Manuf (OEM/ODM): Arcadyan WG4005D-17
Type: wireless router
FCC ID: RAXWG4005D01-17
IC ID: 4711A-WG4005DS
Power: 9 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel
CPU1: Intersil ISL3893
FLA1: 2 MiB 2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX29LV160BBTC-90)
RAM1: 8 MiB 8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br /> (ICSI IC42S16400-7T)
Expansion IFs: none specified
Serial: yes, internal, 10-pin header, Arcadyan type1 pinout, (115200,8,N,1), J4, populated, 3.3V TTL
WI1 chip1: Intersil ISL3893
WI1 chip2: Intersil ISL3686B
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: RP-SMA
ETH chip1: Intersil ISL3893
Switch: ADMtek ADM6996LC
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 100M
WAN ports: 1
Additional chips
5GHz VCO;Intersil;ISL3084IR;3084IR, N537FK;1;
1.5A, DC/DC regulator;ANPEC;APW34063;APW34063, GG22U;1;
Hex Schmitt-Trigger Inverter;Texas Instruments;SN54LVC14A;52C2R4K, LVC14A;1;
Stock bootloader: ISL Rescueing Boot
Stock FW OS: Nucleus RTOS
Default SSID: SMC (9 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 296 additional devices
of which 31 are SMC devices
Default login user: blank
Default login password: smcadmin
blank:smcadmin credentials used by 11 additional devices
of which 11 are SMC devices
CPU1 brand | WI1 chip1 brand | WI1 chip2 brand | |
SMC SMCWBR14-G | Intersil | Intersil | Intersil |
SMC SMCWBR14-G2 | Atheros | Atheros | |
SMC SMCWBR14-GM | RDC | Ralink | Ralink |
For a list of all currently documented Intersil chipsets with specifications, see Intersil.
Barricade g / 2.4GHz 54Mbps Wireless Broadband Router
"P/N: 14100520010J REV: 01" and "MADE IN TAIWAN" is silkscreened on the top of the board of the unit populating this entry.
- A date code of 0536 (September 2005) is silkscreened on the bottom of the board.
- A mixture of (mostly) Rubycon (power side), Chemi-Con, and Wendell branded radial capacitors are in use.
- A label reading IC9-17, V1.00.024 was affixed to the Flash before removal.
This device would seem to be using the Nucleus RTOS.
Additional external links
The used pinout is somewhat commonly used by other Arcadyan devices..
(GND) ( ) (TxD) (RxD) [ ] (3.3) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) J4 | -------> to likely JTAG | v LEDs
Info derived from
• boot log |
Rescueing Boot for the ISL3893, version Copyright (C) 1993-2002 Intersil Americas Inc. All Rights Reserved. MAC Address: 00.13.f7.09.89.d6 Forcing soft reset from Bootloader▒ Rescueing Boot for the ISL3893, version Copyright (C) 1993-2002 Intersil Americas Inc. All Rights Reserved. MAC Address: 00.13.f7.09.89.d6 Boot: start searching for image... Found Boot: Checking Image CRC32... Okay. Disable PORT 0 NetMall System Boot Copyright 2003 Accton, Inc. CPU: Intersil ISL3893 Processor POST Version: 0.00.08 Creation Date: 2004.09.07 Press <space> key three times to stop auto-boot... 0 Verifying product code......PASS Boot Product Code!!! Reg0x00 = 0xFFFF Reg0x01 = 0x880F Reg0x02 = 0x0000 Reg0x03 = 0x840F Reg0x04 = 0x0000 Reg0x05 = 0x840F Reg0x06 = 0x0000 Reg0x07 = 0x840F Reg0x08 = 0x840F Reg0x09 = 0x881F Reg0x0A = 0x5802 Reg0x0B = 0x8001 Reg0x0C = 0x0000 Reg0x0D = 0x0000 Reg0x0E = 0xFA50 Reg0x0F = 0xFA50 Reg0x10 = 0x0040 Reg0x11 = 0xE320 Reg0x12 = 0x3600 Reg0x13 = 0x01D5 