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Although developers produce upgrades in order to improve a product, there are risks involved—including the possibility that the upgrade will worsen the product. Upgrades of hardware involve a risk that new hardware will not be compatible with other pieces of hardware in a system. For example, an upgrade of RAM may not be compatible with existing RAM in a computer.

Other hardware components may not be compatible after either an upgrade or downgrade, due to the non-availability of compatible drivers for the hardware with a specific operating system. Conversely, there is the same risk of non-compatibility when software is upgraded or downgraded for previously functioning hardware to no longer function.

Upgrades of software introduce the risk that the new version (or patch) will contain a bug, causing the program to malfunction in some way or not to function at all. For example, in October 2005, a glitch in a software upgrade caused trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange to shut down for most of the day.[1] Similar gaffes have occurred: from important government systems[2] to freeware on the internet.

Upgrades can also worsen a product subjectively. A user may prefer an older version even if a newer version functions perfectly as designed.

Much, if not all, the information i have has come from the dd-wrt Wiki and Message board. Everything that I know about WiFi, I credit to BrainSlayer, Eko, barryware, redhawk0, murrkf, phuzi0n, LOM, Tornado, frater and all the other Guru's and Moderators. Without them, none of this would be possible. As accurate as I want my information to be, I encourage going to the source to be sure.
