlan_shardevice eth2 entered promiscuous mode
e.h::get_vlan_grgroup1: port 1(eth2) entering learning state
oup():27] enablegroup1: port 1(eth2) entering learning state
:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 updevice ra0 entered promiscuous mode

[SYSTgroup1: port 2(ra0) entering learning state
EM]/usr/sbin/brcgroup1: port 2(ra0) entering learning state
tl addif group1 eth2
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig ra0 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl adevice rai0 entered promiscuous mode
ddif group1 ra0roup1: port 3(rai0) entering learning state
[ start_langroup1: port 3(rai0) entering learning state
_vlan_L2 - 901 ] : guest interface ra1 NOT enabled
]/sbin/ifconfig rai0 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group1 rai0
group1: port 3(rai0) entering learning statee rai1 NOT enabled

[SYSTEM]/sgroup1: port 2(ra0) entering learning state
bin/ifconfig grogroup1: port 1(eth2) entering learning state
up1 down
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig grouNOTIFY
p1 up
group1: port 3(rai0) entering learning state
group1: port 3(rai0) entering learning state
group1: port 2(ra0) entering learning state
group1: port 2(ra0) entering learning state
group1: port 1(eth2) entering learning state
group1: port 1(eth2) entering learning state
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group1 1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group1 off
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:1, wan:1 2 3
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group1 netmask broadcast
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ip route add to dev group1 table 101
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ip route add to blackhole default table 101
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ip rule add from table 101
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ip rule add iif group1 table 101
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ip rule add scmark 0x1 table 101
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_dhcpd start 1
[SYSTEM]killall udhcpd_1
killall: udhcpd_1: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/ln -sf /usr/sbin/udhcpd /var/udhcpd_1
[SYSTEM]/var/udhcpd_1 /etc/udhcpd.conf1 &
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_firewall group 1
[ firewall_main - 133 ] : before fw_exe
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[dhcpd.c::udhcpd():116] udhcp server (v0.9.7) started
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[dhcpd.c::udhcpd():170] interface: group1, start : 201a8c0 end : fe01a8c0

[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc schedule restart
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_schedule restart
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -14 access_logd
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "enable_ipmac=0" > /proc/arp_protect_enable
[ firewall_main - 136 ] : end fw_exe
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group2 eth2
device eth2 is NOTIFY
already a member of a bridge; can't enslave it tNOTIFY
o bridge group2.NOTIFY

[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group2 down
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group2 1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group2 off
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:2, wan:1 2 3
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group3 eth2
interface eth2 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group3 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group3 up
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group3 1
set forward delay failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group3 off
set stp status failed: No such device
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:3, wan:1 2 3
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group4 eth2
interface eth2 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group4 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group4 up
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group4 1
set forward delay failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group4 off
set stp status failed: No such device
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:4, wan:1 2 3
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group5 eth2
interface eth2 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group5 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group5 up
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group5 1
set forward delay failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group5 off
set stp status failed: No such device
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:5, wan:1 2 3
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group6 eth2
interface eth2 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group6 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group6 up
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS:ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link Down
 No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group6 1
set forward delay failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group6 off
set stp status failed: No such device
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:6, wan:1 2 3
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group7 eth2
interface eth2 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group7 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group7 up
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group7 1
set forward delay failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group7 off
set stp status failed: No such device
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:7, wan:1 2 3
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl addif group8 eth2
