Last 5 Pages Viewed: Thomson TWG850-4U


Thomson TWG850-4U

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Thomson TWG850-4U v2.0

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Askey PKE530VW -D49

FCC approval date: 24 November 2008
Country of manuf.: China

Type: cable modem, analog phone gateway, wireless router


Power: 15 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel (EIAJ-03)

CPU1: Broadcom BCM3368 (300 MHz)
FLA1: 8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br /> (Spansion S29GL064N90TFI040)
RAM1: 32 MiB33,554,432 B <br />262,144 Kib <br />32,768 KiB <br />256 Mib <br />0.0313 GiB <br /> (Samsung K4H561638J-LCCC)

Expansion IFs: none specified
Serial: yes, 4-pin header, 3.3V TTL, (115200 8N1)

WI1 chip1: Broadcom BCM4318
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA

ETH chip1: Broadcom BCM3368
Switch: Broadcom BCM5325M
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4


Stock FW OS: eCos

Flags: DOCSIS 2.0

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 797 additional devices
of which 2 are Thomson devices
Default login user: blank
Default login password: admin
blank:admin credentials used by 303 additional devices
of which 3 are Thomson devices

802dot11 OUI: 00:1E:69
Ethernet OUI: 00:1E:69, 00:10:95

RCA DWG855 v2.1H8NDWG855V21

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.

Technicolor/Thomson TWG850-4U Wireless VoIP Cable Gateway



Serial is J4 (3.3 V TTL, 115200 8N1). Do NOT connect VCC!

|__®   ©   ©   ©__|

BJ1 and BJ2 are battery connectors.


 • Bootlog • >>
eCos - hal_diag_init
Init device '/dev/BrcmTelnetIoDriver'
Init device '/dev/ttydiag'
Init tty channel: 80b6e290
Init device '/dev/tty0'
Init tty channel: 80b6e2b0
Init device '/dev/haldiag'
HAL/diag SERIAL init
Init device '/dev/ser0'
BCM 33XX SERIAL init - dev: 0.2
Set output buffer - buf: 0x80c76218 len: 2048
Set input buffer - buf: 0x80c76a18 len: 2048
BCM 33XX SERIAL config
Function: SetHardcodeVendorProfile
CmSnmpNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
CmSnmpNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
CmSnmpNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
CmSnmpNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
CmSnmpNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
CmSnmpNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
WARNING: ResetDefaultBlindEmtaData() -Resetting EMTA non-vol data section to default values
mtaNvCalcChecksum: checksum= 1273036263
Reading Permanent settings from non-vol...
Checksum for permanent settings:  0x3b0a18b3
Upgrading Permanent Country to ASCII Country: ALL

* One or more of the settings groups was missing, possibly as a result of a code upgrade.
* One or more of the settings groups was upgraded.
* Settings were read and verified.

Reading Dynamic settings from non-vol...
Checksum for dynamic settings:  0x90c27dd2
Settings were read and verified.

Programming BMU for ADC use.
  picocode: BCM3367/68 ADC Picocode rev 1.3.4SLIMS
  Date / Time stamp = Mon Jun 25 15:35:26 2007
  BMU picocode verified.
Creating BcmEmtaCommandTable
Creating BcmEmtaEndptCommandTable

vvv Interface creation and driver startup beginning vvv

-> Begin DOCSIS CM WAN interface
	Creating HAL object for the DOCSIS CableModem interface
	Registering DOCSIS CableModem driver
Fxtal is 25000000
Fclk_us_vco is 1050000000
Fclk_us_pll is 525000000
Writing 0x00362267 to US_PLL
Fxtal is 25000000
Fclk_us_vco is 1050000000
Fclk_us_pll is 525000000
Writing 0x00362267 to US_PLL
BcmMacInit: advMapRunAheadTimeMin = 5120 (0x00001400) 10.24 MHz ticks, 500 usec
-> End DOCSIS CM WAN interface

