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Samsung SWL-2300U

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Samsung SWL-2300U

FCC approval date: 15 August 2003
Country of manuf.: Korea

Interface: USB

USB 1.1
Connector: Male A
Form factor tags: corded adapter


WI1 chip1: Texas Instruments TNETW1100B

WI1 chip2: Maxim MAX2820A

Probable Linux driver
acx1xx (project homepage)
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: none


OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Texas Instruments (TI) chipsets with specifications, see Texas Instruments.

For a list of all currently documented Maxim chipsets with specifications, see Maxim.

Drivers on wireless-driver

The Windows driver .inf file notes a few additional devices..

  • Boot Devices (ACX101/TNETW1100B devices switch ID after firmware load)
    • 055d:a011 (USB\VID_055D&PID_A011), "SAMSUNG USB Boot Device"
    • 055d:a230 (USB\VID_055D&PID_A230), OEM, "SAMSUNG USB Boot Device"
  • After FW Load
    • 055d:a010 (USB\VID_055D&PID_A010), "SAMSUNG WLAN USB Adapter(SWL-2300)"
    • 055d:a012 (USB\VID_055D&PID_A012), "SAMSUNG WLAN USB Adapter(SWL-2300)"
    • 055d:a013 (USB\VID_055D&PID_A013), "SAMSUNG WLAN USB Adapter(SWL-2350)"
    • 055d:b230 (USB\VID_055D&PID_B230), "Netopia 802.11b WLAN USB Adapter"
    • 055d:b231 (USB\VID_055D&PID_B231), "LG Wireless LAN 11b USB Adapter"

Wi-Fi Certified : W000931 (as of 03/14/2003)