Unex (iNexQ) ISW050u
Unex ISW050u
Type: wireless router
Power: 9 VDC, ? A
Connector type: barrel
CPU1: Silicon Data SD9148-AB
FLA1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
RAM1: ? MiB (Brand? Model?)
Expansion IFs: USB (unk. version)
USB ports: 1
WI1 chip1: Intersil ISL3871
WI1 chip2: Intersil ISL3684
WI1 802dot11 protocols: b
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA
ETH chip1: Silicon Data SD9148-AB
Switch: Realtek Model?
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 100M
WAN ports: 1
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 7 additional devices
of which 0 are Unex devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: 1324
802dot11 OUI: none specified
For a list of all currently documented Intersil chipsets with specifications, see Intersil.
For a list of all currently documented Silicon Data chipsets with specifications, see Silicon Data.
FCC ID covers, per the FCC test report, the following models..
- ISW050u R01 / R02
- ISW050t R01 / R02
- ISW054u
- ISW054t (note: completely different unit w/ an Intersil b/g radio)
"KCS0100A" and "03/05/05" is silkscreened on the wireless module in the FCC photos.
Default credentials are defined from the FCC manual.
The UPC is from the FCC label - it may not be accurate.