-> Begin Ethernet LAN interfaces
	Creating HAL object for the Eth-Switch Lan(0) interface
	Registering Eth-Switch Lan(0) driver
 Number of Managed Switched Ports = 4

	Creating HAL object for the Eth-Switch Lan(1) interface
	Registering Eth-Switch Lan(1) driver
	Creating HAL object for the Eth-Switch Lan(2) interface
	Registering Eth-Switch Lan(2) driver
	Creating HAL object for the Eth-Switch Lan(3) interface
	Registering Eth-Switch Lan(3) driver
-> End Ethernet LAN interfaces

-> Begin USB LAN interface
	Creating HAL object for the USB 1.1 interface
	Registering USB driver
-> End USB LAN interface

-> Begin 802.11 WiFi LAN interface.

	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #100
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(0) driver
	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #101
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(1) driver
ReconfigureDriver: told to WAIT!
	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #102
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(2) driver
ReconfigureDriver: told to WAIT!
	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #103
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(3) driver
ReconfigureDriver: told to WAIT!
	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #104
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(4) driver
	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #105
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(5) driver
	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #106
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(6) driver
	Creating HAL object for 802.11 RF (WiFi) interface #107
	Registering 802.11 RF (WiFi)(7) driver
-> End 802.11 WiFi LAN interfaces.

-> Begin IP Stack interfaces
-> Starting BFC DHCP Client subsystem...
	Creating HAL object for IP Stack1 (MAC Addr=00:1e:69:XX:X3:fd)
	Registering IP Stack1 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 1

	Creating HAL object for IP Stack2 (MAC Addr=00:10:95:ff:ff:fe)
	Registering IP Stack2 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 2

	Creating HAL object for IP Stack3 (MAC Addr=00:1e:69:XX:X3:ff)
	Registering IP Stack3 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 3

	Creating HAL object for IP Stack4 (MAC Addr=00:1e:69:XX:X4:00)
	Registering IP Stack4 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 4

	Creating HAL object for IP Stack5 (MAC Addr=00:1e:69:XX:X4:01)
	Registering IP Stack5 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 5

	Creating HAL object for IP Stack6 (MAC Addr=00:1e:69:XX:X3:fe)
	Registering IP Stack6 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 6

	IP Stack7 not enabled or failed to create and start interface; 
        no other stacks will be loaded.
-> End IP Stack interfaces

^^^ Interface creation and driver startup complete ^^^

Creating BcmEmtaRemoteAccessCommandTable
  Adding IP Stack6 HalIf to the PacketCable Forwarder
  Adding Eth-Switch Lan(0) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding Eth-Switch Lan(1) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding Eth-Switch Lan(2) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding Eth-Switch Lan(3) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding USB HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(0) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(1) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(2) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(3) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(4) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(5) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(6) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding 802.11 RF (WiFi)(7) HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding IP Stack3 HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding IP Stack4 HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
  Adding IP Stack5 HalIf to the CableHome Forwarder
Propane version: 2.0.1 (28 Oct 2002)
Creating SNMP agent cablemodem agent
Creating SNMP agent CPE diag agent
BcmSnmpThread starting thread operation.
Initializing Net-SNMP transport for IPv4
Setting DS cal singleton instance to 0

@@@ in cgGuestNetworksDhcpMgmtGroup::RegisterBridge
@@@ in cgVLanGroup::RegisterBridgeBcmCableHomeWanManIpHelper: 
WARNING -  the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
  Added WPA-NAS snoop to 802.11 interface.
GetSingletonInstance: Created DHCP server thread
GetSingletonInstance: Created Routed Subnet Table
GetSingletonInstance: Created RIP Client Thread
 *** FWSTATE: kFwStateFwActive ***
Creating SNMP agent CH agent
WARNING - Couldn't find table on Thomson CH Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
WARNING - Couldn't find table on Thomson CH Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
 Registering Passthrough Entry Table
WARNING - Couldn't find table on Thomson CH Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
WARNING - Couldn't find table on Thomson CH Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
 Registering Passthrough Entry Table
Creating the firewall thread, now that it is safe...
SES2WindowClosed! (unexpected)
Registering wln0
Registering wln1
Registering wln2
Registering wln3
===> WARNING: Failed to register ScalarMibBridge 
    to agent Thomson CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
===> Object already bridged.
Registering wln0
Registering wln1
Registering wln2
Registering wln3