Reg0x14 = 0x01D4 Reg0x15 = 0x0101 Reg0x16 = 0x01D5 Reg0x17 = 0x01D5 Reg0x18 = 0x01D5 Reg0x19 = 0xFFD5 Reg0x1A = 0xFFD5 Reg0x1B = 0xFFD5 Reg0x1C = 0xFFD5 Reg0x1D = 0xFFD5 Reg0x1E = 0xFFD5 Reg0x1F = 0xFFD5 Reg0x20 = 0x81D5 Reg0x21 = 0xFFD5 Reg0x22 = 0xFFD5 OID_CTRL_SetFrequency: New channel is 3 ! OID_CTRL_SetSSID: Ne Crash log handle begin:007C0048 w SSID is 'ISL3893_11G' ! wlanSetSSIDBrdCast: Hide real SSID! OID_CTRL_SetNitroMode: set value = 1000 OID_CTRL_SetSTATimout: set value = 600 DHCPC:DHCP Client Started. DHCPS:DHCP Server Started. ========================================================================== WG4005D-17 project: Command Line Interface. v.1.00.024 2004.1215 MVC version: V1.0.2.1 ========================================================================== cmd> ap_cfg_Init: ap_cfg.wireless_mode_admin = 2 ap_cfg_SetwirelessModeAdmin: admin = 2 OID_CTRL_SetSSID: New SSID is 'SMC' ! OID_CTRL_SetSSID: New SSID is 'SMC' ! wlanSetSSIDBrdCast: Show real SSID! WLAN_IfStop: device state is 2 ,type is 1! WLAN_IfStop: Device already running! wlanReset: Device already running! OID_CTRL_SetFrequency: New channel is 6 ! OID_CTRL_SetSSID: New SSID is 'SMC' ! OID_CTRL_SetSSID: New SSID is 'SMC' ! wlanSetSSIDBrdCast: Show real SSID! OID_CTRL_SetNitroMode: set value = 1000 OID_CTRL_SetSTATimout: set value = 600 add listen port Discovery >> Success to get if addr = 102a8c0 arp_rtrequest: bad gateway value >> Discovery Serial NO = ... >> Discovery Serial NO = S540006875 ... Discovery >> Ready to be discovered |
• shell help |
cmd> help Command Line Interface v0.01 ====================================================== rmem : Read memory. Usage : rmem <Address> [Num of Words] wmem : Write memory. Usage : wmem <Address> <Data0> [Data1] ... [Data7] rmi : read mii phy register. Usage : rmi <phy addr> <reg> wmi : write mii phy register. Usage : wmi <phy addr> <reg> <Data> time : Get current system time. Usage : time settime : Set system time. Usage : settime <hh:mm:ss> [yy/mm/dd] [TZ(GMT +/- hour)] help : List all commands. Usage : help mkdir : Make directories. Usage : mkdir <dir> create : Create files. Usage : create <file> cat : Concatenate files. Usage : cat <file> ls : List directory contents. Usage : ls [dir] rm : Remove files. Usage : rm <file> rmdir : Remove directories. Usage : rmdir <DIRECTORY> copy : Copy files. Usage : copy <source> <destination> nvclear : Clear all of the NVFS files. Usage : nvclear routeShow : Show Route. Usage : routeShow routeAdd : Add Route. Usage : routeAdd <dest> <mask> <gateway> routeDel : Del Route. Usage : routeDel <dest> <mask> <gateway> routeModify: Modify Route. Usage : routeModify <index> <dest> <mask> <gateway> defaultRouteSet: Set Route Status. Usage : defaultRouteSet <mode : 1|2 = enable|disable> defaultRouteGet: Get Route Status. Usage : defaultRouteGet mbufShow : Show Mbuf statistics. Usage : mbufShow ifShow : Dispaly network interface. Usage : ifShow <ifname> ifAllShow : Dispaly all network interface. Usage : ifAllShow taskShow : Show Task informations. Usage : taskShow semShow : Show Semaphore informations. Usage : semShow timerShow : Show Timer informations. Usage : timerShow memShow : Show memory pool informations. Usage : memShow msgqShow : Show message queue informations. Usage : msgqShow eventShow : Show event group informations. Usage : eventShow knlShow : Show kernel resource informations. Usage : knlShow ipConfig : Configure interface address and subnet mask. Usage : ipConfig [ifname] [ip] [subnet mask] ipStatus : Change IP status. 