Last 5 Pages Viewed: Tembo TRM9992G


Tembo TRM9992G

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Tembo TRM9992G

FCC approval date: 27 September 2016

Interface: Mini PCIe (oversized)

Connector: Mini PCIe
Form factor tags: (oversized)

IC ID: 21218-TRM9992G

WI1 chip1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9990

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Windows driver
possibly see

Antenna connector: U.FL

bgn, 4x4:4

OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Qualcomm Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Qualcomm Atheros.

"2976515701" is silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos.

The document at the FCC suggest that this module will be used in the following access points alongside the Tembo TRM9995G: