Last 5 Pages Viewed: SMC SMC2642W v1 » SMC SMCWBR14T-G



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Manuf (OEM/ODM): Arcadyan WG4005E1

FCC approval date: 19 May 2006
UPC: 662698584004 (UPC DB, On eBay)

Type: wireless router

IC ID: 4711A-WG4005E1

Power: 9 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Atheros AR2316A
FLA1: 2 MiB2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br /> (STMicroelectronics 25P16V6P)
RAM1: 16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (ICSI IC42S16800-7T)

Expansion IFs: none specified

WI1 chip1: Atheros AR2316A
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: RP-SMA

ETH chip1: Atheros AR2316A
Switch: Infineon ADM6996LC
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 100M
WAN ports: 1


Default IP address:
the IP is used by 296 additional devices
of which 31 are SMC devices
Default login user: blank
Default login password: smcadmin
blank:smcadmin credentials used by 11 additional devices
of which 11 are SMC devices

802dot11 OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.


Additional information =

BARRICADE g 108Mbps Wireless Broadband Router
Product page (US)

"P/N: 141400520019J REV: 01" appears to be silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos.

The default SSID may be SMC.

Flash chip label

The following text was on a label on the flash chip:


Serial console

UART Pinout

J1	  . . . . .
	o . . . . .
	    | |   |
            RxTx  GND

Serial output

ar531xPlus rev 0x00000087 boot loader startup...
Flash initialized
SDRAM initialized
Cache initialized

Copy program from 0xbfc00000 to 0x80520000, length 0x0000c56c bytes ... done
Jump to SDRAM 0x80520cb4 [0x10000008, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]
Clear BSS section ... done
Stack: 0x8053e390
Heap: 0x8053e3a0

 Wireless Gateway WG4005E Loader V0.03 build Mar 29 2005 15:25:28
                  Arcadyan Technology Corporation

Flash Found. It is 2MB Flash....

Copying boot params.....DONE
cpuFreq=240000000 sysFreq=60000000 cntFreq=120000000

Press any key to enter command mode ...
Memory Checking from 0xa0000000 to 0xa03fffff
Pattern [ 0x00000000 ] ........................
Pattern [ 0xffffffff ] ........................
Pattern [ 0xaaaaaaaa ] ........................
Pattern [ 0x55555555 ] ........................
Pattern [   serial   ] ........................
Address Overlap Test ......................

Checking Valid Image in Flash... 

Unzipping program from bank 2...............................done 

*** WEB image writing into the 16MB SDRAM has completed ***

Try to find image for running...
Valid Code found in the Flash

Unzipping program from bank 3...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................done 
I am going to run the Code image from 80001000

firmware startup...
Stack: 0x80c2f740
Heap: 0x80c2f750
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: feed_watchdog is called?? 
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: setGpio is called?? 
##### _ftext      = 0x80001000
##### _fdata      = 0x801CE310
##### __bss_start = 0x8020D314
##### end        = 0x80C1F74C
##### Backup Data from 0x801CE310 to 0x80C3F74C length=0003F004 
[CGI] Web SDRAM area is from 0X80E00000H

Installing TLB Refill exception handler from 8000A140 to 80000000, size=184
Installing General exception handler from 8000A1F8 to 80000180, size=216
Installing Interrupt exception handler from 8000A2D0 to 80000200, size=160
mips_int_enable : 0x00000400
Connect the AHB interrupt
Init the GPIOs !!!
Enable arbitration for SOC devices !!!
cpuFreq=184000000 sysFreq=40000000 cntFreq=92000000
[INIT] MTinitialize ..
Runtime code version: V1.19
System startup...
[INIT] MTmeminit ..
[INIT] check COLOR 0 ..
[INIT] soho initialize COLOR1 : 819200
[INIT] soho initialize COLOR2 : 524288
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: feed_watchdog is called?? 