1 for Enabled, 2 for Disabled.. Usage : ipStatus [ifname] [status] ipAdd : Add alias IP address.. Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask] ipDel : Delete alias IP address.. Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask] ethmib : Show/Reset ethernet port MIB counters. Usage : ethmib [reset] arpAdd : Add an ARP entry to ARP table.. Usage : arpAdd [ip] <Ethernet Address> arpDel : Delete an ARP entry.. Usage : arpDel [ip] arpGet : Get the hardware address of a specify IP.. Usage : arpGet [ip] arpFlush : Flush ARP table.. Usage : arpFlush [ifname] ping : Ping a host.. Usage : ping [ip] [ms] dhcpcRelease: Release the IP address for the specified interface.. Usage : dhcpcRelease [ifname] dhcpcRenew: Renew the IP address for the specified interface.. Usage : dhcpcRenew [ifname] dhcpcLog : Show dhcpclog.. Usage : dhcpcLog dhcpcLogTest: Test dhcpclog.. Usage : dhcpcLogTest [line_num] dhcpsStart: Start DHCP Server.. Usage : dhcpsStart dhcpsStop : Stop DHCP Server.. Usage : dhcpsStop dhcpsAddIp: Add static IP to the DHCP server. Usage : dhcpsAddIp [mac(00-00-00-00-00-00)] [ip(] dhcpsDelIp: Delete static IP from the DHCP server. Usage : dhcpsDelIp [ip(] dhcpsBindingNum: Print binding number of the DHCP server. Usage : dhcpsBindingNum dhcpsShowStatic: Print static IP of the DHCP server. Usage : dhcpsShowStatic natShow : Show NAT link table information. Usage : natShow triggerPort: Set trigger port, when public port num is 0 will delete this entry.. Usage : triggerPort [index] [port] <protocol> [public port num] [start] [end] [protocol].... triggerShow: Show trigger port information. Usage : triggerShow gethostbyname: gethostbyname. Usage : gethostbyname tftpc : TFTP client. Usage : tftpc <GET|PUT> <host> <remotename> <localname> tftps : Start TFTP server. Usage : tftps [dir] [timeout] update : Update runtime code (need to download image file "download" to /tmp). Usage : update setAccessHost: Add/delete access host. Usage : setAccessHost [NET(xx.xx.xx.xx)] [MASK (xx.xx.xx.xx)] <index> accessHostShow: Show access host information. Usage : accessHostShow ripStart : Enable RIP . Usage : ripStart [version] ripStop : Disable RIP . Usage : ripStop ripShow : Show RIP table . Usage : ripShow ripShow2 : Show RIP table 2 . Usage : ripShow2 testMD5 : Test MD5. Usage : testMD5 ripSet : Set RIP status ,receiveMode ,and sendMode. Usage : ripSet [status(1|2 = Enable|Disable] [sendMode(1|2|3|4 = RipV1|RipV2|RipV1Compatible|Disable)] [receiveMode(1|2|3|4 = RipV1|RipV2|RipV1Compatible|Disable)] ripDebug : Set RIP debug mode. Usage : ripDebug mode(1|0 = enable|disable) apstate : Show AP statistics. Usage : apstate [0: stop|1: start] netdbg : Switch network debug mode. Usage : netdbg neterrcnt : Show network error count. Usage : neterrcnt setmode : set bridge mode or routing mode. Usage : setmode setnitro : set Nitro mode. Usage : setnitro setnonerp : set protection mode. Usage : setnonerp wsBasic : set Basic Rate(1~14). Usage : wsBasic wsTxrate : set Tx