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Belkin F5D7633-4

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Belkin F5D7633-4

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Gemtek WADB102GB

FCC approval date: 23 December 2004
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Type: wireless router, dsl modem

Power: 15 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Broadcom BCM6348 (256 MHz)
FLA1: 4 MiB4,194,304 B <br />32,768 Kib <br />4,096 KiB <br />32 Mib <br />0.00391 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX29LV320CTTC-90G)
RAM1: 16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (EtronTech EM638165TS-6G × 2)

Expansion IFs: Mini PCI
Mini PCI slots: 1

WI1 module: Gemtek WMIB-103GS
WI1 module IF: Mini PCI
WI1 chip1: Broadcom BCM4306
WI1 chip2: Broadcom BCM2050
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: none

ETH chip1: Broadcom BCM6348
Switch: Broadcom BCM5325
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4


Flags: ADSL2+

Default SSID: belkin54g (12 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 296 additional devices
of which 97 are Belkin devices

802dot11 OUI: none specified

Gemtek WMIB-100GSMXF-M940125G
Gemtek WMIB-103GSQDS-BRCM1005

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.

ADSL Modem with High-Speed Mode Wireless-G Router

Datasheet • User Manual

This device has the same board ID as the Belkin F5D9630-4 v1‎ and Belkin F5D7631-4 v2.

Switch is described as a BCM5325E, FCC photos show a BCM5325A2 (multiple revisions?)

Per the manual, the default SSID is belkin54g.