Flash Found. It is 2MB Flash....
Set flash memory layout to Runcode version: V1.19
Runcode date: Sep 19 2007 15:30:02
Bootcode version: V0.03
Serial number: S534042660
Hardware version: 01
sizeof(struct III_Config_t) is 125688
!!! Invalid wireless channel range 0 ~ 0
!!! Use default value 1 ~ 11
default route:
NUM_OF_B0=200 NUM_OF_B1=1000
BUF_POOL0_SZ=86400 BUF_POOL1_SZ=3312000
*BUF0=0x8094ccd4 *BUF1=0x80624344
Altgn *BUF0=0x8094cce0 *BUF1=0x80624350
End at BUF0:0x80961e60, BUF1:0x8094ccd0

buffer0 pointer init OK!
buffer1 pointer init OK!
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
TRAP(linkUp) : send ok!
Interface 0 ip =

ar531xmac_init: ifno=1, initstr=UNIT=0 VLAN=1
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/hardware/ar5312/ar531xbsp.c:sysEnetInit is called
ae531xEndLoad: loading device ...
ae531xEndLoad: unit=0, pDmaBuf=0xa03894c4, dmaBufSize=8976, txDescCount=192, rxDescCount=256, clCount=512
ae531xEndLoad: System param: mac=b0500000, dma=b0501000, ivec=4, ilev=1000
ae531xEndLoad: Flash ea = 00:13:f7:02:5e:4c
ae0 qt = 1, buf begin = 80000000, buf end = 80000000
ae0 qt = 1, drsc begin = a03894d0, desc end = a038a3bc
Tx Queue b=0xa03894d0, e=0xa038a3bc, c=0xa03894d0, s@c=0x       0
ae0 qt = 2, buf begin = 806243c2, buf end = 806f26d2
ae0 qt = 2, drsc begin = a038a3d0, desc end = a038b7bc
Rx Queue b=0xa038a3d0, e=0xa038b7bc, c=0xa038a3d0, s@c=0x80000000
ae531xMemInit: Memory setup complete.
EepromWriteWord: address=01, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
EepromWriteWord: address=03, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
EepromWriteWord: address=05, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
EepromWriteWord: address=07, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
SR_CHIP_ID = 00071022
Invalid PHY ID for enet0.  Expected 0x00002112, read 0x00007102
EepromWriteWord: address=11, lowByte=30, highByte=FF
EepromWriteWord: address=01, lowByte=0F, highByte=88
EepromWriteWord: address=03, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
EepromWriteWord: address=05, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
EepromWriteWord: address=07, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
EepromWriteWord: address=08, lowByte=0F, highByte=84
EepromWriteWord: address=09, lowByte=1F, highByte=88
EepromWriteWord: address=14, lowByte=D4, highByte=01
EepromWriteWord: address=15, lowByte=01, highByte=01
EepromWriteWord: address=0A, lowByte=20, highByte=59
EepromWriteWord: address=0E, lowByte=00, highByte=55
EepromWriteWord: address=0F, lowByte=00, highByte=55
EepromWriteWord: address=29, lowByte=00, highByte=00
EepromWriteWord: address=30, lowByte=85, highByte=09
eth0: duplex 0, link 1
ae_SetMacFromPhy: enet0 as full duplex, 100Mbps
ae0: setting TXDP=0xa03894d0 RXDP=0xa038a3d0
ae0 Verify MAC address 02F71300 00004C5E 
  sb = 00 13 F7 02 5E 4C
ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1014000C
ae531xEndLoad: Done loading, pDrvCtrl=803892BC txQ=803892E8 rxQ=803892FC
ar531xmac_init: enet0 set to VLAN mode
ar531xmac_init: enet0 interface 1 registered to VLAN 1