Rate(1~13). Usage : wsTxrate wgTxrate : get Tx Rate. Usage : wgTxrate init6996 : initial ADM6996. Usage : init6996 readreg : Read ADM6996 Reg. Usage : ReadReg clkhi : Set Clock HI . Usage : clkhi clklow : Set Clock Low. Usage : clklow URLHashTableShow: Show URL Hash Table. Usage : URLHashTableShow wsssid : set ssid. Usage : wsssid ssid wsossid : set override-ssid. Usage : wsossid [ossid] wgssid : get ssid. Usage : wgssid wsch : set channel. Usage : wsch channel wgch : get channel. Usage : wgch wsfreq : set channel-Freq. Usage : wsfreq channel wgstaall : get associated STA info. Usage : wgstaall wgstaone : get associated STA info by index. Usage : wgstaone <index> wgsta : get STA info by index. Usage : wgsta <index> wgrate : get rates. Usage : wgrates wsprofile : set profile. Usage : set profile_num wshowbss : show all bss. Usage : wshowbss wshowmib : show wireless mib. Usage : wshowmib wshowwep : show device wep. Usage : wshowwep wgbssmax : get bss num. Usage : wgbssmax wgstamax : get sta num. Usage : wgstamax wspreamble: set preamble. Usage : wspreamble <preamble> wsmaxpow : set RF output power by channel. Usage : wsmaxpow <channel> <power> wgmaxpow : Get RF output power by channel. Usage : wgmaxpow wsantdiv : Set antenna diversity. Usage : wsantdiv <antenna diversity> wgantdiv : Show antenna diversity. Usage : wgantdiv wgpsm : get power save mode. Usage : wgpsm wspsm : set power save mode. Usage : wspsm <a(active),p(powersave),d(dynamic)> wswds : set wds link. Usage : wswds <> wsrmwds : remove wds link. Usage : wsrmwds <> wsaddwds : add wds link. Usage : wsaddwds wsdelwds : del wds link. Usage : wsdelwds wggetwds : get wds link. Usage : wggetwds wgwdslink : get wdslink on/off. Usage : wgwdslink wswdslink : set wdslink on/off. Usage : wswdslink wgscaninterval: get scan interval . Usage : wgscaninterval wsscaninterval: set scan interval . Usage : wsscaninterval <interval> wgallwds : all wds on air . Usage : wgallwds setdevstate: set wlan state. Usage : setdevstate <h,s,r> wds_init : Init wds. Usage : wds_init wpagetmode: get wpa mode. Usage : wpagetmode wpasetmode: set wpa mode. Usage : wpasetmode [0:disable][1:enable_manual][2:enable_passphrase] wpagetmkey: get manual key. Usage : wpagetmkey wpasetmkey: set manual key. Usage : wpasetmkey <manual key> wpagetakey: set pass-phrase str. Usage : wpagetakey wpasetakey: set pass-phrase str. Usage : wpasetakey <ascii key> wpashowc : show all wpa client. Usage : wpashowc wpagetgkupdate: get wpa group key update times. Usage : wpagetgkupdate wpasetgkupdate: set wpa group key update times. Usage : wpasetgkupdate <count> wpasetnomicerror: set wpa no mic error value. Usage : wpasetnomicerror [0:handle mic error][1:do not handle mic error] memCheck : check dynamic memory pool. Usage : memCheck crashlogprint: Print crash logs. Usage : crashlogprinf delshiparea: Delete Shipping Area Setting. Usage : delshiparea r6996s : Read ADM6996 serial register. Usage : r6996s [address] r6996E : Read ADM6996 EEPROM register. Usage : r6996E [address] w6996E : Write ADM6996 EEPROM register. Usage : w6996E [address] [data] wr6996E : Write and Read ADM6996 EEPROM register. Usage : wr6996E [address] [data] radiusget : get radius info. Usage : radiusget <index> radiusset : set radius info. Usage : radiusset <index> <ip> <port> <secret> <nas id> dot1xmodeset: set dot1x mode. Usage : dot1xmodeset <mode> dot1xidleset: set dot1x idle session timeout. Usage : dot1xidleset <timeout value> dot1xreauthset: set dot1x re-authentication period. Usage : dot1xreauthset <period time> dot1xquietset: set dot1x quiet period. Usage : dot1xquietset <period time> dot1xsummary: get dot1x setting summary. Usage : dot1xsummary dot1xshowauth: show dot1x auth pool. Usage : dot1xshowauth |
