Symbol LA-4121

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Symbol LA-4121

FCC approval date: 31 July 2000

Interface: PCMCIA (16-bit)

WI1 chip1: Symbol Model?

WI1 chip2: Intersil HFA3861B

Probable Linux driver
orinoco (in backports)
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: none


OUI: 00:A0:F8 (2 E, 5 W)

For a list of all currently documented Symbol chipsets with specifications, see Symbol.

For a list of all currently documented Intersil chipsets with specifications, see Intersil.

Lucent MAC, Intersil HFA3861B BB, HFA3683 RF

Symbol part numbers include LA-4121-1100-US and LA-4121-1000-1C. Some models have MMCX connectors.

Wi-Fi Certified : W000056 (as of 09/08/2000)