ZyXEL NBG-419N v1

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ZyXEL NBG-419N v1

Manuf (OEM/ODM): AboCom WR5206

FCC approval date: 08 October 2009
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Amazon image

B0029R0VW4 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution

Type: wireless router

IC ID: 2468C-NBG419N

Power: 12 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel
Conn. measurements: 5 mm (OD), 2.5 mm (ID), 9.5 mm (LEN)

CPU1: Ralink RT3052 (384 MHz)
FLA1: 4 MiB 4,194,304 B <br />32,768 Kib <br />4,096 KiB <br />32 Mib <br />0.00391 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX29LV320DBTI-70G)
RAM1: 32 MiB 33,554,432 B <br />262,144 Kib <br />32,768 KiB <br />256 Mib <br />0.0313 GiB <br /> (ISSI IC42S16800E-6TL × 2)

Expansion IFs: none specified
Serial: yes, internal, 4-pin header, populated, 3.3V TTL, (57600,8,N,1), pinout marked

WI1 chip1: Ralink RT3052
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 2x2:2
WI1 antenna connector: RP-SMA

ETH chip1: Ralink RT3052
Switch: Ralink RT3052
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 100M
WAN ports: 1


Stock bootloader: U-Boot 3.2_a03 Ralink

Stock FW OS: Linux 2.6.21

Default SSID: ZyXEL (19 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1310 additional devices
of which 98 are ZyXEL devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: 1234
admin:1234 credentials used by 188 additional devices
of which 67 are ZyXEL devices

802dot11 OUI: 00:23:F8 (1 E, 4 W)
Ethernet OUI: 00:23:F8 (1 E, 4 W)


For a list of all currently documented Ralink chipsets with specifications, see Ralink.

Wireless N Home Router

Product page

OEM AboCom WR5206

"M01-BG419-D10" is silkscreened on the board.

The included power adapter is a DVE DSA-12G-12 FUS 120120 (12V, 1A). ID/OD/Len measurements are approximate.



Info derived from

 • boot log

U-Boot 1.1.3 (Mar 19 2009 - 15:37:56)

Board: Ralink APSoC DRAM:  32 MB
relocate_code Pointer at: 81fa4000
flash_protect ON: from 0xBF000000 to 0xBF029167
protect on 0
protect on 1
protect on 2
protect on 3
protect on 4
protect on 5
protect on 6
protect on 7
protect on 8
protect on 9
flash_protect ON: from 0xBF030000 to 0xBF03FFFF
protect on 10
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

Ralink UBoot Version: 3.2_a03
ASIC 3052_MP2 (Port5<->None)
Total memory: 64 MBytes
Date:Mar 19 2009  Time:15:37:56
icache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32768
dcache: sets:128, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:16384

 ##### The CPU freq = 384 MHZ ####

 SDRAM bus set to 32 bit
 SDRAM size =32 Mbytes

Please choose the operation:
   1: Load system code to SDRAM via TFTP.
   2: Load system code then write to Flash via TFTP.
   3: Boot system code via Flash (default).
   4: Entr boot command line interface.
   6: To emergency.
   9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP.                                                                                                0

3: System Boot system code via Flash.
## Booting image at bf050000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux Kernel Image
   Created:      2010-10-04   8:45:33 UTC

 System Control Status = 0x00440000
   Image Type:   MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed)
   Data Size:    3330181 Bytes =  3.2 MB
   Load Address: 80000000
   Entry Point:  80222000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
No initrd
## Transferring control to Linux (at address 80222000) ...
## Giving linux memsize in MB, 32

Starting kernel ...

LINUX started...


