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Buffalo WZR-D1800H

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Buffalo WZR-D1800H
Availability: common

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Arcadyan WA9116B AC33

FCC approval date: 20 April 2012
(Est.) release date: 14 May 2012
(Est.) initial retail price (in USD): $180
UPC: 747464125138 (UPC DB, On eBay)

Series: AC1750

Amazon image

B0084JFLSK (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Type: wireless router

FCC ID: FDI-09101695-0
IC ID: 6102A-041
PCB ID: 141911620002J

Power: 12 VDC, 3 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Broadcom BCM4706
FLA1: 128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br /> (Samsung K9F1G08U0D-SCB0)
RAM1: 128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br /> (EtronTech EM68B16CWQD-25H × 2)

Expansion IFs: Mini PCIe, USB 2.0
Mini PCIe slots: 2
USB ports: 1
Serial: yes, 10-pin header, unpopulated, (115200,8,N,1)

WI1 module: Arcadyan WN8833B-GN
WI1 module IF: Mini PCIe
WI1 chip1: Broadcom BCM4331
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 3x3:3
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL
WI2 module: Arcadyan WN8833B-AC
WI2 module IF: Mini PCIe (oversized)
WI2 chip1: Broadcom BCM4360
WI2 802dot11 protocols: an+ac
WI2 MIMO config: 3x3:3
WI2 antenna connector: U.FL

ETH chip1: Broadcom BCM4706
Switch: Broadcom BCM53125
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 1G
WAN ports: 1


Stock bootloader: CFE

Stock FW OS: Linux

TPFirmware supported: DD-WRT • (List), DD-WRT (Kong-AC) • (List), FreshTomato • (List | DLs)

Default SSID: BUFFALO-XXXXXX_A (2 addl. devices)
, BUFFALO-XXXXXX_G (2 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 33 additional devices
of which 27 are Buffalo devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: password
admin:password credentials used by 423 additional devices
of which 14 are Buffalo devices

802dot11 OUI: 10:6F:3F (6 E, 8 W)
Ethernet OUI: 10:6F:3F (6 E, 8 W)

Arcadyan WN8833B-ACFDI-09101695-0
Arcadyan WN8833B-GNFDI-09101695-0
Buffalo WLI-H4-D1300FDI-09101695-0

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.

AirStation AC1300/N900 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router

Product page  • Datasheet

"P/N: 141911620002J R0A" is silkscreened on the main board.
"P/N: 141883320000J R0A" is silkscreened on the 2.4GHz wireless module.

This device is Broadcom based. OEM Arcadyan.

The BCM4331 wireless module uses 3x Skyworks (SiGe) SE2594L

(Dual Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Front End)

The BCM4360 wireless module uses 3x Skyworks (SiGe) SE5003L

(5GHz, 23dBm Power Amp w/ Power Detector)
Per the lspci dump, the BCM4360 has the PCI ID of 14e4:43a2


The Arcadyan model of the device may be WG9116AAC-J6.
"P/N: 141911620002J R01" is silkscreened on the main board.
"P/N: 141883320008J" is silkscreened on the 5GHz wireless module.
The silkscreened manuf. date code is 1215 (third week of April).
(upper case letters, LAN MAC is probably the MAC used for both).

Forum threads

Not bundled with DD-WRT, but work has been completed to support,
see this thread for the latest test build.


See also


Flashing DD-WRT

nvram shows as 256 KB with DD-WRT installed

  • .bin files are for initial flash, .trx files are for upgrading.
  1. Do a Hard Reset
  2. Upload DD-WRT via GUI
  3. Do a Hard Reset


Upgrading DD-WRT

  1. Do a Hard Reset
  2. Upload DD-WRT via GUI
  3. Do a Hard Reset


Reverting from DD-WRT to OEM firmware

  1. Do a Hard Reset
  2. Upload Buffalo Firmware via GUI
  3. Do a Hard Reset

JTAG-Serial Info


Serial Pinouts

 1 o VCC
 2 o GND
 3 o RX
 4 o TX

USB Info


  • The USB port is where you can connect an external USB hard drive or flash drive.
Which can do a multitude of things. You can use in as a NAS, storage for a FTP
server, use Optware to run external programs like torrent software, samba for
sharing files to network, share a USB printer with network...
The list of possibilities is long, it just takes a little research.
  • ProFTPd is included in most the newer builds of dd-wrt.
Check the features chart to be sure.


Buffalo's Images
FCCID FDI-09101695-0


jffs Issue in DD-WRT

This problem is caused by the firmware encountering an unmarked bad block during an

erase operation while attempting to setup a JFFS2 filesystem on device /dev/mtd/4.

Most people will probably never experience this problem. The AC66U, the D1800H, and

the Buffalo WLI-H4-D1300 Media Bridge use the same Samsung flash memory chip.

In case, 4 of 5 D1800H's had the problem but D1300 didn't. Neither of AC66U's had the problem.

One person on one of the AC66U threads reported having the problem; here's a link to his post.

If you have the problem, you will not be able to create or copy directories and files to /jffs.

Here are some example error messages: (this list was shortened to save space - it can go on for several pages)
root@WZR-D1800HRT2:~# dmesg|grep jffs
jffs2: jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x05ee0020: 0xe952 instead
jffs2: jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x05ee0024: 0x0e6d instead
jffs2: Further such events for this erase block will not be printed
jffs2: Old JFFS2 bitmask found at 0x05efc7fc
jffs2: You cannot use older JFFS2 filesystems with newer kernels
jffs2: Cowardly refusing to erase blocks on filesystem with no valid JFFS2 nodes
jffs2: empty_blocks 379, bad_blocks 1, c->nr_blocks 760

Also the Status -> Router webpage will show that JFFS2 has no free space.

To fix this problem try the following at a command line prompt:

flash_erase -j /dev/mtd/4 0 0 && reboot

This command erases and marks bad any bad blocks encountered so that they can be "skipped"

and formats the partition to JFFS2 specifications.

I believe the firmware uses the mtd erase command which seems to fail at handling bad blocks.

The flash_erase command needs to be run only once.

- Magnetron1.1