• files |
cmd> ls D nv D dev D tmp D etc 4 File(s) 0 bytes cmd> ls /etc F 22 resolv.conf 1 File(s) 22 bytes cmd> ls /tmp F 16384 eventlog F 16384 dhcpclog F 524288 download 3 File(s) 557056 bytes cmd> ls /nv F 20 mode_cfg F 85 download_cfg F 1539 user F 428 ddns_dyndns F 212 ddns_tzo F 196 ddns_noip F 140 ddns_dyncom F 16 time_zone_cfg F 72 sntpc_cfg F 12 usr_time F 224 ip_cfg F 44 dns_relay_cfg F 1132 pppoecfg F 72 dhcpc_cfg F 43 nat_cfg F 320 nat_cfg_masq F 920 nat_cfg_rd F 3150 nat_cfg_vs F 72 nat_cfg_dmz F 1900 nat_cfg_trg F 328 route_cfg F 284 dhcps F 152 dhcpsblk F 3810 dhcpsstls F 28 firewall_cfg F 4 ip_defense_cfg F 204 ip_filter_cfg F 8 http_cfg F 32 access_host_cfg F 620 pptpcfg F 272 ethftr_cfg F 196 mail_cfg F 608 usr_dot1x_cfg F 32 admin_cfg F 136 bpa_login_cfg F 48 ip_bootup F 4 usr_wan_ping F 1204 urlblocking_cfg F 4 usr_country_cfg F 588 ap_cfg F 244 wdslink_cfg F 4 usr_filter F 760 usr_schrule F 780 usr_accessctrl F 1200 usr_blocking F 120 dstiprule_cfg F 260 cnnctrl_cfg F 260 assctrl_cfg F 12 alldmz_cfg F 58 upnp_cfg F 32 usrsvs_cfg F 96 usr_sandbox_cfg F 4 usr_wizard_cfg F 40 cso_cfg F 28 usr_syslog_cfg F 4 usr_ddnsp 56 File(s) 23061 bytes cmd> ls /dev F 0 flash0 F 0 uart0 2 File(s) 0 bytes |
• semShow |
cmd> semShow Semaphore Table List ------------------------------------------------------- Name Type Count TasksWaitting ======================================================= 0. MFS_SEM FIFO 1 0 1. netSem FIFO 0 1 2. netTime FIFO 1 0 3. splSem FIFO 1 0 4. hosttbl FIFO 1 0 5. mblksem PRIORITY 1 0 6. mclsem PRIORITY 1 0 7. FLSH FIFO 1 0 8. sio_Rx0 FIFO 0 0 9. sio_RT0 FIFO 1 0 10. NVRAM FIFO 1 0 11. modecfg FIFO 1 0 12. CrashLo FIFO 1 0 13. eventLo FIFO 1 0 14. downloa FIFO 1 0 15. user_cf FIFO 1 0 16. ddns_dy FIFO 1 0 17. ddns_tz FIFO 1 0 18. ddns_no FIFO 1 0 19. ddns_dy FIFO 1 0 20. time_zo FIFO 1 0 21. sntpc_c FIFO 1 0 22. usrtime FIFO 1 0 23. ip_cfg FIFO 1 0 24. dns_rel FIFO 1 0 25. pppoe_c FIFO 1 0 26. dhcpc_c FIFO 1 0 27. dhcpcLo FIFO 1 0 28. DhcpcSe FIFO 1 0 29. dhcpcMu FIFO 1 0 30. dhcpcEv FIFO 1 0 31. dhcp_ti FIFO 1 0 32. leaseSe FIFO 1 0 33. nat_cfg FIFO 1 0 34. port_ma FIFO 1 0 35. route_c FIFO 1 0 36. dhcps_c FIFO 1 0 37. ip_fire FIFO 1 0 38. ip_defe FIFO 1 0 39. ip_filt FIFO 1 0 40. http_cf FIFO 1 0 41. access_ FIFO 1 0 42. pptp_cf FIFO 1 0 43. ethftr_ FIFO 1 0 44. mail_cf FIFO 1 0 45. usr_dot FIFO 1 0 46. admin_c FIFO 1 0 47. bpa_log FIFO 1 0 48. ip_boot FIFO 1 0 49. usr_wan FIFO 1 0 ------------------------------------------------------- |
• ifShow |