 The CPU feqenuce set to 384 MHz
CPU revision is: 0001964c
Determined physical RAM map:
 memory: 02000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
Built 1 zonelists.  Total pages: 8128
Primary instruction cache 32kB, physically tagged, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 16kB, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
cause = 80800060, status = 1100ff00
PID hash table entries: 128 (order: 7, 512 bytes)
calculating r4koff... 00177000(1536000)
CPU frequency 384.00 MHz
Using 192.000 MHz high precision timer.
Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
detected lzma initramfs
squashfs: LZMA suppport for slax.org by jro
Ralink gpio driver initialized
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 8192K size 1024 blocksize
rdm_major = 254
 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040
mtd: partition "Kernel" extends beyond the end of device "Ralink SoC physically mapped flash" -- size truncated to 0x3b0000
RL this is patch v3
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (256 buckets, 2048 max 400 reserved)
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team, Type=Restricted Cone

  2008/11/24 Kernel xt_register_target =======>

arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
GDMA1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00000000
GDMA1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x00000000
GDMA1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00000023
GDMA1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0xf85c1653
init started: BusyBox v1.12.1 (2010-10-04 16:21Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
:56 CST)
starting pid 11, tty '': '/etc_ro/rcS'
mount: mounting none on /sys failed: No such device
mount: mounting none on /proc/bus/usb failed: No such file or directory
/etc_ro/rcS: line 9: telnetd: not found
ftpalg: Waiting for message from kernel
echo 1 > /var/resetPhy_bootup
starting pid 47, tty '/dev/ttyS1': '/bin/sh'

BusyBox v1.12.1 (2010-10-04 16:21:56 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# insmod: dwc_otg.ko: module not found
insmod: bridge.ko: module not found
insmod: mii.ko: module not found
insmod: raeth.ko: module not found

phy_tx_ring = 0x01152000, tx_ring = 0xa1152000

phy_rx_ring = 0x00000000, rx_ring = 0x00000000
CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 10000
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
rmmod: rt2860v2_ap: No such file or directory
rmmod: rt2860v2_sta: No such file or directory
Commit crc = 19db3029
rt2860v2_ap: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.

=== pAd = c0006000, size = 408672 ===

<-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0
rmmod: ip_nat_proto_gre: No such file or directory
rmmod: ip_nat_pptp: No such file or directory
rmmod: ip_conntrack_pptp: No such file or directory
rmmod: ip_conntrack_proto_gre: No such file or directory
RX DESC a1574000  size = 2048
<-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
1. Phy Mode = 9
2. Phy Mode = 9
3. Phy Mode = 9
RTMPSetPhyMode: channel is out of range, use first channel=0
MCS Set = ff ff 00 00 01
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
wlan: Event_num = 0
Main bssid = 00:23:f8:5c:16:52
<==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
0x1300 = 00064380
insmod: 8021q.ko: module not found
vconfig: ioctl error for rem: Invalid argument
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
brctl: bridge br0: No such device or address
##### config RT3052 vlan partition (LLLLW) #####
switch reg write offset=14, value=405555
switch reg write offset=50, value=2001
switch reg write offset=98, value=7f3f
switch reg write offset=e4, value=3f
switch reg write offset=40, value=1001
switch reg write offset=44, value=1001
switch reg write offset=48, value=1002
switch reg write offset=70, value=ffff506f
portmap=LLLLW and no snooping
eth2.1: Setting MAC address to  00 23 f8 5c 16 52.
VLAN (eth2.1):  Setting underlying device (eth2) to promiscious mode.
CloneMAC mode is 0...
eth2.2: Setting MAC address to  00 23 f8 5c 16 53.
VLAN (eth2.2):  Underlying device (eth2) has same MAC, not checking promiscious mode.
udhcpc (v1.12.1) started
Enter timetool
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8914 failed: Cannot assign requested address
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8914 failed: Cannot assign requested address
cat: can't open '/etc/resolv.conf': No such file or directory
dhcp_DnsMode is 12...
power down ethernet switch...
Set: phy[0].reg[0] = 3900
Set: phy[1].reg[0] = 3900
Set: phy[2].reg[0] = 3900
Set: phy[3].reg[0] = 3900
power up ethernet switch...
Set: phy[0].reg[0] = 3100
Set: phy[1].reg[0] = 3100
Set: phy[2].reg[0] = 3100
Set: phy[3].reg[0] = 3100