interface eth2 does not exist!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group8 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig group8 up
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd group8 1
set forward delay failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp group8 off
set stp status failed: No such device
[ start_lan_vlan_L3 - 811 ] : index:8, wan:1 2 3
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lan reset_switch
down port 0
Set: phy[0].reg[0] = 1840
down port 1
Set: phy[1].reg[0] = 1840
down port 2
Set: phy[2].reg[0] = 1840
down port 3
Set: phy[3].reg[0] = 1840
+ /sbin/iwpriv ra0 set BndStrgCndPD_SetCndChkFlag(): CndChkFlag = 0x1fa
+ /sbin/iwpD_SetCheckTime(): CheckTime_2G = 10
D_SetCheckTime(): CheckTime_2G = 10

D_SetCheckTime(): CheckTime_5G = 10
+ /sbin/iwpriv ra0 set BndStrgBsD_SetCheckTime(): CheckTime_5G = 10
+ /sbin/iwpriv rai0 set BndStrgBssIdx=1
+ /sbin/iwpriv ra0 set BndStrg2GCheckTime=10
+ /sbin/iwpriv rai0 set BndStrg2GCheckTime=10
+ /sbin/iwpriv ra0 set BndStrg5GCheckTime=10
+ /sbin/iwpriv rai0 set BndStrg5GCheckTime=10
up port 0
Set: phy[0].reg[0] = 1240
up port 1
Set: phy[1].reg[0] = 1240
up port 2
Set: phy[2].reg[0] = 1240
up port 3
Set: phy[3].reg[0] = 1240
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wifi_isolation start
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "lan_ip=" > /proc/wifi_isolation
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/wifi_isolation: nonexistent directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "lan_netmask=" > /proc/wifi_isolation
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/wifi_isonet/netfilter/nf_conntrack_sip.c: write_proc: file: 8d7331c0, buffer: 1
, count: 2, data: 00000000
lation: nonexistent directory
[wifi_isolation/wifi_isolation.c::start_wifi_isolation():188] no ipv6 local ip
[wifi_isolation/wifi_isolation.c::start_wifi_isolation():196] no ipv6 global ip
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_timezone start
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo GMT+0 > /etc/TZ
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_sip_alg start
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sipalg_enable
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_mediaserver start
#### media server is disable
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_dnrd start
[ dnrd_main - 34 ] : do dnrd for 1 -> 1
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i group1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i group1 -p udp --dport 53 -m dnshj -j DNAT --to
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i group1 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I  PREROUTING -i group1 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j RETURN
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I  PREROUTING -i group1 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j RETURN
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I  PREROUTING -i group1 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j RETURN
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I  PREROUTING -i group1 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j RETURN
[SYSTEM]/bin/killall -9 dnrd_1  2>/dev/null
[ start_dnrd - 115 ] : wan_account BOARD_ID same, wan_account no need in host file
[SYSTEM]/bin/killall -9 dnrd_1  2>/dev/null
[SYSTEM]/bin/ln -sf /usr/sbin/dnrd /var/dnrd_1
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i group1 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i group1 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I  PREROUTING -i group1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
[SYSTEM]/var/dnrd_1 -a -m hosts -c off -r 0 -g &
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_debug_mode start
killall: telnetenabled: no process killed
escape_for_shell_by_backslash_in_doublequote: start_tlnconsoleblock str: password
escape_for_shell_by_backslash_in_doublequote: start_tlnconsoleblock str: password
[debug_mode/tln_cfg.c::start_tlnconsoleblock():75] cmd:telnetenabled B039565221FC admin "password" &
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_httpd start
Notice: caching turned off
Warning: Using /etc/hosts will be removed in a future version. Please use only the /etc/dnrd/master file or use -m off.
[sc_language.c::create_language_file():475] Create link files for <English>
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock4 to ENU
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock5 to CHS
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock6 to RUS
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock7 to DEU
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock8 to ESP
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock9 to NLD
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock10 to KOR
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock11 to FRA
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock12 to SVE
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock13 to CSY
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock14 to TUR
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():368] update mtd /dev/mtdblock15 to ITA
[sc_language.c::create_language_file():498] Checking MTD </dev/mtdblock4> according to its id <ENU>
[sc_language.c::decompress_language():200] Try to decompress MTD </dev/mtdblock4>
[watchdog.c::main():142] Watchdog: process 'syslogd' exists, score: 5.
+ brctl+  addifbrctl group1 addif rai0 group1
 radevice ra1 entered promiscuous mode
device devicedevice ra1 left promiscuous mode
 ra0rai0 is alredevice rai1 entered promiscuous mode
ady a member of device rai1 left promiscuous mode
a bridge; can't device ra1 entered promiscuous mode
enslave it to brdevice ra1 left promiscuous mode
idge  is alreadydevice rai1 entered promiscuous mode
 a member of a bdevice rai1 left promiscuous mode
ridge; can't enslave it to bridge group1group1.