@@@ in cgRipMgmtGroup::RegisterBridgeWARNING - Couldn't find group on Thomson CH Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
===> WARNING: Failed to register ScalarMibBridge 
to agent Thomson CH Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
===> Object not found on agent.

Setting EngineId for CableHome
DumpBuf(27): Setting CH engine - <80 00 11 3d 04 50 53 2f 30 30 3a 31 65 3a 36 39 3a 36 30 3a 65 33 3a 66 66 01 00 >
Creating SNMP agent CH diag agent
===> WARNING: Failed to register TabularMibBridge to agent CH diag agent
===> Entry 1 already exists.
 Registering Qos2 Policy Table
 Registering Qos2 Traffic Class Table
 Registering Lan Addr Entry Table
 Registering Wan Data Address Entry Table
 Registering Passthrough Entry Table
Dynamic DNS client DISABLED.
Firewall: configuring interfaces 802.11 RF (WiFi)(1) set to On
FIREWALL Rule generated:
Firewall Matches (17):
In Interface = cpe0
Out Interface = Þ­¾ï
Source IP/Mask =
Target = ACCEPT

WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!

 (DHCP) WAN IP Connection Configuration

Creating SNMP agent EMTA agent
initBlindData: nvramSize= 712
mtaNvCalcChecksum: checksum= 1273036263MTA : Register for CM VSIFs
Completed Adding New Command for Emta Remote Console: log
Completed Adding New Command for Emta Remote Console: diag
Completed Adding New Command for Emta Remote Console: reset
Completed Adding New Command for Emta Remote Console: set
Completed Adding New Command for Emta Remote Console: show
EMTA battery callback = 0x80648a54
00:00:18 01/01/1970  [aoRT] (BOS) 

bosAppRootTask() - Is it morning already? Spawning app task (epoch #0)...

00:00:18 01/01/1970  [aoRT] (BOS) TaskCreate - spawn new task aoAP
00:00:18 01/01/1970 (LOG) WARN: Module CALC.  Is already registered!
00:00:18 01/01/1970 (LOG) WARN: Module NET.  Is already registered!
00:00:18 01/01/1970 (LOG) WARN: Module UTIL.  Is already registered!
00:00:18 01/01/1970  [aoAP] (BOS) TaskCreate - spawn new task CMT_EXCEPTION_IST
00:00:18 01/01/1970  [aoAP] (BOS) TaskCreate - spawn new task Load-balance
00:00:18 01/01/1970  [RESM] (BOS) Created message queue "RESQ", depth 25, id 1
00:00:18 01/01/1970  [aoAP] (BOS) TaskCreate - spawn new task HTSK

VoCM EMTA software
	Vendor:			TMM
	Version:		ST9D.01.09[]
	Codec:			G.711
	Operating System:	 eCos
	Build Date:		May 28 2010
	Build Time:		16:39:54


00:00:18 01/01/1970 (CALC) CC: Initialization starting...

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                        *   *
                       *     *
                       *     *
                       *     *
                      *       *
                      *       *
                      *       *
                     *         *
                     *         *
                     *         *
                     *         *
                    *           *
          *         *           *         *
        *   *       *           *       *   *          ***
*     *      *     *             *     *      *     *       *******************
   *          *   *               *   *          *
                *                   *