***** g_wl_interface = ra0 ******

libupnp: using UDP SSDP_PORT = 1900
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8913 failed: No such device
/sbin/lan.sh: line 482: can't create /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding: nonexistent directory
iwpriv ra0 set IRL debug: AQ_LAN_IP=c0a80101
RL debug: AQ_HTTP_PORT=50
killall rt2860apd 1>/dev/null 2>&1
mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs
rm -f /var/spool/cron/crontabs/scheduler
cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/temp.dat > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/admin
rm -f /var/spool/cron/crontabs/temp.dat
killall crond
killall: crond: no process killed
iwpriv ra0 set RadioOn=1
nvram_set SchedulerRadioOn 1
Commit crc = 19db3029
gpio l 14 4000 0 1 0 4000
===================     iptablesAllFilterClear  =============
iptables -F -t filter 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -D FORWARD -j macipport_filter 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -F macipport_filter 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -D FORWARD -j web_filter  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -F web_filter  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -X dos_block  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -X dos_log  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -X port_trigger  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -D FORWARD -j DMZ_FORWARD  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -F DMZ_FORWARD  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
===================     iptablesAllNATClear  =============
iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j port_trigger  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -F port_trigger  1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -X port_trigger  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j port_forward 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -F port_forward  1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -X port_forward  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j port_forward_post  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -F port_forward_post  1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -X port_forward_post  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j DMZ 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -F DMZ 1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -X DMZ  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j DMZ_POST  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -F DMZ_POST  1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -X DMZ_POST  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -F -t nat 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu 1>/dev/null 2>&1
===================     Filter Chain  =============
iptables -t filter -N dos_block 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j dos_block 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -N dos_log 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j dos_log 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -N web_filter 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -N macipport_filter 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -j web_filter 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -j macipport_filter 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -N port_trigger 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -j port_trigger 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -N port_forward 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -j port_forward 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -N DMZ_FORWARD 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -j DMZ_FORWARD 1>/dev/null 2>&1
===================     iptablesAllFilterRun  =============
websTrustedIPAddress is null
===================     NAT Chain  =============
iptables -t nat -N port_trigger 1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -j port_trigger 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -N port_forward 1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 2 -j port_forward 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -N DMZ 1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 3 -j DMZ 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -N port_forward_post 1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j port_forward_post 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t nat -N DMZ_POST 1>/dev/null 2>&1; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j DMZ_POST 1>/dev/null 2>&1
===================     iptablesAllNATRun  =============
Enter iptablesPortForwardRun
Enter iptablesPortTriggerRun
WAN IP error
===================     iptablesNATBasic  =============
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth2.2 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t filter -F INPUT
iptables -F dos_block  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -F dos_log  1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j dos_block 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iptables -A dos_log -j LOG --log-prefix "Firewall: " --log-level 6
iptables -A dos_log -j DROP
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ALL -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,RST,ACK,FIN,URG -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,FIN SYN,FIN -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags FIN,RST FIN,RST -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ACK,FIN FIN -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ACK,URG URG -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp --tcp-flags ACK,PSH PSH -j dos_log
iptables -A dos_block -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
iptables -A dos_block -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW -j DROP
Disable WAN Ping
WAN IP error -> do something
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i ! eth2.2 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -i eth2.2 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i eth2.2 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp -i eth2.2 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth2.2 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
killall ntp.sh
killall: ntp.sh: no process killed
ntp.sh &
Ntpserver is
udps &
connect: Network is unreachable
sleep 4.....
Enter udps