cmd> ifShow lo (unit number 0): Flags: (0x8069) UP LOOPBACK MULTICAST ARP RUNNING Type: SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK Internet address: Netmask 0xff000000 Subnetmask 0xff000000 Metric is 0 Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1536 0 packets received; 0 packets sent 0 multicast packets received 0 multicast packets sent 0 input errors; 0 output errors 0 collisions; 0 dropped adm (unit number 0): Flags: (0x9963) UP BROADCAST MULTICAST PROMISCUOUS ARP RUNNING Type: ETHERNET_CSMACD Internet address: Broadcast address: Netmask 0xffffff00 Subnetmask 0xffffff00 Ethernet address is 00:13:f7:09:89:d6 Metric is 0 Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500 0 packets received; 2 packets sent 0 multicast packets received 2 multicast packets sent 0 input errors; 0 output errors 0 collisions; 0 dropped adm (unit number 1): Flags: (0x8963) UP BROADCAST MULTICAST PROMISCUOUS ARP RUNNING Type: ETHERNET_CSMACD Netmask 0xe52de004 Subnetmask 0xa000360 Ethernet address is 00:13:f7:09:89:d7 Metric is 0 Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500 0 packets received; 10 packets sent 0 multicast packets received 0 multicast packets sent 0 input errors; 0 output errors 0 collisions; 0 dropped adm (unit number 2): Flags: (0x8963) UP BROADCAST MULTICAST PROMISCUOUS ARP RUNNING Type: ETHERNET_CSMACD Netmask 0xe52de004 Subnetmask 0xa000360 Ethernet address is 00:13:f7:09:89:d6 Metric is 0 Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500 0 packets received; 2 packets sent 0 multicast packets received 2 multicast packets sent 0 input errors; 0 output errors 0 collisions; 0 dropped |
cmd> memShow Memory Pool List -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name StartAddr Size MinAlloc Available Type TasksWaiting =========================================================================== 0. KenMem 0x3AB7EC 1835008 48 549688 FIFO 0 1. FileMem 0x56B86C 1179648 48 144 FIFO 0 2. SysMem 0x68B8EC 1197844 48 961976 FIFO 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmd> knlShow Task Table List ------------------------------------------------- Name Priority Status ================================================= 0. KnlTask 0 QUEUE_SUSPEND 1. tNetTas 50 SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND 2. tNvTask 100 SLEEP_SUSPEND 3. ddns 100 QUEUE_SUSPEND 4. tSntpc 100 SLEEP_SUSPEND 5. tDnsPro 99 SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND 6. tDhcpcT 100 QUEUE_SUSPEND 7. tDhcpsT 100 QUEUE_SUSPEND 8. tHttpD 99 SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND 9. tHtpTsk 99 QUEUE_SUSPEND 10. clitask 5 READY 11. MailD 100 SLEEP_SUSPEND 12. tFpi 100 SLEEP_SUSPEND 13. tDot1x 100 SLEEP_SUSPEND 14. tDiscov 100 SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND ------------------------------------------------- Memory Pool List -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name StartAddr Size MinAlloc Available Type TasksWaiting =========================================================================== 0. KenMem 0x3AB7EC 1835008 48 549688 FIFO 0 1. FileMem 0x56B86C 1179648 48 144 FIFO 0 2. SysMem 0x68B8EC 1197844 48 961976 FIFO 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semaphore Table List ------------------------------------------------------- Name Type Count TasksWaitting ======================================================= 0. MFS_SEM FIFO 1 0 1. netSem FIFO 0 0 2. netTime FIFO 1 0 3. splSem FIFO 1 0 4. hosttbl FIFO 1 0 5. mblksem PRIORITY 1 0 6. mclsem PRIORITY 1 0 7. FLSH FIFO 1 0 8. sio_Rx0 