  DmaStatus  = 0x       0
  DmaBusMode = 0x    2084
  DmaRxBase  = 0x  38a3d0
  DmaTxBase  = 0x  3894d0
  DmaControl = 0x  200000
  DmaIntr    = 0x       0
  MacControl = 0x1014000c
  MacAddrHi  = 0x    4c5e
  MacAddrLo  = 0x 2f71300
  MacVlan1   = 0x    8100
  MacVlan2   = 0x       0

Rx Queue b=0xa038a3d0, e=0xa038b7bc, c=0xa038a3d0, s@c=0x80000000
Current Rx buffer = 0x       0
Tx Queue b=0xa03894d0, e=0xa038a3bc, c=0xa03894d0, s@c=0x       0
Current Tx buffer = 0x       0
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
TRAP(linkUp) : send ok!
ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1014000C
Interface 1 ip =

ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1014000C
ether_init : Set WAN MTU = 1500 
ar531xmac_init: ifno=2, initstr=UNIT=0 VLAN=2
ar531xmac_init: driver already loaded, number of instances is 2
ar531xmac_init: enet0 set to VLAN mode
ar531xmac_init: enet0 interface 2 registered to VLAN 2

  DmaStatus  = 0x       0
  DmaBusMode = 0x    2084
  DmaRxBase  = 0x  38a3d0
  DmaTxBase  = 0x  3894d0
  DmaControl = 0x  200000
  DmaIntr    = 0x       0
  MacControl = 0x1014000c
  MacAddrHi  = 0x    4c5e
  MacAddrLo  = 0x 2f71300
  MacVlan1   = 0x    8100
  MacVlan2   = 0x       0

Rx Queue b=0xa038a3d0, e=0xa038b7bc, c=0xa038a3d0, s@c=0x80000000
Current Rx buffer = 0x       0
Tx Queue b=0xa03894d0, e=0xa038a3bc, c=0xa03894d0, s@c=0x       0
Current Tx buffer = 0x       0
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
TRAP(linkUp) : send ok!
iput_IpLinkUp(ifno=2)> ifp->add_default_route:1
Re-Init NAT data structure
Init NAT data structure
iput_IpLinkUp(ifno=2): set ddns_update to 1
Interface 2 ip =

