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Tenda U9

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Tenda U9 v1

FCC approval date: 22 May 2018
Country of manuf.: China

Interface: USB

USB 2.0
Connector: Male A
Form factor tags: dongle

ID: 0bda:8811 (1 addl. devices)
Windows: USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8811

PCB ID: 10035490

WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8811CU

Additional chips
8MB SPI NOR Flash;GigaDevice;GD25Q64CSIG;AJ1746, 25Q64CSIG, E80211;1;

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Windows driver
see Realtek's website

Antenna connector: none

abgn+ac, 1x1:1

Flags: Wave2, MU-MIMO, 256QAM

OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

433Mbps - 1SS 5GHz 802.11ac (80MHz chan.),
200Mbps - 1SS 2.4GHz 802.11n (40MHz chan., 256QAM) = 650 Mbps class

AC650 Wireless Dual Band Auto-Install Mini Adapter

"10035490 V1.1" is silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos.

An 8MB GigaDevice GD25Q64CSIG flash chip is present on the board.

This stores Windows drivers for the adapter.
#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8821C
	/*=== Realtek demoboard ===*/
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, b82b), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8821CU */
	{USB_DEVICE( 0bda, b820), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8821CU */
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, c821), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8821CU */
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, c820), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8821CU */
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, c82a), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8821CU */
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, c82b), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8821CU */
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, c811), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8811CU */
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, 8811), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* RTL8811CU */	
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, 2006), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* TOTOLINK A650UA v3 */
	/*=== Customer ID ===*/
	{USB_DEVICE (2001, 331d), .driver_info = RTL8821C}, /* D-Link - DWA-171C */

#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8710B
	/*=== Realtek dongle ===*/
	{USB_DEVICE (0bda, b711), .driver_info = RTL8710B}, /* RTL8710B = RTL8188GU 1*1 */

MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, rtw_usb_id_tbl);
int const rtw_usb_id_len = sizeof(rtw_usb_id_tbl) / sizeof(struct usb_device_id);

static struct specific_device_id specific_device_id_tbl[] = {
	{.idVendor = 0bda, .idProduct = 8177, .flags = SPEC_DEV_ID_DISABLE_HT}, 
/* RTL8188CU 1*1 dongle, (b/g mode only) */
	{.idVendor = 0bda, .idProduct = 817e, .flags = SPEC_DEV_ID_DISABLE_HT}, 
/* RTL8188CE-VAU USB minCard (b/g mode only) */
	{.idVendor = 0b05, .idProduct = 1791, .flags = SPEC_DEV_ID_DISABLE_HT},
	{.idVendor = 13d3, .idProduct = 3311, .flags = SPEC_DEV_ID_DISABLE_HT},
	{.idVendor = 13d3, .idProduct = 3359, .flags = SPEC_DEV_ID_DISABLE_HT}, 
/* Russian customer - AzureWave (RTL8188CE-VAU g mode) */
	{.idVendor = 0bda, .idProduct = 8111, .flags = SPEC_DEV_ID_ASSIGN_IFNAME}, 
/* Realtek 5G dongle for WiFi Display */
	{.idVendor = 2019, .idProduct = ab2d, .flags = SPEC_DEV_ID_ASSIGN_IFNAME}, 
/* PCI - Abocom 5G dongle for WiFi Display */