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Prime Line PL-2424

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Prime Line PL-2424

Country of manuf.: China

Interface: USB

USB 1.1
Connector: Male A

ID: 058f:9254 (12 addl. devices)
Windows: USB\VID_058F&PID_9254

Size class: mini

Passively powered

UHub Chip1: Alcor Micro AU9254A21

Ports: 4

Power LED color / function tag: green

Product page

A sticker on the device reads "PrimeLine" and "China". It matches up with photos of the PL-2434 on the above product page.

The case on this particular device (labeled with "Northrop Grumman" [conference junk giveaway], the reseller of these device relabeled them for many companies) is translucent.

Silkscreened text reading "DX-174AP" is on the rightmost side of the hub's board.
The Alcor Micro chip is marked with "AU9254A21-MAS", "A16035-000", and "0402".
There is space on the board (and a hole in the case) for an external power jack, but it is not populated.

Technical Reference Manual for the Alcor chip


from the vendor

Prime Line PL 2434 vendor.jpg