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WikiDevi.Wi-Cat.RU:DD-WRT/AP Repeater on DLINK Dir-300

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AP Repeater on DLINK Dir-300 @ dd-wrt

How to configure DLINK DIR-300 as AP Repeater

I Have been researching because I need to use my DLINK Dir-300 as a Repeater Bridge This operation mode is easily to find in a broadcom based hardware such as linksys, etc, BUT you can not set "Repeater Bridge" Mode on a Dir-300

So Here's how to make the stuff :

I Assume that you already have an AP working under your administration. Lets say that this AP SSID is "AP1" With a LAN IP ADDRESS of

Ok, starting with that you have to go to your DIR-300 Configuration Page, now go to the "Setup" tab, now on "Wan Connection Type" On connection type, select DISABLED On "Network Setup" "Local IP address" (the LAN IP of the DIR-300) of course it got to be on the same network as LAN on "AP1" "Subnet mask" The same subnet mask used in LAN for AP1 here is the important thing : On "Gateway" you have to write the IP address of AP1 LAN Address On "Local DNS" you have to write the IP address of AP1 LAN Address

Next you have to DISABLE the DCHP server on DIR-300

Finally Click on "Save" and "Apply Settings"

Now we move to the tab "Wireless" on the DIR-300 once there you have to modify Wireless Mode drop down box and select "CLIENT BRIDGE" Now you have to go to Wireless Network Name (SSID) and write the SSID of AP1 Now go to "Virtual Interfaces" and do a click on ADD next write a name (SSID) for this virtual interface it could be Any SSID that you want to, included AP1 SSID

Now it's time to SAVE SETTINGS do not click on APPLY YET.

Now you have to go to "Status" Tab , Now Wireless menu, at the botton on the page you will find the "Site Survey" Button do a click on it, you will of course find AP1 SSID and the chance to JOIN, do a click on Join to AP1

Now you have to go back to the "Wireless TAB" and do a click on "Apply Settings" And that's it.

Now you have a DIR-300 Working as a repeater of AP1.

If you have any comments you can contact me on Gatekeeper.