+ + brctlbrctl addif addif group1 group1 rai1 ra1

can't add ra1 to bridge group1: Invalid argument
can't add rai1 to bridge group1: Invalid argument
[SYSTEM]/bin/cat /www.eng/block.htm | /bin/sed "s|@model_name#|R6800|g" > /etc/block.htm
rmmod: ipt_REJECT: No such file or directory
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_firewall restart
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mini_httpd -d /www -r "NETGEAR R6800" -c '**.cgi' -t 300&
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_httpd remote start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_printk start
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 4 1 7 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ntp start
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/netgear_ntp -z GMT+0&
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ddns init
[ddns/ddns_cfg.c::ddns_init():489] +++ddns is disable, not need init++++
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wan init
[ wan_main - 661 ] : rc wan enter
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan2
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan3
[SYSTEM]/bin/killall wan_monitor
killall: wan_monitor: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/wan_monitor &
[SYSTEM]/bin/mkdir /tmp/apcli
[SYSTEM]/bin/touch /tmp/apcli/okrun
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_route start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ripd start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_potcounter start
killall: potcounter: no process killed
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_lltd start
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/lld2 group1
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_upnp start
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall miniupnpd
killall: miniupnpd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]route add -net netmask group1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/miniupnpd -i eth3 -a -p 56688 -U -t 1800 -T 4 -u 824ff22b-8c7d-41c5-a131-b039565221fc
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_schedule start
[flash.c::sc_get_region():632] Original Region Data: 00, 02
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /usr/etc/crontab /etc/crontab
set crontab for wifi_schedule --- 0
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo GMT+0 > /etc/TZ
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule: nonexistent directory
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_usb_service init
sd list:

 Disk X:
  volume_name=U Drive
  device_name=Flash Disk

 Shere List::
  Share Name=USB_Storage  Folder=<root> R=1 W=1

 Disk X:
  volume_name=Ubuntu-MATE 16.04.2 LTS amd64
  device_name=Flash Disk

 Shere List::
  Share Name=T_Drive  Folder=<root> R=1 W=1
list done.

[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_smb event reconfig
[ smb_main - 64 ] : update samba_home_directory /home/eason/qqq/
[ smb_main - 75 ] : usb directory not ready, samba_home_directory:/home/eason/qqq/
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /tmp/home_directory/
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /home/eason/qqq//var/cores/
[wan_monitor.c::main():434] lan port change, get again
[SYSTEM]chmod 0700 /home/eason/qqq//var/cores/
[SYSTEM]ln -sf /etc/ /home/eason/qqq//etc
[SYSTEM]cd /etc/; cp -a samba.conf/ samba
[SYSTEM]mkdir /home/eason/qqq//var/locks
[SYSTEM]mkdir /home/eason/qqq//var/cache
[SYSTEM]mkdir /home/eason/qqq//var/run
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /home/eason/qqq//private/
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /tmp/lib_in_ram/
[SYSTEM]cp -af /lib/smblibforcp/* /tmp/lib_in_ram/
[wan_monitor.c::main():440] lan port change, get again
[wan_monitor.c::main():580] call rc wan restart
[SYSTEM]rc wan restart
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wan restart
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_check_conn start
[SYSTEM]cp -af /usr/sbin/smbd /tmp/lib_in_ram/
[SYSTEM]cp -af /usr/sbin/nmbd /tmp/lib_in_ram/
[SYSTEM]/etc/mtk/ wifi wifi
eth2/eth3 RPS: CPU0/2
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm /etc/samba/secrets.tdb
rm: cannot remove '/etc/samba/secrets.tdb': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm /etc/secrets.tdb
rm: cannot remove '/etc/secrets.tdb': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm /secrets.tdb
rm: cannot remove '/secrets.tdb': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 smbd >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 nmbd >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/cp -f /etc/passwd.bak /etc/passwd
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rm -f /etc/samba/smbpasswd
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ftpd event mount
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 bftpd >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 bftpd bftpd_ipv6 >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_apple event mount
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_smb_http_en_chk event mount
[ start_smb_http_en - 209 ] : entering
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_mediaserver event mount
[SYSTEM]killall -9 minidlna
killall: minidlna: no process killed
#### media server is disable
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_iserver event mount
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 forked-daapd
killall: forked-daapd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_down_manage event mount
[down_manage/down_manage.c::start_download_manage():64] not enabled
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/killall -9 hd-idle
killall: hd-idle: no process killed
[usb_service/usb.c::has_printer_at_port():660] check if device has printer at port 0
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():123] 0x30 0x36, 0x3036.
find index 0 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/led_app off 60
[usb_service/usb.c::has_printer_at_port():660] check if device has printer at port 1
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/led_app off 61
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_vlan start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_dbus start
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/dbus-daemon --config-file=/etc/dbus-1/system.conf
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_xCloud start
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall xCloud_monitor
killall: xCloud_monitor: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/xCloud_monitor &
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_access_dev start
Access Control socket create
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_accessctl_block restart
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod /lib/modules/accessctl_block.ko
rmmod: /lib/modules/accessctl_block.ko: No such file or directory
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_openvpn prepare
[openvpn.c::decompress_openvpn_cert_file():89] Try to decompress MTD </dev/mtdblock25>
[openvpn.c::get_openvpn_info():68] md5=ebcb6bfb5591623c0c6c2b815dbf9c84,len=15079
[openvpn.c::decompress_openvpn_cert_file():136] md5 ok!
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
[openvpn.c::openvpn_cert_file_verify():158] buf=/usr/sbin/openssl x509 -in /tmp/openvpn/keys/ca.crt -noout -issuer > /tmp/ca.txt
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
[openvpn.c::openvpn_cert_file_verify():161] buf=/usr/sbin/openssl x509 -in /tmp/openvpn/keys/server.crt -noout -issuer > /tmp/server.txt
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
[openvpn.c::openvpn_cert_file_verify():164] buf=/usr/sbin/openssl x509 -in /tmp/openvpn/keys/client.crt -noout -issuer > /tmp/client.txt
[openvpn.c::openvpn_cert_file_verify():175] /tmp/ca.txt verify  ok
[openvpn.c::openvpn_cert_file_verify():175] /tmp/server.txt verify  ok
[openvpn.c::openvpn_cert_file_verify():175] /tmp/client.txt verify  ok
[openvpn.c::openvpn_cert_file_verify():187] verify ok!
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/cp -af /tmp/openvpn/keys/* /tmp/openvpn/
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rm -rf /tmp/openvpn/keys
nvram commit!
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_usb_printer start
[SYSTEM]/sbin/killall KC_BONJOUR
killall: KC_BONJOUR: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/killall KC_PRINT
killall: KC_PRINT: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod usblp
rmmod: usblp: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod NetUSB.ko
rmmod: NetUSB.ko: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod GPL_NetUSB.ko
rmmod: GPL_NetUSB.ko: No such file or directory
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():123] 0x30 0x36, 0x3036.
