T-Com Speedport W925V
T-Com Speedport W925V
Availability: common
Manuf (OEM/ODM): Arcadyan
Series: AC2400
Type: wireless router, dsl modem
Power: ? VDC, ? A
Connector type: barrel
CPU1: Lantiq PXB 4583
FLA1: 512 MiB536,870,912 B <br />4,194,304 Kib <br />524,288 KiB <br />4,096 Mib <br />0.5 GiB <br /> (Brand? Model?)
RAM1: 256 MiB268,435,456 B <br />2,097,152 Kib <br />262,144 KiB <br />2,048 Mib <br />0.25 GiB <br /> (Brand? Model?)
Expansion IFs: USB 2.0
USB ports: 1
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 2x2:2
WI1 antenna connector: none
WI2 802dot11 protocols: an+ac
WI2 MIMO config: 4x4:4
WI2 antenna connector: none
ETH chip1: Lantiq PXB 4583
Switch: Lantiq PXB 4583
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 1G
WAN ports: 1
Additional chips
HW-Rev. 1: VRX318, HW-Rev. 2: VRX518
802dot11 OUI: none specified
For a list of all currently documented Lantiq (Intel) chipsets with specifications, see Lantiq.
Telekom Speedport W925V DSL-Router