FIFO 0 0 9. sio_RT0 FIFO 1 0 10. NVRAM FIFO 1 0 11. modecfg FIFO 1 0 12. CrashLo FIFO 1 0 13. eventLo FIFO 1 0 14. downloa FIFO 1 0 15. user_cf FIFO 1 0 16. ddns_dy FIFO 1 0 17. ddns_tz FIFO 1 0 18. ddns_no FIFO 1 0 19. ddns_dy FIFO 1 0 20. time_zo FIFO 1 0 21. sntpc_c FIFO 1 0 22. usrtime FIFO 1 0 23. ip_cfg FIFO 1 0 24. dns_rel FIFO 1 0 25. pppoe_c FIFO 1 0 26. dhcpc_c FIFO 1 0 27. dhcpcLo FIFO 1 0 28. DhcpcSe FIFO 1 0 29. dhcpcMu FIFO 1 0 30. dhcpcEv FIFO 1 0 31. dhcp_ti FIFO 1 0 32. leaseSe FIFO 1 0 33. nat_cfg FIFO 1 0 34. port_ma FIFO 1 0 35. route_c FIFO 1 0 36. dhcps_c FIFO 1 0 37. ip_fire FIFO 1 0 38. ip_defe FIFO 1 0 39. ip_filt FIFO 1 0 40. http_cf FIFO 1 0 41. access_ FIFO 1 0 42. pptp_cf FIFO 1 0 43. ethftr_ FIFO 1 0 44. mail_cf FIFO 1 0 45. usr_dot FIFO 1 0 46. admin_c FIFO 1 0 47. bpa_log FIFO 1 0 48. ip_boot FIFO 1 0 49. usr_wan FIFO 1 0 ------------------------------------------------------- Timer Table List ------------------------------------------------------- Name Status InitialTime Expirations ======================================================= 0. t0 Enable 98 0 1. t1 Disable 19 1 2. t2 Enable 49 0 3. tsysClk Enable 1 0 4. t3 Enable 98 0 5. t4 Enable 5880 0 6. t5 Disable 1 1 7. t6 Enable 6272 0 8. t7 Enable 58800 0 9. SelTime Enable 5 0 10. SelTime Enable 2 0 ------------------------------------------------------- Message queue List -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name StartAddr Size Available Suspend TasksWaiting =========================================================================== 0. KnlQueu 0x68EA00 10 10 FIFO 1 1. netq 0x68EADC 100 99 FIFO 0 2. ddnsd 0x6965A8 10 10 FIFO 1 3. sntpc 0x699EF0 1 1 FIFO 0 4. dnsprox 0x69C2D4 10 10 FIFO 0 5. dhcpEve 0x69F288 10 10 FIFO 1 6. dhcpsEv 0x6A4CDC 10 10 FIFO 1 7. httpdq 0x6A76AC 10 10 FIFO 0 8. httpd 0x6A7808 10 10 FIFO 1 9. maild 0x6AE474 10 10 FIFO 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event Group List -------------------------------------------- Name Flag tasksWaiting ============================================= -----------------------------------------------
cmd> timerShow Timer Table List ------------------------------------------------------- Name Status InitialTime Expirations ======================================================= 0. t0 Enable 98 0 1. t1 Disable 19 1 2. t2 Enable 49 0 3. tsysClk Enable 1 0 4. t3 Enable 98 0 5. t4 Enable 5880 0 6. t5 Enable 1 0 7. t6 Enable 6272 0 8. t7 Enable 58800 0 9. SelTime Enable 5 0 10. SelTime Enable 2 0 -------------------------------------------------------
cmd> taskShow Task Table List ------------------------------------------------- Name Priority Status ================================================= 0. KnlTask 0 QUEUE_SUSPEND 1. tNetTas 50 READY 2. tNvTask 100 SLEEP_SUSPEND 3. ddns 100 QUEUE_SUSPEND 4. tSntpc 100 READY 5. tDnsPro 99 SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND 6. tDhcpcT 100 QUEUE_SUSPEND 7. tDhcpsT 100 QUEUE_SUSPEND 8. tHttpD 99 SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND 9. tHtpTsk 99 QUEUE_SUSPEND 10. clitask 5 READY 11. MailD 100 READY 12. tFpi 100 READY 13. tDot1x 100 SLEEP_SUSPEND 14. tDiscov 100 SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND -------------------------------------------------