D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: Hwlan_light_init is called?? 
[HWLAN] ifno=3 irno=7 port=0x00000000
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 1 803728ec, count 1
[HWLAN] pRadio->abolt = 00000000
[HWLAN] pRadio->abolt = 00000000
[HWLAN] gSetting.BasicRate=f 
apInit: Initialize Access Point.
[HWLAN] ar5hwcCreatePhy : ifno:3 pdevInfo=804b9ce4, devno=1
[HWLAN] devno 1 pdevInfo 804b9ce4
[HWLAN] Base address = b0000000, irq 3
Attach AR5212 0x13 0x804b9ce4
[HWLAN] DOMAIN 00008348
[HWLAN] MAC Address=00-13-F7=02-5E-4E 
[HWLAN] wlan1 revisions: mac 11.0 phy 4.8 analog 7.0 eeprom 5.2
### MAX ### Sending Power Strength = 30 dBm 
[HWLAN] phwChannel 2437, channelFlags 00005400
[HWLAN] size of ATHEROS_DESC hardware part 32
[HWLAN] AR_HEADER_SIZE 96, AR_BUF_SIZE 3196numDescriptors = 704
[HWLAN] wlan1: pDmaBuf=A020FD80
[HWLAN] pMemBuf a020fd80 pdevInfo->pDmaBuf a020fd80
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 2 803728fc, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 803728fc
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 3 8037290c, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 8037290c
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 4 8037291c, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 8037291c
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 5 8037292c, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 8037292c
[HWLAN] pMemBuf a022bd80, pdevInfo->pDmaBuf + pdevInfo->dmaBufSize a025dda0
[HWLAN] muxDevLoad is called for vportNum 10000, loadfn 800ae7d4, vportStr 16: 0: 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 6 8037293c, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 7 8037294c, count 1
ar5212Reset: maxCalCount 20
[HWLAN] ioctl CMD=0xb
mips_int_connect: ivec 3 ar5hwcInt 8009309c pdevInfo 804b9ce4
mips_int_enable : 0x00000C00
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd : vp, 10000
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd (base BSS) succeeded for vp1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 8 8037295c, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 9 8037296c, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 10 8037297c, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 11 8037298c, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 12 8037299c, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 13 803729ac, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 14 803729bc, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 15 803729cc, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 16 803729dc, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 17 803729ec, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 18 803729fc, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 19 80372a0c, count 1
wlan1 added STA: 00:13:f7:02:5e:4e (750)
[HWLAN] ifno=3 after call apInit() : .... bg 1 , a 0 .... 
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
TRAP(linkUp) : send ok!
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
Interface 3 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: Hwlan_light_init is called?? 
[HWLAN] ifno=6 irno=7 port=0x00000000
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
Interface 6 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: Hwlan_light_init is called?? 
[HWLAN] ifno=7 irno=7 port=0x00000000
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
Interface 7 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: Hwlan_light_init is called?? 
[HWLAN] ifno=8 irno=7 port=0x00000000
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
Interface 8 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: Hwlan_light_init is called?? 
[HWLAN] ifno=9 irno=7 port=0x00000000
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
Interface 9 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() .. 
ruleCheck()> Group: 0,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 1,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 2,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 3,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 4,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 5,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 1,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 2,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 3,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 4,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 5,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 6,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 7,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 8,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 9,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 10,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 11,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 12,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 13,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 14,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 15,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 16,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 17,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 18,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 19,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 20,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 21,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 22,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 23,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 24,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 25,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 26,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 27,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 28,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 29,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 30,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 31,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 32,  Error: Protocol Field
reqCBACBuf()> init match pool, Have: 1000
Memory Address: 0x80398200 ~ 0x8039ef7c
reqCBACBuf()> init timeGap pool, Have: 10000
Memory Address: 0x8039ef7c ~ 0x803cfcd0
reqCBACBuf()> init sameHost pool, Have: 2000
Memory Address: 0x803cfcd0 ~ 0x803df6f0
[setClsfyEnable] clsfy_func=0
CBAC rule pool initialized !!
Init NAT data structure
RUNTASK id=2 if_task if0...
RUNTASK id=3 if_task if1...
RUNTASK id=4 if_task if2...
RUNTASK id=5 if_task if3...
RUNTASK id=6 if_task if6...
RUNTASK id=7 if_task if7...
RUNTASK id=8 if_task if8...
RUNTASK id=9 if_task if9...
RUNTASK id=10 timer_task...
RUNTASK id=11 conn_mgr...
RUNTASK id=12 main_8021x...
year=104,mon=11,day=18D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: feed_watchdog is called?? 
randomize .. 
RUNTASK id=13 period_task...
RUNTASK id=14 dhcp_daemon...
RUNTASK id=15 dhcp_clt...on interface 2
RUNTASK id=16 pptp_callmgr...
httpd: listen at
RUNTASK httpd...
RUNTASK id=19 dnsproxy...
RUNTASK id=20 snmp_task...
RUNTASK id=21 rip...
RUNTASK id=22 ripout...
RUNTASK id=23 dhcpd_mgmt_task...
UPnP is enabled
RUNTASK id=24 upnp_main ...
[UPNP] Device initialize success 
D:/MyProjects/ttf2004/source/firmware/project/smc/wg4016a-17/ar5315/gpio.c: feed_watchdog is called?? 
Starting Multitask...
MTstart2() begin  ...
upnp_Init: flag=0
SSDP Initialization completed...
GenaInit : event_hook is NULL!!
[HWLAN] Ready

 This Device is GW
TRAP(coldStart) : send ok!

enet0 port1 up, 100Mbps, full duplex
We just gained our first link(s) for this MAC
ae531xDmaIntEnable 0001a1e2
mips_int_enable : 0x00001C01