Last 5 Pages Viewed: Tenda U2 v3


Tenda U2 v3

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Tenda U2 v3
Availability: now

FCC approval date: 07 May 2021
Country of manuf.: China

Interface: USB

USB 2.0
Connector: Male A
Form factor tags: dongle (w/ large antenna)

PCB ID: 10035458

WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8188GU

Probable Linux driver
possibly r8192u_usb, r8712u,
or rtl8192cu (in backports)
or maybe something else depending on chipset
(see also passys)

Windows driver
possibly see Realtek's website

Antenna connector: none

bgn, 1x1:1

OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

N150 High Gain Wireless USB Adapter

Product page (v3)

"10035458 V2.1" is silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos.

The RTL8188GU must have some embedded flash memory to store the driver.


FCC ID: V7TU2V5 (2023-11-01) • AIC AIC8800FC
FCC ID: V7TW311MI3 • Realtek RTL8188GU
FCC ID: V7TW311MI6 (2023-05-26) • AIC AIC8800FC (2604:0013)