find index 0 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_r7450series_customsized():314] r7450series_customsized is 0
[usb_printer/usb_printer.c::no_need_printer():38] no_need printer:0
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/GPL_NetUSB.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/NetUSB.ko localID="R6800"
insmod: cannot insert '/lib/modules/NetUSB.ko': unknown symbol in module
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/NetUSB.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/class/usblp.ko
[usb_printer/usb_printer.c::no_need_printer():38] no_need printer:0
[SYSTEM]/sbin/KC_BONJOUR R6800 &
[SYSTEM]/sbin/KC_PRINT R6800 &
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wan apcli_rc_ready
[Bonjour] Interface: group1 is connected
[ wan_main - 661 ] : rc wan enter
[SYSTEM]/bin/touch /tmp/apcli/rc_ready
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_check_conn start
[KC] R6800 IPP v1.6 Start (May 24 2019 10:17:48)
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_RAE start
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/RAE_update_monitor &
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_start finished
[SYSTEM]/etc/mtk/ wifi
[RAE_update_monitor.c::main():814] RAE: Waiting WAN up... wifi
eth2/eth3 RPS: CPU0/2
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/echo > /tmp/bootup_finished
[start/start_cfg.c::bind_busydaemon_to_free_cpu():429] pid_multi_pb_app:456, pid_led_switch:301 pid_i2c_drv_thread:135
[SYSTEM]/sbin/taskset -p 4 456
pid 456's current affinity mask: (null)
pid 456's new affinity mask: 4
[SYSTEM]/sbin/taskset -p 4 301
pid 301's current affinity mask: (null)
pid 301's new affinity mask: 4
[SYSTEM]/sbin/taskset -p 4 135
pid 135's current affinity mask: (null)
pid 135's new affinity mask: 4
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/generate_cert_file &
[flash.c::sc_check_remotescfgmgrmagic():1357] buf:ff, ff, ff, ff
[flash.c::sc_check_remotescfgmgrmagic():1359] magic:31, 3e, c5, 8d
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_usb_service led_update
[usb_service/usb.c::has_printer_at_port():660] check if device has printer at port 0
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():123] 0x30 0x36, 0x3036.
find index 0 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/led_app off 60
[usb_service/usb.c::has_printer_at_port():660] check if device has printer at port 1
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_get_guest_led_replace_usb_led():281] guest_led_replace_usb_led is 0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/led_app off 61
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_schedule restart
[flash.c::sc_get_region():632] Original Region Data: 00, 02
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /usr/etc/crontab /etc/crontab
set crontab for wifi_schedule --- 0
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo GMT+0 > /etc/TZ
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule: nonexistent directory
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_firewall restart
[ firewall_main - 133 ] : before fw_exe
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc schedule restart
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_schedule restart
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -14 access_logd
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "enable_ipmac=0" > /proc/arp_protect_enable
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ fw_wan_L3 - 78 ] : wan1-ip0.0.0 enter
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan2
[ fw_wan_L3 - 78 ] : wan2-ip0.0.0 enter
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan3
[ fw_wan_L3 - 78 ] : wan3-ip0.0.0 enter
[ firewall_main - 136 ] : end fw_exe
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
[generate_cert_file.c::cert_file_build_time():107] cert current year=2019
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
[generate_cert_file.c::cert_signature_algorithm_deprecated():133] Signature Algorithm of OpenVPN cert is: sha256WithRSAEncryption
[generate_cert_file.c::main():219] openvpn cert correct, no need update
[libiptc/libiptc.c::iptc_commit():2608] out_free_newcounters
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[libiptc/libiptc.c::iptc_commit():2608] out_free_newcounters
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[libiptc/libiptc.c::iptc_commit():2608] out_free_newcounters
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[Bonjour] MDNS_CheckName: receive packet timeout
[Bonjour] default device name = R6800
[Bonjour] Answer Name Start (
[KC] R6800 Bonjour v1.5 Start (Aug  3 2016 15:06:52)
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wan restart
[ wan_main - 661 ] : rc wan enter
[ wan_action - 440 ] : entering wan0 InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ wan_stop_con - 179 ] : entering wan1
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():173] ignore dump ipv6 configconfig parser successfully .
[ wan_stop_con - 195 ] : allWanL3 of TotalCon <>
[ stop_L2 - 989 ] : entering  wan1
[ wan_stop_con - 247 ] : stop l2 +++++++++++++++
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan2
[ wan_stop_con - 179 ] : entering wan2
[ wan_stop_con - 195 ] : allWanL3 of TotalCon <>
[ stop_L2 - 989 ] : entering  wan2
[ wan_stop_con - 247 ] : stop l2 +++++++++++++++
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan3
[ wan_stop_con - 179 ] : entering wan3
[ wan_stop_con - 195 ] : allWanL3 of TotalCon <>
[ stop_L2 - 989 ] : entering  wan3
[ wan_stop_con - 247 ] : stop l2 +++++++++++++++
[ wan_main - 983 ] : ======vpi=<0>,vci=<0>,enable=<0>,encap=<(null)>
[ wan_main - 984 ] : mode=<(null)>,link_enable=<(null)>contype=<0>
[ wan_action - 440 ] : entering wan0 InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ wan_action - 455 ] : entering wan0 wan_start_con
[ wan_start_con - 279 ] : entering wan1
[ is_wan_enable - 93 ] : wan 1 is enabled for ANNEXB
[ start_L2 - 906 ] : entering <wan 1> Ethernet
[ start_eth - 665 ] : entering start_eth
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 up
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 down
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 hw ether B0:39:56:52:21:fe
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 up
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 mtu 1500
[SYSTEM]ifconfig eth3 up
[ start_eth - 671 ] : L3IfName: eth3
[ wan_start_con - 313 ] : usb NOT mounted, update smp since need update the pptp
[SYSTEM]/etc/mtk/ wifi wifi
eth2/eth3 RPS: CPU0/2
[ start_ip - 135 ] : entering wan1
[SYSTEM]/bin/ln -sf /usr/sbin/udhcpc /var/w/udhcpc_1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_firewall wan 1 init
[ firewall_main - 133 ] : before fw_exe
[ fw_new_wan_event - 31 ] : fw new event 4
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[ fw_wan_L3 - 78 ] : wan1-ip0.0.0 enter
[ firewall_main - 136 ] : end fw_exe
[SYSTEM]/var/w/udhcpc_1 -i eth3 -s /etc/udhcpc.mpvc.script -w 1 -o /tmp/w/info_1  -H "R6800"  -g 101&
[ wan_start_con - 394 ] : ipv6 restart <disable>
[ wan_start_con - 399 ] : ipv6 restart, v4 mode dhcpc v6 mode disable
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_ipv6 restart
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
[dhcpc.c::udhcpc():419] udhcp client (v0.9.7) started
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall dhcp6c
[clientpacket.c::random_xid():163] t:70, pid:7238
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 1111011764
killall: dhcp6c: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/killall pppd_ip6
killall: pppd_ip6: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall radvd
killall: radvd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 dhcp6s
killall: dhcp6s: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/killall -9 totd
killall: totd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -F
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t mangle -F
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t raw -F
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -X
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t mangle -X
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t raw -X
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
[SYSTEM]ip6tables  -C /tmp/rules6
ip6tables v1.4.10: option `-C' requires an argument
Try `ip6tables -h' or 'ip6tables --help' for more information.
[SYSTEM]killall mld
killall: mld: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ip -6 route flush dev tun6to4
Cannot find device "tun6to4"
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ip link set dev tun6to4 down
Cannot find device "tun6to4"
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ip tunnel del tun6to4
delete tunnel "tun6to4" failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/Ip -6 route flush dev tun6rd
Cannot find device "tun6rd"
[SYSTEM]/sbin/Ip link set dev tun6rd down
Cannot find device "tun6rd"
[SYSTEM]/sbin/Ip tunnel del tun6rd
delete tunnel "tun6rd" failed: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod ipv6_br.ko
rmmod: ipv6_br.ko: No such file or directory
/bin/sh: /sbin/fc: not found
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall dhcp6c
killall: dhcp6c: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall ip6_autod
killall: ip6_autod: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm -f /var/ip6prefix*
[ipv6/ipv6.c::stop_ipv6():79] stop ip6 wan mode: (-1)
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del default
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del default
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del default
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del default
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del default
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del default
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():173] ignore dump ipv6 config[ipv6/ipv6.c::start_ipv6():176] IPV6IPV4PPP_ONE_SESSION not enable
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
[ start_ipv6 - 190 ] :
ip6_config.wan_l2_ifname is eth3
[ipv6/ipv6.c::start_ipv6():203] ipv6 is over layer2, open rs/ra on eth3
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 3 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth3/router_solicitations
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth3/accept_ra
[ipv6/ipv6.c::start_ipv6():207] ipv6 is over layer2 interface eth3, trigger wan send out router solicitation
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo trigger_rs=1 > /proc/net/trigger_rs
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo wan_if=eth3 > /proc/net/trigger_rs
[ipv6/ipv6.c::start_ipv6():222] ip6 is disabled.