Broadcom Corporation Reference Design

 |       _/_/     _/_/_/_/    _/_/                                            | 
 |      _/  _/   _/        _/    _/   Broadband                               | 
 |     _/  _/   _/        _/                                                  | 
 |    _/_/     _/_/_/    _/           Foundation                              | 
 |   _/  _/   _/        _/                                                    | 
 |  _/   _/  _/        _/    _/       Classes                                 | 
 | _/_/_/   _/          _/_/                                                  | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2007 Broadcom Corporation                             | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:                                                         | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  MinimalConsole TelnetConsole SshConsole Nonvol Slim HeapManager | 
 | Features:  SNMP Networking USB1.1 EJTAG (script TWG850_4)                  | 
 | Standard Embedded Target Support for BFC                                   | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Broadcom Corporation                               | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:  3.0.1                                                           | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  PID=0xa815 Bootloader-Rev=2.1.7i                                | 
 | Features:  Bootloader-Compression-Support=0x19                             | 
 | Features:  Bcm80211n Build Apr 23 2009 12:39:26 Ver       | 
 | eCos BFC Application Layer                                                 | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2007 Broadcom Corporation                             | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:  3.0.2                                                           | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  eCos Console Cmds, (no Idle Loop Profiler)                      | 
 |         _/_/    _/     _/                                                  | 
 |      _/    _/  _/_/ _/_/   DOCSIS Cable Modem                              | 
 |     _/        _/  _/ _/                                                    | 
 |    _/        _/     _/                                                     | 
 |   _/        _/     _/                                                      | 
 |  _/    _/  _/     _/                                                       | 
 |   _/_/    _/     _/                                                        | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2007 Broadcom Corporation                             | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:                                                         | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  AckCel(tm) DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0 Propane(tm) CM SNMP w/Factory MIB | 
 | Features:  Support CM Vendor Extension eDOCSIS SLED EURO                   | 
 | Thomson Data-Only CM Vendor Extension                                      | 
 |                                                                            | 
 |                                                                            | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:                                                         | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  DHCP Server  HTTP Server  LED                                   | 
 |         _/_/    _/    _/                                                   | 
 |      _/    _/  _/    _/   CableHome Cable Modem                            | 
 |     _/        _/    _/                                                     | 
 |    _/        _/_/_/_/                                                      | 
 |   _/        _/    _/      CableLabs Certified                              | 
 |  _/    _/  _/    _/                                                        | 
 |   _/_/    _/    _/                                                         | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 Broadcom Corporation                             | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:                                                         | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  CableHome 1.0/1.1 CH SNMP CH Customer Extension                 | 
 | Broadcom CableHome Customer Extension                                      | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2004 Broadcom Corporation                             | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:  3.0.2                                                           | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  ()                                                              | 
 |       _/     _/ _/_/_/ _/                                                  | 
 |      _/_/ _/_/   _/   _/_/  Embedded MTA                                   | 
 |     _/  _/ _/   _/   _/ _/                                                 | 
 |    _/     _/   _/   _/  _/                                                 | 
 |   _/     _/   _/   _/_/__/  CableLabs Certified                            | 
 |  _/     _/   _/   _/    _/  PacketCable Certified                          | 
 | _/     _/   _/   _/     _/                                                 | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2008 Broadcom Corporation                             | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Revision:                                                        | 
 |                                                                            | 
 | Features:  bcm93368wvg(EuroPacketCable) eCos                               | 
 | Features:   SIP SIP-DQoS PacketCable-v1.5                                  | 
 | Features:  dspApp3368_g711 (LDX app)                                       | 
 | Features:  Logging: All                                                    | 
 | Features:  (MTA LIB DATE: May 28 2010 16:39:54)                            |
 | Build Date:  May 28 2010	                                              |
 | Build Time:  16:45:26	                                              |
 | Built By:    ST9D.01.09	                                              |

Running the system...

BcmEmtaDhcpStateMachineGlue: Setting up the singleton pointer.
LightScanning Disabled 
Scanning DS Channel at 130000000 Hz...(Scan List)

Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands...

CM> Scanning DS Channel at 132000000 Hz...(Scan List)
Scanning DS Channel at 115000000 Hz...(Scan List)