route delete 1>/dev/null 2>&1
killall wscd 1>/dev/null 2>&1
killall -9 wscd 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iwpriv ra0 set WscConfMode=0 1>/dev/null 2>&1
iwpriv ra0 set WscConfMode=7
iwpriv ra0 set WscConfStatus=1
route add -host dev br0 1>/dev/null 2>&1
wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0 &
echo '1' >  /tmp/syslodg_exist
syslogd -C8 1>/dev/null 2>&1
klogd 1>/dev/null 2>&1
killall -q zebra
killall -q ripd
libupnp: using UDP SSDP_PORT = 1900
RL : === start running QoS ===
Gateway Mode
rl_qos: OP_MODE=0
rl_qos: WAN_IF=eth2.2
rl_qos: LAN_IF=br0
rl_qos: WLAN_IF=(null)
rl_qos: BR_IF=br0
rl_qos: qosEnable=0
rl_qos: qosAutoEnable=0
rl_qos: UPLINK_SPEED=32768
rl_qos: DOWNLINK_SPEED=32768
=====QoS DISABLED!!...======
RL modified timeout parameter in 32M.
route: ioctl 0x890b failed: File exists
webs: Listening for HTTP requests at address
libupnp: using UDP SSDP_PORT = 1900
Ntpserver is
sleep 4.....
connect: Network is unreachable
Ntpserver is
connect: Network is unreachable
sleep 4.....
Ntpserver is
connect: Network is unreachable
sleep 4.....
Ntpserver is
sleep 60.....

cat /proc/version

# cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.21 (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 3.4.2) #1 Mon Oct 4 16:45:24 CST 2010

cat /proc/mtd

# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00030000 00010000 "Bootloader"
mtd1: 00010000 00010000 "Config"
mtd2: 00010000 00010000 "Factory"
mtd3: 003b0000 00010000 "Kernel"


# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
rt2860v2_ap           939264  1
lm                      1248  0 [permanent]

cat /proc/cpuinfo

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
system type             : Ralink SoC
processor               : 0
cpu model               : MIPS 24K V4.12
BogoMIPS                : 255.48
wait instruction        : yes
microsecond timers      : yes
tlb_entries             : 32
extra interrupt vector  : yes
hardware watchpoint     : yes
ASEs implemented        : mips16 dsp
VCED exceptions         : not available
VCEI exceptions         : not available

ps aux

# ps aux
    1 admin     1472 S    init
    2 admin        0 SWN  [ksoftirqd/0]
    3 admin        0 SW<  [events/0]
    4 admin        0 SW<  [khelper]
    5 admin        0 SW<  [kthread]
    6 admin        0 SW<  [kblockd/0]
    7 admin        0 SW<  [kswapd0]
    8 admin        0 SW<  [aio/0]
    9 admin        0 SW   [mtdblockd]
   15 admin     1108 S    nvram_daemon
   16 admin     1804 S    goahead
   37 admin     1476 S    /bin/sh /sbin/restart_web.sh
   41 admin     1472 S    /bin/sh /sbin/re_upnp.sh
   45 admin     1472 S    /bin/sh /sbin/check_webserver.sh
   47 admin     1480 S    /bin/sh
   81 admin     1468 S    sleep 300
  148 admin        0 SW   [RtmpWscTask]
  379 admin     1472 S    udhcpc -i eth2.2 -s /sbin/udhcpc.sh -p /var/run/udhcp
  382 admin     1112 S    timetool
  628 admin     1476 S    udhcpd /etc/udhcpd.conf
  858 admin      924 S    lld2d br0
  935 admin      944 S    dnsmasq --address=/#/
 1280 admin     1476 S    /bin/sh /sbin/ntp.sh
 1326 admin      828 S    udps
 1383 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1384 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1389 admin     1476 S    syslogd -C8
 1392 admin     1472 S    klogd
 1396 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1397 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1398 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1404 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1405 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1406 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1422 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1423 admin     1628 S    wscd -m 1 -a -i ra0
 1606 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1609 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1613 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1617 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1618 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1619 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1632 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1633 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1774 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 1775 admin     1644 S    upnpd -f eth2.2 br0
 3827 admin     1468 S    sleep 60
 3868 admin        0 Z    [sleep]
 3881 admin     1468 S    sleep 5
 3886 admin     1472 R    ps aux


 • find (/etc)
{{SCollapse|find (/sbin)
# find
 • find (/etc-ro)
# find
 • find (/usr)
# find
 • find (/bin)
# find