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_free():503] ip6_6rdBRIP4Addr null
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc wifi_isolation restart
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wifi_isolation restart
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_hw_nat start
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches; /bin/insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/nat/hw_nat/hw_nat.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/iwpriv ra0 set hw_nat_register=1
[SYSTEM]/sbin/iwpriv rai0 set hw_nat_register=1
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[../include/scvlan_share.h::get_vlan_group():27] enable:1, type:0, group name:Bridge, vid=0, pri=0, ports=00000000
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan2
[ wan_action - 455 ] : entering wan0 wan_start_con
[ wan_start_con - 279 ] : entering wan2
[ is_wan_enable - 88 ] : wan 2 is not enable
[ wan_start_con - 289 ] : wan 2 is disabled
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan3
[ wan_action - 455 ] : entering wan0 wan_start_con
[ wan_start_con - 279 ] : entering wan3
[ is_wan_enable - 88 ] : wan 3 is not enable
[ wan_start_con - 289 ] : wan 3 is disabled
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_check_conn start
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_schedule restart
[flash.c::sc_get_region():632] Original Region Data: 00, 02
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /usr/etc/crontab /etc/crontab
set crontab for wifi_schedule --- 0
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo GMT+0 > /etc/TZ
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule: nonexistent directory
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_wifi_isolation restart
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod /lib/modules/wifi_isolation.ko
rmmod: /lib/modules/wifi_isolation.ko: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "lan_ip=" > /proc/wifi_isolation
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/wifi_isolation: nonexistent directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "lan_netmask=" > /proc/wifi_isolation
/bin/sh: cannot create /proc/wifi_isolation: nonexistent directory
[wifi_isolation/wifi_isolation.c::start_wifi_isolation():188] no ipv6 local ip
[wifi_isolation/wifi_isolation.c::start_wifi_isolation():196] no ipv6 global ip
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 1111011764
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 1111011764
[kwilt_daemon.c::start_check_kwilt():680] kwilt wait for wan/usb/non-blank
[script.c::run_script():451] ==================
[script.c::run_script():453] interface=eth3
[script.c::run_script():453] PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin::/usr/local/sbin:/var/sbin
[script.c::run_script():453] HOME=/
[script.c::run_script():453] w=1
[script.c::run_script():453] info=/tmp/w/info_1
[script.c::run_script():453] route_related_options_del_file=/tmp/dhcpc_route_related_options_del1
[script.c::run_script():454] ==================
[script.c::run_script():458] execle'ing /etc/udhcpc.mpvc.script FAIL
wan1: dhcpc FAIL
[wan_monitor.c::main():434] lan port change, get again
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 504644566
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 504644566
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 504644566
[kwilt_daemon.c::start_check_kwilt():680] kwilt wait for wan/usb/non-blank
[script.c::run_script():451] ==================
[script.c::run_script():453] interface=eth3
[script.c::run_script():453] PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin::/usr/local/sbin:/var/sbin
[script.c::run_script():453] HOME=/
[script.c::run_script():453] w=1
[script.c::run_script():453] info=/tmp/w/info_1
[script.c::run_script():453] route_related_options_del_file=/tmp/dhcpc_route_related_options_del1
[script.c::run_script():454] ==================
[script.c::run_script():458] execle'ing /etc/udhcpc.mpvc.script FAIL
wan1: dhcpc FAIL
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 1562767494
rcd: enQ=/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_check_conn start
rcd: [run] deQ =/usr/sbin/rc_app/rc_check_conn start
[ read_wanParams - 917 ] : end of read_wanParams on wan1
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 1562767494
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():232] Sending discover...with xid 1562767494
[RAE_update_monitor.c::main():814] RAE: Waiting WAN up...
[watchdog.c::main():142] Watchdog: process '/usr/sbin/mini_httpd' exists, score: 4.
