ZyXEL XGS1010-12
ZyXEL XGS1010 -12 (v1)
Availability: now
Manuf (OEM/ODM): Delta Networks
(Est.) release date: December 2019
(Est.) initial retail price (in USD): $145
UPC: 0760559126810 (UPC DB, On eBay)
EAN: 4718937610778 (UPC DB, On eBay)
Country of manuf.: China
Power: 12 VDC, 1.5 A
Connector type: barrel
Conn. measurements: 5.5 mm (OD), 2.1 mm (ID), 9.5 mm (LEN)
CPU1: Realtek RTL9302B (800 MHz)
FLA1: 16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX25L12833F)
RAM1: 128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br /> (Nanya NT5CC64M16GP-DI)
ETH chip2: Realtek RTL8218D
ETH chip3: Realtek RTL8226 (x2)
Switch chip1: Realtek RTL9302B
ETH ports: 10
ETH conn. type: 8P8C
ETH speed: 1GbE
Expansion IFs: SFP+
SFP ports: 2
JTAG: yes, 14-pin header, J2
Serial: yes, 4-pin header, J5, (115200 8N1)
Switch class: smart
has Auto-MDIX capability
supports Jumbo frames
Additional chips
Serial GPIO/LED Display Controller;Realtek;RTL8231;;1;
Stock bootloader: U-Boot 2011.12 -svn99721
Stock FW OS: Linux 5.4.70
Flags: SFP+ (10GbE), Unmanaged switch, metal case, heatsink
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1305 additional devices
of which 96 are ZyXEL devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: 1234
admin:1234 credentials used by 186 additional devices
of which 67 are ZyXEL devices
12-Port Unmanaged Multi-Gigabit Switch
- with 2-Port 2.5G and 2-Port 10G SFP+
- Product page
- ZyXEL XGS1010-12 on svanheule wiki (ex biot wiki)
- PCB ID: 2976958502 (OEM: Delta Networks)
See XGS1210-12 for additional details, as the hardware is 100% identical,
- only difference is lack of a reset button on the XGS1010-12.
- The software is completely different, see the wiki for details.
See also
- ZyXEL XGS1010-12 • Spec.
- ZyXEL XGS1210-12 • Spec.
- ZyXEL XGS1250-12 • Spec.
- ZyXEL XGS1920-12 •
- ZyXEL XGS1920-48 •
- ZyXEL XS1930-10 • Spec.