StarTech USB31000S

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StarTech USB31000S

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Action Star

(Est.) release date: 2012
Country of manuf.: China

Amazon image

B0095EFXMC (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Interface: USB

USB 3.0
Connector: Male A
Form factor tags: corded dongle

ID: 0b95:1790 (7 addl. devices)
Windows: USB\VID_0B95&PID_1790

Chip 1: ASIX AX88179

Ethernet ports: 1
Ethernet connector: 8P8C
Ethernet speed capability: 1G
has Auto-MDIX capability

OUI: 00:24:9B (2 E, -)

USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

Product page, Downloads

The downloads provided by StarTech are noted as being for the ASIX 88179 and the chipset is tersely noted as such. It's presumed to be correct.

00:24:9B OUI is that of Action Star. They're presumed to be the manufacturer.